What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

Many professional athletes often enough to utter a word like gainer. It is often used not only experienced bodybuilders. This sports nutrition and recommended for beginners. So what is the gainer?

What is meant by such sports nutrition?

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

In English, the term means "growth, increase." Under Gainer need to understand the special supplement, which refers to the sports nutrition category. Under sportpitom means a special kind of power necessary for those people who have seriously decided to start going to the gym. The main purpose of such products is to supply all the required nutrients, via which the building muscle tissue will occur with a sufficiently high speed.

Why do we need sportpit?

Apart from the fact that such a gainer, mention should be made of his appointment. It is necessary for those athletes who need as soon as possible to increase muscle mass. Therefore, as part of this type of sports nutrition are building materials such as proteins and carbohydrates. There are other additional additives. Directly to the protein needed for muscle formation. At the expense of carbohydrates the body gets all the energy required for training.

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

Talking about what a gainer, it should be noted that additional elements may be very different. This and numerous vitamins and creatine, and many other useful substances for the body. And gainer need to take athletes to adjust your diet.

The first sports products

The product has a long history. Once when it was created to use cheap protein, high in fat and sugar. Accordingly, the caloric content it was quite high. One serving contains a minimum of 3000 calories. Naturally, we are not talking about the benefits of this high power. Even now within Russia there are such additives. Therefore it is necessary to purchase sports nutrition only from reputable suppliers.

desired weight can be dialed using gainer

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

If you want to understand what gainer, you should know why it is needed. The first is a kind of nutritional supplement. It is necessary for those people who are ectomorph in its constitution. In other words, if the budding athlete can not gain muscle mass in a short period of time, it should pay attention to weight gainer. If a standard diet will add about 2-3 servings, then muscle mass begins to grow more quickly. However, it must be remembered that without the training to use such a product is not necessary, because the sense of it is not too much. Sometimes such a large number of portions may not be enough to increase muscle. In such a situation it is necessary to buy the supplement, due to which the need to strengthen the calorie daily diet.

If the body structure of the person is an endomorph, meaning it easily gains weight, he like sports nutrition is not recommended, because carbohydrates turn into fat tissue. For such people, the best option would be a mixture of protein and carbohydrates slow. From the use of this drink, as a weight gainer, the effect will be able to boxers, basketball players, football players and other athletes who are often subjected to aerobic exercise.

What effect can be obtained?

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

If you use sports nutrition directly before a workout, you can long period of time to be on our toes. After exercise power will be restored more quickly. Subject to proper diet and sports nutrition reception mode, you can safely hold the weight at the desired level. Those Creatine, which are produced at the present stage, might well be suitable from the point of reducing and energenikov.

What can combine sports mix?

What else can you light up, mention the gainer? What type of additives, for example, can be used in conjunction with it? Professionals advise to buy creatine. Proteins and carbohydrates will facilitate high speed assimilation of the product. It is also possible to mix these two sports supplements in one cocktail, and to use immediately after the closure of the training set. Furthermore, Gainer often use protein.

What sport is better to buy the product?

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

or protein weight gainer? It is necessary to understand the fundamental differences that exist between them. By proteinaceous is meant a protein mixture. The composition of such sports nutrition includes a minimum quantity of fat and carbohydrates. The basis of this nutrient - protein.

Creatine - are those mixtures in which are the basic elements, and carbohydrates, and proteins. It may also include a small amount of unsaturated fat. Carbohydrates in the mixture can be up to 80%, protein - 40%. In connection with this, the present sports food is highly caloric. One portion of the mixture reaches about one thousand. Kcal. Apart from the fact that it is better - a protein or gainer, it should be noted that in the second embodiment, a complex carbohydrate and protein make-up will be provided. The lack of muscle protein from amino acids will be replenished. But carbohydrates are, in turn, will add energy.

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

In order to make a choice between these two sports drinks, it is necessary to take into account your body type. As has been said, is more suitable ectomorph gainer and endomorphs - protein. Mesomorph - people with such a constitution, to strengthen which can be taken gainer and protein.

What are the recommendations to be considered?

How to buy the best gainer? In this case, it is necessary to look at the composition. It should also be noted that compare sports food servings count is not necessary, since their size can vary from 30 to 400 c. The comparison should take place by the percentage of substances. So, it is necessary to pay attention, opting for a particular sports nutrition.

  1. The protein content. Best weight gainer contains in its composition about 30-35% of the substance. For example, Gainer Mass contains about 34% protein. It can be considered the norm 20-25%. Do not take the mixture in which the protein content is less than 20%. However, it does not mean bad quality.
  2. O is a good gainer or not, says the sugar content. In ideal situations, it should not be at all. But there is one that contains up to 40% sugar.
  3. Typically, in a good sports nutrition have whey protein, or multicomponent. Soy supplement should be alerted.
  4. It is important to pay attention to the manufacturers. It is better to choose the product that has been tested and released popular companies.
  5. The main index can become a price. If it is more than a thousand rubles per 1 kilogram, it is best to refrain from buying. Good price ranges 700-900 rubles. In the case in sports nutrition little protein, its cost may reach only 500 rubles.

If you want to get a good gainer, it is best to calculate the percentage of basic substances. The number of servings of the main irrelevant. Especially popular today enjoys gainer "Mass", in which 34% protein and 45% carbohydrates. One percent is spent on sugar.

possible to come to any conclusions?

What is the gainer? Which is better: a protein or a weight gainer?

Slow set of weight may be associated not only with the lack of proteins. Can always be missed and carbohydrates. And it will be difficult to increase the amount of muscle in only if you will use any one kind of sports nutrition. It is best to combine them with each other. You can also choose the weight gainer, which has a high percentage of protein.

High-protein weight gainer is estimated at about one thousand rubles. Low-protein weight gainer can be purchased for 500 rubles. If you mix the Protein Gainer with a low amount of protein, the amount of it will be released around 800 rubles.