"Nutrizon" for weight gain: reviews, instructions for use

If the task is - to gain weight, it is necessary not only to resort to a special diet, but also to use nutritious blend with a balanced composition. With the best hand proved itself "Nutrizon" for weight gain. Reviews of this mixture, the basic advice on its use can be found in this publication.


The composition of the nutrient mixture vysokobelkovoj "Nutrizone" contains nutrients such as potassium, fluorine, manganese, iron, zinc, iodine and chromium. It also enriched following vitamins: A, D3, K, E, B1, B2, B5, B12, pp energy value of 100 kcal per 100 ml. The mixture contains 4 g of proteins, fats - 3, 9 g of carbohydrate - 12, 3 g

As part of the no dietary fiber, so it is not prohibited to those who have problems with motility of the digestive system. In this clinical nutrition and no gluten, lactose and is registered in a minimum amount. For this reason, the mixture may be assigned to those who suffer from malabsorption of these substances. Purchase isocaloric meals can be in pharmacies. Bring a prescription the pharmacist is not necessary. "Nutrizon" can be used inside or used for enteral nutrition.

The main indications

The instructions to "Nutrizon" indicates that it is recommended to use at:

  • coma;
  • preparation for operations;
  • the postoperative period;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • severe condition caused by multiple injuries, burns;
  • anorexia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • mechanical obstructions in the intestines.

The protein beverage is used as a main power supply for patients with severe maxillofacial trauma or head injury, brain cancer, gastrointestinal disorders work. In other words, for those who do not themselves able to take food. There are also positive feedback on "Nutrizon" from patients diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia, and those who take the mixture in addition to the primary therapy.

The protein beverage

"Nutrizon" for weight gain, reviews of which in most cases positive, with the best hand proved to be at reduced weight, provoked by diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs. The protein product can be used as forced feeding for those who refuse meals.

The instructions to "Nutrizon" says that it is permissible for pregnant women in the event of shortage of protein. For them, the average dose is one to two glasses a day of protein mixtures. Before you start taking "Nutrizon" pregnant, you need to necessarily consult your doctor.


From the use of this protein mixture is important to give at:

  • hypersensitivity to one of the components;
  • galactosemia;
  • obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Children older age groups can use the mixture only after approval by the pediatrician. Mixture "Nutrizone" for weight gain is also administered in the absence of appetite, which may be triggered by neurological diseases, psychiatric disorders, liver disease, lung.

"Nutrizon" for weight gain: a method of using

Before you start using the protein mixture, it is important to verify the integrity of the packaging. If everything is in order, you can proceed to its preparation. This requires the doctor to measure designated amount of the mixture in dry form and dilute it with water. Mix the components until needed until the mixture will acquire a smooth consistency. When tube feeding lid from a bottle with a mixture need to unscrew the container and connected to the conductor.


"Nutrizon" for weight gain is assigned individually. On average, the daily dose for an adult is 600 g of means. Typically, the beverage preparation with the standard requirements required 21, 5 g of a dry product to be reconstituted in 90 ml water. If the task is to gain weight, the amount of the mixture is increased to 30, 7 g The package contains the measuring spoon, which facilitates the process of measuring portions. Permission to use the mixture in form of a drink or a powder mixed with dishes such as soups, cereals, cheese. "Nutrizon" in liquid form should be used after checking the tightness of the package. Before use, the contents of the bottle should be shaken and warmed to 38 ° C, no more. After the application of an open jar with a mixture need to close tightly.

The side effects of

is hardly mentioned in the review "Nutrizon" that this power causes any adverse reactions. A mixture of different excellent tolerability and can be over a long period is the sole source of nutrition. Allergic reactions can occur if there is one of idiosyncrasy agent components.


For those who suffer from leanness, pressing question of how to take 'Nutrizon "for weight gain. Eat this mixture is permitted only after consultation with the medical profession. The tool is designed exclusively for oral administration. Intravenous administration of the drug is strictly prohibited. One should also not confuse "Nutrizon" with any medicine, because it is fraught with curtailment of nutrient resources in the digestive organs.

"Nutrizon" for weight gain to man and woman are equally suitable. It is composed of toxins are not present, so it is safe to use. It shall be deemed a potent source of protein. In medical practice, there are cases when patients gained weight in just a few weeks.

The reasons for shortage of weight

Weight loss may be due to several reasons. The most frequent of these include:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • chronic sleep deprivation;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • mental health disorders.

It should also be borne in mind that underweight may be due to the fact that man by nature is lightweight. In this case, it is important to arrange proper nutrition for weight gain. Reviews "Nutrizon" indicate that the asthenic physique this mixture shows excellent results, provided its regular use. But as for the above reasons, it will be possible to overcome the thinness only when it detects the problem and eliminate it.

Conditions and terms of

The shelf life of nutritional therapy is two years from the date of its release. This information is always indicated on the package with the mixture. It is also necessary to ensure proper storage conditions. The protein product must be stored at a temperature of 5-25 ° C in a place protected from moisture.

If the mixture is in liquid form has been opened, shelf life in the refrigerator can not be more than a day. The dry mixture was stored after opening week.

How to eat to gain weight

A legitimate diet helps to gain weight at home. It is vital that the food was the maximum useful. Lean on high-calorie foods is impractical because it can cause an imbalance in the body. It is desirable that weight set menu was composed specialist. Scheme weight gain looks approximately as follows:

  1. For breakfast you should prefer protein foods and vegetables.
  2. A few hours after the first breakfast you can eat pancakes or protein shake with a high protein content.
  3. Lunch should consist of meat, slow carbs and vegetables.
  4. As for dinner, the perfect dish of fish will be performing, as well as dairy products.

If a person is engaged in sports, for weight gain menu can include protein bars, protein powders, Creatine, "Nutrizon". Dosage for weight gain in this case is also calculated individually.


Reviews "Nutrizon" for weight gain confirmed the high efficiency. Advantages of this mixture is that it does not contain harmful substances. As for the results, all of them are different and depend on the individual. The arrow on the scale crept up, you need to adhere to proper diet and be sure to consult with doctors on the admission of high-protein mixture.