Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

Decorating yourself - daily care of all the girls, but each does it differently. Someone prefers unusual hairstyles, while others devote much time and attention to make-up, and a third small tattoo like. Small paintings can be seen in different parts of the body of the girls, and sometimes they are hidden garments, but can be seen, for example, on the beach. Small tattoos for girls - the ability to stand out among the rest, to express themselves through a small figure.

Styles tattoos

Before you decide to leave on your body image, you need to decide, it will be displayed in what style. Small tattoos are several styles:

  • Tribal - chaotic curved lines that do not add up in any particular pattern;
  • Celtic style comprises a plurality of curved and smooth lines, which form a common logical image;
  • ethnic style includes symbols and ornaments;
  • Japanese style can be expressed not only in hieroglyphics, but also in simple images of birds and animals;
  • Black style is characterized by using only black ink.

Style tattoo depends on the nature and way of life of a girl, his pick is not as difficult as drawing itself in this direction.

Types of tattoos

Having decided to make the body a small figure, not so easy to choose what to fill. The more that a variety of options is large enough. Although for the first time it is small tattoo inspired by the ladies decide to make a drawing that will remain forever.

Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

More often than girls choose tattoos such as:

  • animals or birds - they look nice and are often a reflection of the inner self-perception of women, such as a cat or a butterfly;
  • labels in English and Latin - with a short, but especially the phrase, which is important for the girl;
  • characters - often carry a meaning;
  • celestial bodies - the sun, the moon, the stars or the whole constellation;
  • symbolic figures - heart, a crown, a musical note, the symbol of infinity, and others.

Small tattoos for girls - it's not just body decoration, but rather an opportunity to express themselves.

Where do most of the tattoo?

Often the girls prefer to take small tattoo on his arm. In the summer almost any clothing will allow consider this figure. And if it is a small tattoo on the wrist, they are the owner and she will be able to enjoy views of the unusual design.

Another common part of the body for small tattoos are shoulders, back of the head, the neck and the skin behind the ear. The figures in these areas allow us to focus on the small camp of women, to emphasize the elegance and smooth lines.

Sexual considered small tattoo in the lower abdomen on the bikini line, because to see them, not everyone can. The same in value, but not for the popularity is considered the lumbar region. Although there are usually made large drawings, mostly ornamental.

Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

If you want the first time to make a pattern on the body, it is better to try a small tattoo on his arm. The skin is not as delicate and sensitive as in many other parts of the body.

The small tattoo on his leg

A special group are the tattoos that are stuffed to the different parts of the skin of feet. Most often, they become visible on the beach or in the pool, so as a rule, these girls do drawings for himself, and not for general viewing. The most popular place for a small drawing - ankle or rise foot. Demand among girls of all ages sign of Yin and Yang - a symbol of balance and harmony between two principles in every human being.

Young girls prefer cute or funny pictures, such as traces of animal paws on the skin of the feet. Most often stuffed traces of cats - they look original and symbolic, especially if the girl loves big cats.

Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

Another popular pattern, which is often applied to the skin just above the ankle, a crown - a symbol of self-confidence and leadership. Such tattoos are choosing girls, who know his worth.

How to choose the right picture?

To decide for yourself what option tattoos and on what part of the body do you need to answer to myself one simple question: "Why?" If you want to make a tattoo for yourself - it can be a little sweet or symbolic image on the area of ​​skin that is almost never visible to others.

If you want to allocate a certain part of the body, to emphasize the elegance and sexy figure is better to choose the shape and size of the skin. On the back of the head and foot leg one and the same image will look different.

Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

Before going to the tattoo parlor to remember one thing: to make drawings or inscriptions, which after some time may not be relevant you should not go to extremes. So you do not have to regret what was done the deed.

What is the best to make a tattoo?

Deciding fill pattern on the body, the girl must find the wizard, professionalism and reputation you can trust. It is best to go in a large salon, where compliance with all the care and precautions. A good specialist will tell you where and how to look better small tattoo. Sketches drawings, which have a great number of professionals, will help you choose a tattoo idea.

Small tattoos for girls: a variety of options and features wearable pictures

If you wish, but there is no certainty, whether to make a tattoo, you can try a temporary option, which is stuffed with henna. Natural component will allow some time to go with a picture, and then gradually dissolved under the skin and will not leave a trace.

In any case, daring to make a tattoo of any size, you should consider carefully how it will change over time. For example, figures on the abdomen or lower back known for ugly stretch and "float" when she gains weight, for example during pregnancy. Arm or leg likelihood of such damage is minimal figure.

The rest of the imagination and wishes can be absolutely unlimited, and professionalism of the master will translate everything in the best possible way.