Smoothies Diet: What is so special?

At all times, women are watching the beauty and figure. Diet - an indispensable component of the plight of the beautiful half of humanity. Kefir, presidential, buckwheat, Kremlin, protein, Hollywood and even the moon - in the world a wide variety of ways to lose weight. It would seem that could be easier? Choose your favorite diet, stick to diet - and the result will fail. But no, not so simple. It requires tremendous strength of will and a great desire to fulfill the dream of a beautiful figure. Try to sit for a few days in the buckwheat. Or completely abandon sweet. And it is better for a week eat apples, apples, apples again. But the woman is not only engaged in its beauty. She works and prepares to eat a home and children is time. Where then with some apple muster forces for all? Smoothie Diet - a diet that has helped many girls and women.

Smoothies Diet: What is so special?

What is special?

This diet is not quite in the full sense of the word. Smoothies - thick smoothie with milk, ice cream or yogurt, cooked in a blender. People pay attention to a healthy diet, have long known that the juice is not as much nutrients as they contain a fruit in the first place. Made this drink is made with fresh fruit, berries, vegetables and does not pass any treatment, so all the nutritional value is preserved. It is prepared from a variety of fruits and berries:.. Kiwi, apricots, plums, raspberries, strawberries, mango, oranges, etc., you can add milk, kefir, yogurt, mineral water. There are recipes for smoothies diet of vegetables. But remember, the more you want to lose kilos, the low-calorie ingredients must be of the dish.

Smoothies Diet: What is so special?

Pros smoothies for those who want to lose weight:

  1. You choose the weight loss period, from 3 days to 4 weeks. Weight loss per week is from 1 to 3 kg. It is not recommended to get involved in a smoothie over a month, be sure to consult a doctor.
  2. improves the functioning of the digestive system, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism. Smoothies fully nourishes the body, enriches it with minerals and vitamins, protects against disease, it does not create heaviness in the stomach.
  3. Smoothies diet contains dietary fiber keeps you feeling full for a long time. This is important, because it is a constant feeling of hunger - the cause of many failures diets.
  4. All the cooking process does not take more than a few minutes (sometimes even seconds), and is extremely easy. It is necessary to prepare the fruits or vegetables and mix them in a blender with yogurt or low-fat yogurt.
  5. This cocktail improves the condition of the skin, nail plate and tone the body.


If you decide to take advantage of smoothie recipes for weight loss, you need to know about some restrictions. Never add sugar or salt dish. During the diet drink coffee, black tea, alcohol, better drink more water. Not recommended power mode such people with liver disease, kidney, intestine, with eating disorders. For pregnant and lactating smoothies - additional source of vitamins, but not full-fledged replacement of receptions write.

Smoothies Diet: What is so special?


Such a drink - not only the answer to the question: "How to really lose weight?". It's really a good way to raise the tone of the whole organism, and finally start to eat right. In a healthy body healthy mind. Go for it! Give yourself a rainbow of fruits and high spirits!