Tattoo behind the ear - the choice of modern fashionistas and mods

Fashion tattoos in hidden places

Many girls want their tattoo was invisible to outsiders. For this perfect tattoo, for example, behind the ear. For it is usually chosen small cute risunochki, inscriptions or hieroglyphics. No wonder that every day they are gaining immense popularity among girls. It is incredibly beautiful: dropdown lifting a strand of hair, you can imagine eyes of others, such as the mysterious inscription, hieroglyphic or pictorial peacock feather. Furthermore, the magnetism of such "zavlekalochek" men operates truly death manner. But the main thing - this tattoo will not spoil your image in any way. It is no wonder that the stars choose such tattoo. So, they have Adele, Rihanna, Carmen Elektra and others.

Convenience tattoo behind the ear

Tattoo behind the ear - the choice of modern fashionistas and mods

Such a pretty little thing is incredibly practical, it fits perfectly into the female body relief, not climbing persistently in the eyes of others. Tattoo behind the ear assumes a different image, but many of them can not see, because it can be seen only from the back, if it is not covered by hair. Sometimes this pattern surrounding perceived as piercings, thus it becomes a kind of "non-removable" decoration. Tiny, delicate tattoos stuffed mostly girls, although some young people are not squeamish. Everything depends only on the desire of self-expression. Types tattoo behind the ear

Do owners of these tattoos is no limit imagination - here all kinds

Tattoo behind the ear - the choice of modern fashionistas and mods

flowers, patterns, stars, labels. However, some cause such pictures as the spider, bat. Maybe something a little more original. Very often, women are asked to fill a tattoo behind the ear with a picture of feathers of various birds, mostly peacocks and bunches of feathers. The fashion for such drawings came to us from the west. They look incredibly beautiful, especially if you have been created by professional artists. In addition, the success enjoyed by birds silhouettes, symbols, signs of the zodiac, characters, initials, etc..

Tattoo behind the ear for men

By the way, both men have recently begun to fill such a tattoo, so it is no longer the prerogative of the girls. Sketches selected representatives of the stronger sex, women's different. For men in general

Tattoo behind the ear - the choice of modern fashionistas and mods

is the characters, patterns such as the skull, tribal and other "not girly" picture. At this place is incredibly impressive look all kinds of semi-circular patterns which repeat like ear shape. When this pattern is performed using any technique. Do It hurts to do a tattoo behind the ear?

Area behind the ear - this is one of the most susceptible to pain, that will tell you one of ordinary skill in good tattoo parlor. Therefore, if you decide on a tattoo behind the ear, be prepared for quite an unpleasant sensation. But the pain to endure for a long time do not have to - work volume is small enough, the real master to cope with it very quickly. At the same time we all know that beauty requires sacrifice. So, in such an unusual way to emphasize their elegance and mystery, too, need to be patient and pay.