How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

Discouragement, spleen, spleen ...

Although public understanding of depression has improved somewhat in recent years, people still often misunderstood or ignored depression and its symptoms. Worse, too many people hide the fact that they have depression, while others and does not believe in such a state. This only adds to such a state. Therefore it is very important to know the signs of depression and to provide timely assistance to a person.

1. Behavior deceptively

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

People can not look "depressed."

Because of the media and cultural stereotypes, most people have developed resistance associations on how to behave and look like a man who has depression. All represent a man who rarely leaves his room, badly dressed, not watching him and constantly looks pathetic.

The truth is that not all people with depression have the same behavior. All people, of course, differ from each other, and the symptoms and the ability to cope with depression also vary. Many may outwardly seem quite cheerful and carefree, but they do not suffer at the same time less than those who have "all the symptoms present."

2. Chronic fatigue

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

Nervous exhaustion.

The predominant side effect of depression is a constant exhaustion. This does not happen at all, but such symptom is extremely common. For those who experience this symptom during the depression, it is often one of the most difficult side effects.

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

... Arise, and go!

Also, if someone is living with undiagnosed depressive disorder, the cause of his exhaustion can be confusing. He can sleep for hours every night and still be scared not sleep. Worse, he can blame himself, believing that it is laziness or some other personal reason, which causes low energy levels.

3. Irritability

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

An unusually high level of irritability.

The behavior of the depressed person can be interpreted as the melancholy, even if it's not what he really feels. Irritability - often ignored symptom of depression, which is also very common. It is to be understood as depression - is a health problem that can not "see" or measure accurately, making it difficult to fight with her.

Permanent work required to maintain all the necessary aspects of life, together with depression deplete the human and leaving little room for patience and understanding. In fact, if someone familiar man discovers that he is constantly depressed and share it with their friends, it may at first confuse them, if the previous behavior of this person is not in line with the widespread misconception about the shy, silent depressed person.

4. Difficulties with communication

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

The difficulties with mutual affection and concern.

The main misconception about depression, about whom it was said in the paragraphs above, is that it is a "feeling" sad. On the contrary, depression generally do not feel anything, or only partially and briefly appear emotions. It depends on the individual, but some people with depression feel almost "numb" and the most common feeling that they experience - a kind of sadness and / or irritation.

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

Exit from depression easier than you thought!

Because of this, it will be difficult for them to respond appropriately to gestures or words of affection. Moreover, the reaction may be irritated because of the human brain may be too difficult to handle and respond to gestures of love and affection.

5. Refusal to favorite activities

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

Giving up favorite things - a sign of depression.

Uncharacteristic lack of interest in favorite activities for a long period of time may be a sign of depression. As mentioned above, depression leads to physical and mental exhaustion that makes fun of the favorite activities difficult.

Previously favorite activities may even lose its appeal as a whole, because depression is also usually difficult to pleasure or satisfaction of all. If there is no other way to explain the declining interest, it can be a symptom of clinical depression.

6. Appetite

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

Abnormal eating habits.

Abnormal eating habits are mainly developed in two ways: either as a form of coping, or as a side effect in the absence of self-help. Eating too little or too much food - it is a common symptom of depression.

Overeating is often more likely to occur due to the fact that food can be one of the few sources of pleasure that a depressed person is able to give yourself. And when a person eats too little, it often is because depression affects his appetite and makes food unappealing. It can also be a subconscious phenomenon.

7. More attention to

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

depressed person needs more attention.

Depressed person can not function as a mentally healthy person. In any case, there are such things that he can not do at all. If shame him for that, it will only worsen the situation. Therefore you should always be sensitive to such issues, because the person is not "Nets", and experiencing real health problems.

8. "Good days"

How do you know that the person must be saved from depression

The bad days, and the days of "better". I'll go in myself, I myself ...

Depression can have its ups and downs. If someone has hidden or undiagnosed depression, it can seem that occur occasional mood swings. If you know that a person has depression, it can be fooled into thinking that she had passed, when it comes the period of "remission" or "good days." If we assume that the person is fully recovered and too fast "push" on it, it will make him withdraw into himself again.


How do you know that the person must be saved from depression