Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

• The impact of the fall weather on the human psyche and how to deal with

Short days, permanent darkness and cold of serious harm to health most people. The traditional autumn blues may well interceded much more serious winter depression - to get out of such a state would be long, and not a fact that will make it to spring. Look what kind of danger is hiding behind a veil of snow the winter and how to behave to keep their mind intact.

Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

Bipolar Affective Disorder

Unfortunately, psychologists every year fixed more and more people with BAR. This condition is very similar to clinical depression, but much more dangerous. In the cold phase of the disorder the patient changed more often than usual, from excessive activity and good mood unhappy almost immediately jumps to deep stress and dissatisfaction with life.

Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

Anxiety Disorder

Winter is particularly troublesome neurotics who in warmer time of the year often experience irrational anxiety. With cold weather comes a greater degree of irritability, apathy covers the head, and insomnia can only aggravate this unpleasant condition.

Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

Holiday Punch

The symptoms of mental illness are becoming more and more difficult for the holidays. This is especially important for Russia: New Year's long weekend for 34% of the inhabitants of our country become not rest, and in real torture. Cash expenses surrounding the vanity, the need to have time to close all workflows to the end of the year - in such conditions and a healthy person will fall into a depression.

Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

Post-traumatic syndrome

No, it happens not only in action movies. PTSD often occurs in victims of motor vehicle accidents, and most of all automobile accidents is necessary just for the cold season. The recollection of the trauma can ruin the most cheerful and New Year ...

Influence of autumn weather on the human psyche and how to fight it

What to do

Ideally - to take a long vacation and just leave the cold weather far away. Thailand, Turkey and Israel - does not matter, as long as the sun shone. Unfortunately, not all people have such an opportunity. Psychologists recommend other methods of protection of the psyche in the colder periods of the year: try to turn your home into the most convenient, comfortable and safe place. In addition, a lack of vitamin D (it also has a negative impact on mental health) can make up for a course of vitamins and solarium. Well help exercise: gym three times a week treats depression is much more effective tablets.