Signs of improper diet

• Signs of improper diet

Signs of improper diet

If at least two are present in your weight loss, then immediately throw this diet!

1. Fatigue, lack of energy

Causes: dehydration, a lack of iron in the body, and carbohydrates. Even sitting on a diet with a severe restriction, we should not forget that carbohydrates - the main source of energy, and their deficiency can lead to intellectual and physical exhaustion.

2. Depression, bad moods

Causes: mood decline (especially no reason) indicates a lack of folic acid in the diet, group B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids.

3. The symptoms of PMS in

The reasons: If the period leading monthly passes with a regular change of mood, unpleasant sensations bloating, headaches and other symptoms of PMS, possibly in your diet excess sugars and insufficient number of female microelements - magnesium and calcium.

4. Constant hunger

The reasons: the lack of a diet; strict diet restriction proteins or carbohydrates; an overabundance of calories; fiber deficit.

5. Overeating, craving for certain foods

Causes: severe limits on certain foods, fasting, or, conversely, a surplus of fat and sweet in diet, as well as - alcohol and caffeine.

6. Irritability, anxiety,

Causes: fasting, skipping meals, the uncontrolled use of caffeine. Remember that the usual cup of tea contains 38-77 mg of caffeine, and coffee - 60-180 mg. Try to limit the use of up to 200 mg of caffeine per day.