Herbs for Weight Loss

Herbs for weight loss are the basis of herbal medicine and homeopathy: they are part of many medications, officially recognized medicine and fees for prescriptions of traditional healers. It is clear that to lose weight by drinking a couple of cups of aromatic infusions are likely to fail. Herbs for weight loss is really efficacious in conjunction with a balanced diet and physical activity. Moreover, they need to drink courses for some time, only then we can talk about a stable weight loss.

Herbs for Weight Loss

What herbs help weight loss

Herbs for weight loss help weight loss due to its healing properties, that is, they fight with the cause of the disease, but not with the result. Depending on dosage, method of use and collection composition, herbs can treat most of diseases but also be used for their prevention. According to the methods of influence on the body are divided into several groups.

hunger suppression

Often a person is faced with emotional hunger, that is physiologically the body does not need food, but morally it is pursued constantly thinking about food. The reason for this may be stress, unemployment, lack of demand. Herbs that are able to suppress the feeling of hunger, act in two ways: either increase several times, entering the stomach (absorbing moisture) or envelop the inner surface of the stomach a special film. These include angelica, marshmallow root, flaxseed, bladder wrack, spirulina.

Removing liquid

Eating salted and smoked food, non-natural seasonings, semi-soft drinks contributes to arrest fluid. It is often the cause of weight loss, edema, increase in volume, sagging. In such a case it is necessary to activate the process of removing fluid and impurities via diuretic and cholagogue: corn stigmas, tansy, dandelion, immortelle, burdock, horsetail, Knotweed, barberry and others.

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Herbs for Weight Loss

Often the causes of excess weight can be a malfunction of the digestive system, for example, poor assimilation of food. In such cases, take the parsley, dill, anise and fennel - herb for weight loss, which normalize the digestive tract. slagging the result can also be frequent constipation. To deal with them, you can use laxative herbs: chamomile, buckthorn, yarrow, caraway.


Slowed or impaired metabolism - one of the most common causes of excess weight. This is due to taking any medications (slimming often) experiments with diets, changes in hormonal background. Restore the metabolism is not easy, but possible. Along with the basic treatment, it is recommended to take broths, which include rosemary, elderberry, nettle, turmeric, ginger, elderberry.

Power Consumption

Energy consumption, burning calories - these are the basic rules of weight loss. Basically we expend calories in gyms, swimming pools, fitness. But, oddly enough, with the help of some natural spices is also possible. Using cooking rosemary, ginger and turmeric, it is possible to lose a little extra weight. But with these spices need to be careful: too much of their number may increase appetite.

Herbs for Weight Loss


Not only herbs for weight loss, but also berries, fruits and vegetables, which replenish the body with vitamins and amino acids, promotes weight loss. Fruit drinks and fruit drinks from the mountain ash, wild rose, currants, raspberries and cranberries perfect tone, speed up metabolism and vitaminize.

How to take herbs for weight loss

Recipes herbal varied. They are often aimed at solving several problems at once - it's not just weight loss, but the overall improvement of the body. Drink herbal teas need at least a month, first of all, get medical advice and reading the contraindications. Applies particularly attentive to the levies with a diuretic and a laxative effect.