They do not understand the young feminists

Since modern feminism is surrounded by misunderstanding, and sometimes even more aggressive kind of ridicule, sheyminga and harassment on the part of society, we once again would like to raise this issue and to dot the i. Feminism, as it were, a negative attitude to it either in a modern society, is still not quenched, but false ideas and ideologies become more and more. We understand with what does not understand the younger generation of feminists of the feminism, motherhood and life in general.

1. Career longer be the same after childbirth

They do not understand the young feminists

The equal family relations man should bear the same responsibility for the child, as a woman, respectively, to the same extent with her sacrifice their career prospects to such an important matter as motherhood, does not become a punishment for the woman. But even if your partner fully supports feminism and ready to assist you in full force, it is necessary to understand that after the birth of a child, and especially after the birth of the second, you will not be able to work as hard as before, and with the same speed to develop at work. Otherwise, your family will suffer, the children will miss his mother, and her husband - wife.

When the decision to have a large family you have to accept the fact that his career will develop more slowly and are likely to become a stable job, but that does not detract from the feminist value that you put into the life and achievements.

2. Laugh at those who knew nothing about feminism, does not help

Sheymingu expose women who do not understand what feminism is, or do not choose it as a necessary path for himself, absolutely not serious, because in this way you will not achieve anything, and just show your immaturity. But the more frequent cases sheyminga just feminists themselves. Above them, not just laugh, and very often openly humiliate them on the Internet and on the street. Even in the circle of friends you can meet a joke, it is not funny to those who support equality.

So apply reciprocal aggression or ridicule those or other views - a road to nowhere. It is not necessary to prove to others their point of view, especially if the audience is not ready to accept you seriously. It is better to get away from this kind of talk. A public sheyming only proves that the movement exists and that it begins to change the lives of people, which naturally causes a lot of resentment.

3. In the world of many feminists, who do not consider themselves feminists

Young feminists certainly have to meet a lot of women who do meet all feminist ideals embody strength, intelligence and personality, and can be, in fact, make this world a better place for women, but did not call themselves feminists. Considering how much content to girls only as "feminist" as a trendy brand, to be a feminist who does not identify himself with the feminists - that's fine. In the end, how you would not have called, the value has only your actions. In the world there will always be someone who will judge and label, and for the views, but one should always remember that it is important for you, and to act on their beliefs.

4. The woman choose a family can be a feminist

They do not understand the young feminists

to give up work for the education of children and the maintenance of the family or to continue to seek a balance between work and home - it is a personal choice of each woman, which should not affect even the desire to partner. Judge other women, because they live at the expense of her husband and, therefore, are not feminists, totally unfair, because thereby woman alone negate the role of the mother and the responsibility that the woman has their own choice. But also can meet the disapproving cries of the women who did not quit their jobs and do not always have time to maintain a perfect balance in his life.

For feminists it is important that women had the opportunity to make informed choices, and then to live normally in accordance with it. At work, should be the appropriate rights, to enable women to contribute to the development of the business, without sacrificing the well-being of the family. And for the non-working women must be able to rely on the government, because life is not always the man provides a family.

5. Not all formed the same

Proud title of feminists - that's great, but it is much more important to contribute to the development of this movement. Young feminists may seem that the fight for equality - a kind of mainstream, which means that all those who do not understand what it was about, deserve to look down on them.

But in fact it is necessary to talk about feminism more, thereby enlightening those for whom this knowledge is not reached or reached, but not in that form. If you - an active and well-educated feminist, it is in your power to help other women to understand this phenomenon, not to ignore their importance because they are not as smart as you.

6. The men, too, are faced with injustice,

After feminism gained momentum, an increasing number of men began to feel as if feminism - it is not a struggle for equality, and the desire to take away from all men, than before they were delivered to women suffering. Anger on the women who are aware of their rights and call themselves feminists, was another challenge for the women.

But despite the fact that feminists have a hard time, men are also found in the life of a number of issues relating to equality. Thanks to feminism of these problems began to speak and to look for ways to solve them. Violence against men, transgender issues, unfair child support - all these are important issues that men have to worry about as well as women, so it makes no sense to turn men into enemies of feminism. In addition, there are men who are proud to call themselves feminists in the world and together with women eager to solve socially important problems.