What you should know about vitamin B12

If you're trying to watch your lifestyle, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, engage in moderate physical activity, but still feel restless and tired - perhaps a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. He is often seen in people who prefer a vegan diet, and can easily cause the development of neurological disorders and anemia. Today we tell the basic facts are worth knowing for those who want to improve the functioning of the brain and body with the help of vitamins.

What is vitamin B12?

What you should know about vitamin B12

B12, or cobalamin - a water-soluble vitamin. It plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and the construction of DNA, as well as ensures the correct functioning of the nervous system.

It is found in foods of animal origin:

  • beef, pork, ham, poultry, lamb, tuna
  • dairy products - milk, cheese, yogurt
  • eggs

But it can also be found in foods rich in artificial way, such as bread or vegetable milk.

Who has a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency?

Deficiency is most common in older people, and those who can not absorb a sufficient amount of food he eats. This category includes people who have had surgery on the intestines, taking drugs for diabetes and heartburn, and those who observe strict vegan diet. Typically, low level causes a reduction in B12 folate levels. But if you have a deficiency of B12 and folic you lechishsya additives, you can just mask the problem rather than solve it.

How are symptoms of deficiency?

pale skin tinged with Zheltov

If B12 deficiency causes problems with red blood cell production in the body - it leads to the fact that the number of blood cells can not grow. This causes a type of anemia, megaloblastic anemia called at which red blood cells produced in the bone marrow become large and fragile. These red blood cells are too large to go out of the bone marrow into the bloodstream of the whole body. Consequently, the number of blood cells that circulate throughout the body decreases, and this leads to a total skin pallor.

What you should know about vitamin B12

The weakness and increased fatigue

Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body, and if you produce them is not enough - all the organs of your body can not function at full capacity.


One of the most serious side effects of prolonged B12 deficiency is nerve damage. It happens over time when the lack of B12 begins to hinder the production of myelin, which is a protective sheath for the nerves. One of the common symptoms of this situation is paresthesia, or a feeling of pins and needles, that looks like a tingling in the hands and feet. Vision problems

One of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is a clouding of the eyes or blurred vision. The lack of B12 causes damage to the nervous system of the optic nerve, and a condition known as optic neuropathy. Typically, this situation is reversible.

What you should know about vitamin B12

How long should I use the B12?

The daily dosage depends on your age, with infants and adults have to take a different dose. B12 can be consumed with meat, dairy products, but also with additives vitamin B12, multivitamins, yeast foods, folic acid and vitamin B12 patches. Normal adult human: 2, 4 micrograms. in a day. Adolescent rate of 1: 8 mcg. in a day.