Problems, which they say is too small

Each of us cope with problems in their own way. Someone decides everything independently, and someone needs to talk to a therapist or just with friends. But there are problems that people today still do not speak because of lack of understanding of the nature of the problem, or because they are afraid that their voice is not heard, and sometimes because of the habit to keep quiet, because our forefathers such things not engaged. But all of us are looking at the West and sigh with regret, knowing that people live differently, to think freely and hear them more often. We decided to find out about some important things you need to start talking to modern people, to change something in our society.

1. Problems in the family of

Problems, which they say is too small

each family equally happy and unhappy in its own way - the important idea that we have learned from classical literature may not be thinking that life in this phrase more than a beautiful style. Trouble varying severity have everyone, but the tradition and culture of their discussion is not at all. However, the difficulties associated with raising children, marriage, everyday life, finances and, of course, common tragedies, should be a topic for discussion in the family circle. According to statistics given by sociologists "Levada Center", then there are a number of problems which side of the family to discuss. These include problems of a sexual nature and death. Despite the fact that 47% of families have admitted that their house is not taboo any problems, lack of desire to talk, to listen and to change something in today's reality is very important.

The cornerstone of family life is the ability to make their family strong. If you omit the romantic component of any relationship, you need to discuss issues of concern to members of the family - this is what helps people to find a solution to any problem. In some cases, it is due to lack of experience, awareness and literate notions about what a family is, there is the problem of violence, cheating, family tragedies and, of course, divorce. You need to talk and listen, but also need to learn to understand their loved ones, because a happy family life - it is not the absence of problems, and the ability to solve them.

2. Harassment at work

Discrimination, sexism, harassment, bullying, passive-aggressive behavior or elementary negligence - is another important problem that even if they say, but still not enough. This problem is swinging not only women but also men. The realities of our lives make us think only about money, which leads to a fear of losing their jobs. Modern people are deprived of mobility, commitment and adequate attitude not only to others but to ourselves. Of course, wine is not only to the workers themselves, who can not bear to discuss the problem and to defend their rights. Not always in the modern world turns to achieve self-respect on behalf of the authorities and, of course, the state.

Before feminists began to discuss the problem of violence on the Internet, sexism victims, harassment and other harassment appeal was not much.

Of course, the opportunity to discuss your problem and see how it indifferent surrounding - already something of a problem but it does not change. We need to talk not only about the fact of injustice in the working environment, but also about why so hard to protect their rights. The more workers are silent under the weight of circumstances, the later the time will come when everyone will be able to breathe freely.

3. Psychological health

As mentioned above, according to the polls, "Levada-Center", the death of the Russian people talk infrequently, especially suicide. In Internet performed control program sources allegedly suicidal mood, but the problem is not that end up with people who have too much time on the depressed sites, and those whose psychological problems can not be solved merely the absence of harmful effects of the internet . Psychological health of Russian citizens are paying very little time. If you look to the west, you can see how often there are glimpses of words like "depression" and "anxiety". The problem is not the lack of skilled care or the right preparations, and in relation to itself. health issues are not discussed, culture awareness is not developed. We do not say that to run to the therapist is necessary because of a bad mood flash, but the ability to pay attention to their condition and time to seek help can help people prevent many problems: both in the family and at work, as well as making himself. Given that depression - is not mainstream, but the real problems faced by women, men and even teenagers, silent and afraid to pick one or another discussion with your loved ones or in a global sense - not very rational.

4. Equality

Problems, which they say is too small

Whatever discord did not cause the word "feminism" and "equality" in modern Russian society, with them, things are very bad, can only look to the West and, at best, be inspired by how foreign women aware of the need to defend their interests.

Needless to equality as such - the theme is not new, but that's how it is necessary to modern women and men, yet say little. We discuss the fact of feminism, rather than its positive and negative sides. Activists fighting for women's rights, faced with aggression and humiliation of those sickened equality theme. It is because of that understand the need to have equal rights and, moreover, to fight for them, modern women are not in a hurry, and the state does not seek to support, inspire and explain equality will have to wait a very long time.

5. Sex education

Modern people seem to know everything about sex, but still do not understand many things. As a general rule, sex - it's a very intimate question that many people are not used to discuss with anyone, and sometimes even with your partner. This does not negate the fact that there are people who can be considered sexually educated. That they notice how little attention is paid to sexual education of adolescents and adults. From the education of children and instilling them adequate perception of gender and anatomical terms - no "wee-wee" and "ka-ka" - and ending with the quality of pornography, which is published on the network. Sex education is multifaceted and is not limited to sex as such - there is also a cultural and psychological aspects. The fact that many people still live in the power of the taboo and the remnants of the past and religious pressure, surprising and disconcerting. It is difficult to talk about sex, because we have a child vaccinated, it's bad, embarrassing, scary and even painful, but talking about it is necessary that our society has become healthier, happier and more adequate in the future.