Women's tattoo on his arm: attractive expression

Tattoo is seen by many as a fashion phenomenon. As with anything that is in the world of beauty and style industry, it has its admirers and opponents. Contrary to stereotypes, the tattoo - not for women, it is fair sex more often decorate their body with drawings. According to statistics, among all customers tattoo parlors more than 60% are women. Women's tattoo on the hand may be beneficial to emphasize the fragility and tenderness owner, if you choose the right image.

as a female tattoo

Girls pay attention to a few things:

  • tattoo should be beautiful;
  • carry a certain philosophy;
  • match the outlook of the hostess.


Accommodation tattoos

Female tattoo on the hand typically located in several areas. Most Popular:

  • Wrist
  • back of the hand;
  • shoulder and forearm area.
Women's tattoo on his arm: attractive expression

On the hands, fingers and palm patterns are applied less often.

To decorate a better place than the hands, it is difficult to imagine. This gives the created image sexuality, beauty and expresses its willingness to open dialogue with the world.

Female tattoo on the hand in the wrist area looks impressive, but the process is quite painful. The most popular patterns in this area:

  • bracelets;
  • sayings;
  • name.


Women's tattoo on her arm may be in the form of inscriptions or small images. More often than not they carry the following information:

  • motivating words and quotes;
  • the name of the beloved;
  • decorative elements (ribbons, stars, symbols, infinity sign).

An example of how women can look like a tattoo on her arm, photo shows very clearly.

Women's tattoo on his arm: attractive expression

Some time ago, women's tattoo on the hand with the image of characters or inscriptions have been very popular. Now the demand for these figures decreased slightly. This version looks very nice, especially if you choose a nice font. Women's tattoo on his arm - the inscription - often stuffed.

The back side of

This part of the hand drawn rare. The following images are used mainly:

  • flowers;
  • fauna;
  • characters and phrases in Latin.


Female tattoo on her arm in a sleeve suitable for the more daring girls, had a passion for tattoos and heavy informal music. They perfectly accentuate the created image. In this embodiment, it made using the most abstract theme or color images.

Women's tattoo on his arm: attractive expression

The sleeve can be quite varied:

  • Long-from the shoulder to the wrist. The work can be performed as a single whole tattoo (e.g., image of a flower or an animal), and compositions of several small;
  • a quarter. Such sleeve originates from the shoulder and terminates short of the elbow.
  • Half Sleeve. Its location can be anywhere from the elbow to the wrist or from the shoulder to the elbow.

Some of the other types of tattoos:

Every year, getting your drawings on the body becomes more and more fans. There are several directions:

  • complex oriental patterns;
  • geometry;
  • patterns of certain subjects;
  • patterns invented by the client;
  • religious, maritime, military symbols;
  • lace tattoo;
  • volume and realistic 3D-tattoos;
  • drawings related to a hobby or work;
  • black and white tattoo.