How to talk to children about sexuality

Officials in Russia still argue that talking about sex corrupts children leads to early pregnancy and STDs. Sociologists with this opinion is absolutely not agree, and the United Nations in cooperation with UNESCO produced specific guidance on sexuality education for adolescents. In practice, the conversation with your own child may be much more complicated than the instructions advice. Use a few simple techniques in order to facilitate a conversation about sexuality, to prepare children for the future maturing and protect them from violence.

to establish the connection with the child

How to talk to children about sexuality

My mother did not discuss sex with me, as a result I did not know that at the time of puberty. When the first period came - I thought I was dying. Then the mother went away from questions about the isolation and pain, considering them to be shameful and uncomfortable. It is painful - so painful to all, be patient.

The state and the educational system has long been estranged from being really protect children from danger. Now, only the parents play an important role in raising their children information that can save their lives. It is important to create a home environment that will show the children that they can talk to you about any possible problem. Talking about sex may not always be an ordinary conversation at the table, but a discussion of some of the questions should be relevant at any time.

Give the child to understand that the world is a lot of misinformation, and are not always written in the Internet, or tell the teacher at the school - the absolute truth. Stay calm and impartial in discussions, even if you seem awkward some questions. According to publications on PubMed - the largest portal of medical research, children who have had at least a single positive experience of discussing the topic of sex with their parents are less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior and problems associated with it. In simple terms, children are beginning to later sex life, do it by choice, taking care of its own security and have fewer sexual partners.

starts earlier than it will make the school

How to talk to children about sexuality

The discussions at an early age will help children feel more confident by the time they go to the first class. Be the first and primary source of information about sexuality and related issues.

Activists for the development of sex education are regularly produce videos for children of different ages to explain the basic principles:

Are guided by the experience of other mothers, studying thematic forums. Do not try to impose a dialogue baby, usually at the age of three or four years, he begins to wonder where it came from. you can tell a little child, he was in my mother's belly - usually the explanation is sufficient for this age. A year later, you can tell where it came from in the stomach: Parents strongly love each other. Focuses on the love and romantic feelings. At the age of five or six years you can talk about the anatomy, as well as about what physical contact with strangers is allowed.

Avoid euphemisms and call a spade a spade. The girls have a vagina or the vagina, boys - penis or the penis. If too shy, the child may get the feeling that this topic is taboo, and in consequence it will not continue the dialogue. Do not forget to discuss the topic of education with the child's father - his idea of ​​what a child needs to know can be different, and it is essential that your "stories" match and did not cause the child's confusion.

Fight your fears

How to talk to children about sexuality

The main reason that young parents are afraid to discuss sex with their children lies in their own family environment in childhood. People unwittingly carry baggage from our childhood, and this must be addressed.

My mother thought that if she would tell me about sex, I immediately begin to deal with them.

The desire to help their children must overcome all fears, so do not try to shove your head in the sand.

I think we as parents are responsible for training their children to normal, relaxed attitude to sex. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I as a mother I can not imagine that tomorrow my son became a father. I'm 36, I'm not ready for this. But how can we prevent this from happening, do not talk to children about sex?

- supermodel Natalia Vodianova

If you feel that tightness prevents say to start a conversation - Practice in front of a mirror and try to sketch out a plan on paper. If you can not cope with the situation because experienced in childhood - you can seek help from a therapist or other free therapies.

for the boundary should be

How to talk to children about sexuality

The refusal to discuss any topic or suggestion to talk about it a few years later - leads to a decrease in trust in the relationship with the child. According to the National Center on Sexual Violence, one in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. If you do not provide the necessary information - you risk to put them at risk. Try not to start a dialogue first and only answer questions and comment on complex situations, such as when the child heard an unfamiliar word, I found a condom or seen an indecent scene in the movie. Do not forget to specify what the child has in mind, and that led him to this question.

Do not go into the details: if the child is not sufficiently short answer, he will give it to understand. When there will be the next question - and then to continue the dialogue. Try not to focus on the negative, even if you manages the alarm, otherwise the child's sex will always be associated with stress and problems.

is regularly engaged in their education

Fear and lack of information - the main reasons for prejudice and discrimination. Before speaking with children on serious topics, make sure that you use the appropriate words and understand the issues. Take into account the age of the child, as the conversation should definitely be different depending on how old he is. Harness the selection of books for modern girls - it will allow you to understand the subject device of our bodies and mind.

How are you going to tell your child about how he was born?