6 signs that you do not fatigue, and problems with the adrenal glands

If lately you always feel sluggish, it is, of course, it may be due to the fact that you are very tired and have not rested. But in some cases, a sense of the incredible fatigue indicates a health problem - for example, the so-called "adrenal fatigue."

This term is not an official medical diagnosis, but is used to describe a group of related symptoms that occur when the adrenal glands are functioning correctly. Compare your symptoms with our list to see if you need to refer to an endocrinologist to check the state of the adrenal glands.

1. Appetite changed

6 signs that you do not fatigue, and problems with the adrenal glands

If you now you are struggling with stress, loss of appetite and weight as a whole - is quite commonplace. But if you notice that your desire for food has changed, and weight changes too drastically - this could indicate a problem with the adrenal glands.

A striking symptom may be a clear desire for a strong sweet or highly salted food. On the one hand, a low level of sugar in the blood leads to the reduction of energy, and it is capable of causing thirst for sweets. On the other - love much salty foods due to the reduction in renal mineralocorticoid - hormones that affect carbohydrate metabolism.

2. Pressure below normal

6 signs that you do not fatigue, and problems with the adrenal glands

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, may also be due to adrenal fatigue. This leads to the fact that you often feel weakness throughout the body, dizziness, or even fall into the frills. If you have not previously experienced cardiovascular disease and low blood pressure usually do not tend to - it makes sense to pass an additional examination.

3. Mood changes too often

adrenal fatigue can be accompanied by psychiatric symptoms, such as mood problems, cognitive impairment and concentration. Even depression with no apparent external cause, anxiety and haze are signs of adrenal fatigue, so do not write off all such disorders only on what happens in your head.

4. Muscles and joints hurt

adrenal fatigue can also lead to the fact that your body feels weaker than usual. Low levels of cortisol in the adrenal glands leads to muscle weakness and pain in the muscles or joints, so do not lose sight of these symptoms.

5. Sleep disturbed

adrenal overload leads to problems with sleep, are not like the usual fatigue. Difficulty falling asleep, frequent nightmares, difficulty in lifting in the morning and daytime sleepiness - if you have already adjusted the schedule of sleep, these symptoms did not disappear, it's time to see a specialist.

6. Skin Hyperpigmentation

Problems with the adrenal glands can also lead to skin problems. In some patients, an increase of dark spots on the skin - this is due to increased synthesis of melanin that occurs when the adrenal fatigue. Given the fact that any unusual change in skin color - an important reason to visit a therapist, do not wait in order to make an appointment.

Passes if your tired after a full day off?