12 reasons to start strength training

The stereotype of "women should not wear gravity" for a long time it is time to forget: there is no better way to improve their own physical and mental performance, you start weight training. This does not lead you to what you look muscular like a man - a woman's body does not produce as much testosterone in principle, stimulating muscle growth. But if you're still skeptical about this type of training, there are several reasons that make you change your mind:

1. Burn more fat and calories

12 reasons to start strength training

weight lifting workout is to add to your workout routine if you want to burn fat more efficiently and be able to quickly get rid of calories than the classic cardio. And even after you have finished training on the rise - your body is in fat burning mode. This effect is called excess post-training use, and it does not occur if you do low-intensity cardio.

2. The risk of loss of muscle mass

After the onset of 30 years, your body slowly begins to lose muscle mass. And when it happens - the buttocks, abdomen, chin and hands begin to sag. If you do not start taking action even with the onset of the twentieth, you can easily find the excess baggage on his body, and the only way to prevent a similar situation - work with weight.

3. Reduced risk of injury

Strength training helps prevent the risk of injury as muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons are strengthened rapidly in similar occupations. In fact, the production of collagen - the primary fibers of the connective tissue, only accelerated when you start lifting weights. And due to the fact that the bones become less brittle and muscles are strengthened - the risk of injury is reduced.

4. Accelerates metabolism

12 reasons to start strength training

Your metabolism slows down with age, and you become more and more difficult to drop those extra kilos. There is a direct connection between your metabolism and muscle mass: in the muscles there mitochondria, which convert glucose into usable energy. Since the number of mitochondria in muscle mass loss is reduced, and hence the metabolism slows down. Since in muscle mass was increased during strength training, the number of mitochondria in the cells is not reduced, and metabolism is not slowed down.

5. The risk of diabetes

Diabetes - one of those diseases that greatly complicate the life of a person, regardless of his age. And the best thing you can do to combat this complex disease requiring a boring diet throughout life - strength training! A group of scientists conducted an experiment with a diet high in fructose. They found that those who engaged in weight training, have increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

6. improve heart function

Scientists from the Canadian Medical Center have shown that when the power of the muscles, patients and improve the functioning of your heart. Including people with coronary artery disease stabilize heart rhythm, cardiac muscle strength and overall endurance.

7. Adjusted bearing

12 reasons to start strength training

Curve posture - what most of us are guilty. Fortunately, you can improve your position by working with the right weight and following instructions of the coach. This will help you increase bone and muscle strength, and thus get rid of the stoop and distortions.

8. Increasing energy

After proceeding to strength training, you'll find a huge difference in your energy levels throughout the day. It comes from the fact that every muscle wakes up and begins the effective work to recycle food into energy. This helps not only lose fat, but to reduce inflammation in the body and, therefore, leads to the fact that you start to feel light and mobile.

9. Helps to get beautiful figure

The best part of strength training - the ability to make their bends quite rounded. Use dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands or your own weight for the class, and with their help, you can quickly build proper muscle mass and highlight the shape of its body.

10. The improved flexibility of

12 reasons to start strength training

The tensile and compressive movements not only help to build strong muscles, but also improves the overall flexibility of the body. Try different workouts for different parts of the body, alternating with stretching exercises to maximize the benefits of training.

11. relieves stress

Strength training has a positive impact on mental health. When you lift weights at least twice a week, all your attention is focused on how to do it right, without injuring yourself. If your brain is not thinking about the problems at work or at home, he is less anxious, and therefore there is relief from stress. Moreover, seeing positive changes in your body, you learn to worry less and be able to focus on the positive changes in their lives.

12. Improves sleep

After spend as much time to maintain the tone of the body, will be harder to sleep and forget about the problem of insomnia. If lately you are long you can not fall asleep and get up for dinner, just try weight training and pay attention to changes in their condition.