How easy to sit on the forward split?

Why sit on the splits?

Good stretching - the key to good health and invulnerability before dangerous sprains or ligament ruptures. That is why many people want to learn how to sit on the forward split. Of course, the sooner you stop to think about it, the better. Because quickly the splits can only be young. The older man, the more he becomes fixed, bundles "kosteneyut" and stretch the muscles is more difficult. But as practice shows, all real! Even at seventy years, people sit on the longitudinal cords and feel great! The main thing here is not the age, but the desire and regular exercise, about which I'll tell you.

How easy to sit on the forward split?

How to catch a forward split?

You can not just go and sit on the string, as we would not want that! Our bodies are not adapted to such a wide spread legs, it is enough distance that we separate the legs when walking. Therefore, to learn how to sit on the forward split, you need to constantly train. Start training a must with a good workout. To better understand the need for pre-heating of muscles, imagine toffee. The cold toffee bent at sharp breaks in half, and Soft begins to stretch. The same happens with the muscles. Therefore, to the first training session is not over the trauma, for fifteen minutes, you need to properly warm up. To do this, jump a little rope, kicked about it swings, spin bike, or Run a little on the treadmill. After the warm-up time to move on to the actual exercise. On each of these should allocate at least 5 minutes.

How easy to sit on the forward split?

to twine Exercises

  1. Sit on the floor, the legs are brought together and pull forward. Slow movements drag chest to knees and hands to mysochkah. It is worth to make rocking movements, and then to half a minute to stay in a prone position on his feet. The muscles should be felt little pain. It's okay, it's a natural reaction. But do not go up to fanaticism and drag through extreme pain, so you can tear ligaments or muscles.
  2. Lie on your back with your legs extended. Now lift one leg up, grabbed her hand and pulls her knee to the forehead. Hold it in the stretched position for about half a minute, and then made ten accounts swaying motion foot and again secure the extended position for thirty seconds. Perform this exercise should be at least five minutes on each leg. How easy to sit on the forward split?
  3. One leg pull back, the other put in front of him so that the toe looked right. Lean hands on the knee front foot and slowly pull back foot even further, dropping as low as possible to the floor. At the lowest point of the pause for ten accounts, and slowly go up. Do the same with the other leg, giving each at least 5 minutes.
  4. The easiest exercise in forward split - trying to sit on it. To do this, you pull one leg forward, pull back the second. Keep the back foot to knee looked precisely at the floor, and the front toe was pointing straight. Hands rest against both sides and begin to slowly sink to the floor as soon as you feel too much tension in the ligaments and pain rises. This exercise should take at least 10 minutes for each leg.