To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

Each of us at least occasionally, but I want to have a meal at night, regardless of whether or not we go to bed, or doing something important, not very late. Many women, especially those who follow their health and carefully chooses the menu, consider that a late meal - this is totally unacceptable, and it has a number of objective reasons. Food can be useful, but it can also harm our body, preparing to sleep. Foods rich in protein, as a rule, makes us suffer from insomnia as the body needs more time to digest it. That is what gives us the feeling of physical discomfort. The forbidden fruit night snacking also include alcoholic beverages and caffeine.

But there are products that are not only create discomfort for the night, but also help sleep healthy sleep after eating. All that is needed - is to choose foods that are low in protein and carbohydrates. The dishes made from products containing tryptophan - amino acid, which is found in fish or turkey, and melatonin (cherries) have a soothing effect on the organism, as well as hot beverages or soups.

It is important to remember that foods that you eat before bedtime, should be a little protein and more carbohydrates. In this case, well suited cereals, rice and a whole range of products, which we have decided to tell you, to ensure good digestion at any time of the day.

To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

Banana Smoothies

Smoothie of banana - it's very quick, tasty and nutritious drink, which can be a great solution if you feel hungry at night. To cook it is necessary to use low-fat milk, bananas and any other fruit at your discretion. Milk will satisfy the need for protein without creating gravity, as well as give a sufficient dose of tryptophan, and bananas will become a source of potassium, which helps to sleep.

To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

crackers with almond butter

Whole grain crackers or bread with almond or peanut butter - an ideal combination of protein and carbohydrates at night. In addition, peanut or almond oil is also very tasty. It seems that you eat something sweet, namely, that most often want the night. Peanut, as well as almond oil, rich in magnesium, which relaxes the muscles, preventing spasms and contractions, which, in turn, cause the body to stay awake longer than you need it.

To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

Yogurt with cherries

As we said above, the cherry - a product that is naturally rich in melatonin, therefore safely consume any number of berries, if you feel that you need to stay one's stomach. But if you just enough berries, the best with what you can combine them - a yogurt or cottage cheese.

To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

butternut squash

Something warm and liquid necessarily soothe your body and satisfy your hunger, so cook the soup - it's a great idea. But not everyone has the best soup at night. Dish with meat, very fat and rich in fiber, will not work, as it will create additional difficulties in digestion. But butternut squash - pumpkin soup - it's a great idea. Its very easy to prepare, and aesthetically it looks very good.

To sleep: what foods are best to eat at night

Rice cake

Another great product, rich in carbohydrates - this figure. If you cook a rice cake, then you will get a great combo of protein and carbohydrates, as well as the original dish. Serve the rice cake with cheese curd. Saturation, relaxation and excellent digestion provided. As a nice extra, you'll also get a dose of calcium and tryptophan, as they say, at bedtime.