Not debt, but the choice: 5 reasons not to have children

Have children or not - is a difficult decision. Unfortunately, in our society it is often taken under pressure from others, the influence of stereotypes or simply by inertia. Heroine supports motherhood and devotes a lot of articles in this topic. But we have for the birth of children to be free choice, not duty. Here are a few reasons why to become a mother is not necessary.

1. The planet does not need another child

Not debt, but the choice: 5 reasons not to have children

Look at the counter of the world's population. When I began writing this sentence, on Earth, there were 7,690,999,676 people. While I finish this sentence, it has increased by 180 people.

To the world's population reached 1 billion, people took more than 200 years. Over the next 200 years, it has increased to 7 billion. Now every year in the world there is more than 90 million people.

While the number of people on the planet is growing at a frantic pace, its natural resources are being depleted. The land is not able to feed so many beings, and each new child monstrously increases our carbon footprint.

Someone such reasoning may seem too global, but look around - the problem of garbage accumulation, lack of clean water, air pollution - no longer scares scientists, but a reality that is hard to ignore. Reproduction has long ceased to be a necessity, and now humanity will die from overpopulation rather than from the fact that people will start to deliberate approach to the birth of children.

2. Your career could suffer

Not debt, but the choice: 5 reasons not to have children

In our country, since 2007, to take a vacation is not only the mother for child care, but also a father. Despite the fact that this practice for more than 10 years, for Russia it is still more exotic than the norm. When a couple of years ago, TV host Andrei Malakhov announced that he was taking leave to care for a child, it was discussed in the press as a very unusual thing to do. According to research portal Superjob, as of 2017 39% of Russian men, married and planning to children, say they are not against to take a leave for child care for a wife. However, in practice, does that only 2% of men. On it there are objective reasons for this: in the decree, as a rule, is the spouse who earns less. Given that the average salary of women in Russia is only 70% of men's wages (at the request of the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets), the choice is obvious.

Drop out of professional life on 1, 5-3, in their most productive years - is psychologically difficult test. Before leaving on maternity leave, you can not predict how the rest of your career, how long it takes the child. Of course, motherhood is not necessarily puts an end to your work, many can grow successfully and after the birth. But if you do not want to risk self-realization - it is quite a good reason not to rush with the children.

3. To educate a man - it's expensive

In addition to the physical and emotional, a child requires a lot of economic resources. Given the low level of wages in the country, you should be prepared that the next 18 years, a large part of their earnings will have to spend only on what to survive. If you consciously go to this step, it is necessary to come up with more serious arguments than "watch something ticking" and "all give birth, and we must."

4. The child does not make you a full-fledged woman

Not debt, but the choice: 5 reasons not to have children

Unfortunately, in our society, childbearing is still regarded as almost the sole purpose of women. But you do not have to expose themselves to risk, to go through the physical and mental difficulties and radically change their lives, to prove to the world that you're full. Furthermore, as practice shows, the world is never happy: after the birth of their first child the following questions: "When is the next", and every passerby trying to assess to what kind of mother you are.

5. And he will not guarantee against loneliness

Children should not become an attempt to diversify the marriage, to avoid a lonely old age or to find some meaning in life. Any of these reasons is too unreliable: a child violates the sexual life and alienates partners; it will not necessarily be next after the rise, and certainly should not be the only reason for your existence.

All of these reasons - is not a reason to abandon the child, rather an incentive to ensure that the conscious approach to their choice and do not blame yourself for what you do not want to have children.

How do you feel about those who deliberately refuses to parenthood?