Shock therapy: the possible law banning abortion threatens modern women

Shock therapy: the possible law banning abortion threatens modern women

The latest news related to the issue of the prohibition of abortion, of course, struck by the public. Russian news portals are already beginning to publish articles on the consequences of a possible law. Even September 29 portal lit up the news of the cancellation of baby boxes rather sarcastic signature, talking about rolling the our country in the Middle Ages. The theme of the morality of abortion has long been discussed in various parts of the world, and the problem becomes less relevant, since it includes not only health and safety issues, but also the natural rights of women. We decided to go deeper into the matter and find out what is likely to endanger the possible abolition of the law on abortion native women and women all over the world.

Increasing fertility

According to Griffon, currently in Russia, abortion is permitted Russian legislation for up to 12 weeks for all women from 12 to 22 weeks for those whose abortion due to social factors (rape, lack of ability to financially support the child), and also at any stage of pregnancy, if the fetus threatens the mother's health. Appropriate procedures shall be paid from the state budget, and the sheer number of abortions decreased from the year 2005, the statistics show that a reduced magazine.

If we consider the abolition of abortion as a way to resolve the demographic problems in the country, it is worth noting that the prohibition of abortion does not increase the birth rate, but increases the rate of maternal mortality. As Life magazine said, in countries such as Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, the Vatican, Malta and the Philippines, where abortion is prohibited by law, the number of women decides to illegal procedure is about 120,000, and more than 33 thousand women transferred to the local hospital with complications and problems associated with improperly held operation. To everyone's surprise, the age of women seeking help, is on average 10 to 18 years.

This suggests that even the threat of jail time, not to mention the health and moral principles, does not stop women from abortion.

Russian realities prove that the prohibitions in addition to public outrage, causing the resistance, and then, of course, there are ways to get around the law. in public places by 2013. The law on the abolition of smoking did not reduce the number of smokers, and most likely, the birth rate of the prohibition of abortion does not increase. But beyond the issues of demography such laws are designed to strengthen the concept of family, identity, human rights and raise moral values. From this perspective, there is nothing negative in the fact that abortions in Russia could become illegal. But why the public so concerned about this issue?

Human Rights

Shock therapy: the possible law banning abortion threatens modern women

this summer, Ann Furedi, an expert from the British abortion clinics, raised the discussion about abortion - it is a natural right of a woman. He must be one of the points compulsory medical service without any moral condemnation from the government, the public and, in the case of our country, the church. How does the possible prohibition on abortion may limit a woman in her right?

To answer this question it is necessary to recall the reasons why women are, in principle, agree to such an operation.

First, the fruit can really threaten the mother's life or be unsustainable in the process of pregnancy.

Secondly, social factors such as rape, causing psychological trauma to women's consciousness and also threaten the health, as well as the first time. The reluctance of victims to have children can be explained not only in terms of psychology, but morality. Third, pregnancy often becomes undesirable because of the inability to financially support children. Based on this, a pregnant woman can not decide for themselves what should happen to her body and life in general, if from the point of view of the law of her right to the free choice are not protected and are not considered.

Shock therapy: the possible law banning abortion threatens modern women

In recent State of the Patriarch has been said about the prohibition of contraception with an abortive effect, as well as assisted reproductive technologies. Is it possible to say that immoral from the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church is not only abortion, but also conception unnatural way?

Despite the fact that the law has not been adopted and is currently being discussed only exclude abortion from the list of CHI, women in Russia, there is nothing to worry about. Once this law comes into effect, the abortion can afford only wealthy people, which refutes the idea of ​​compulsory medical insurance of human rights, not to mention the rights to freedom of choice.

The impression is that the fruit, which in the opinion of the Patriarch should now be treated as a person and protected by law, has more rights than his social functioning mother. Why, then, the men who took part in the conception, does not call for any liability before the law? Why morality preached by the Church, and now the state does not protect women, and exposes them to public censure, as if the question of the abolition of abortion has risen so sharply, it may be, the right to the anonymity of the procedure will also be canceled? On the Law about the abolition of baby boxes - special items, where mothers can leave the child completely anonymous, deputy Irina Chirkov expressed negatively, saying that this issue must be addressed more sensitively. Indeed, the sensitivity in this situation is not enough. After prohibit anything "harmful" is easier than to solve the problems, leading to extreme measures which every woman is difficult, no matter how the situation regarding this issue is not reigned in society.

And what about the kids?

For, in 2006, according to the magazine, the Griffon highlighted results of a study on the impact of the ban on abortion in the lives of people in Columbia. The study was based on the prohibition of abortion in Romania, which reported figures that the birth rate actually increased, but only in families with a satisfactory income. The children of those whose financial situation was serious, have received poor education, and many did not receive subsequent employment.

To a question about the future of children also includes a law abolishing the baby-boxes, which promotes Senator Elena Mizulina. As discussed in the news, such a law is much more likely fraught with increase in mortality, than the increase in the birth rate and well-being of families. If before the women could leave their children in a safe place where they care more about the doctors, and then managed to find a new family for children, or even yet to return to the old, what is in store for the children now?

Shock therapy: the possible law banning abortion threatens modern women

Maybe this state of affairs and will lead to a change in the intentions of mothers to give up the child, but the figures in the lives of the child and the family as a whole are unlikely to be better. But the country's population will increase, and this, of course, is good, especially considering the situation in which are now in school, suffering due to the lack of places for sick children, the lack of qualified teachers, increasing the danger to children, students in the second shift, and graduating classes late in the evening, again, due to lack of space in the local schools and the lack of new educational institutions. One can only hope that this news will shock therapy information to the public and only make women think about their rights, but not in reality their limit.