What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Hair loss - is a common problem of both women and men. Unfortunately, it suffers from it most of all it is representative of the gentle sex. Contrary to general opinion, the cause of untimely leaving the hair of our head are considered to be not only a variety of chemicals used in the weaker sex regularly. For hair loss quite often in girls causes vitamin deficiencies. Paired with this organism physiology of pregnancy, menstrual cycle, hormonal changes, childbirth lead to poor digestion or loss of essential trace elements. So, to preserve the health and beauty will be useful to know what vitamins drink with hair loss.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

The causes of loss of

With such a problem faced by most people, and for her appearance reasons abound:

  • heredity;
  • age;
  • problem of the endocrine system;
  • stress;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • a poor diet;
  • negative external factors (dry air, salt water, etc.);
  • lack of vitamins (what to drink vitamins for hair loss, we will explain below);
  • cosmetic use of chemical substances;
  • female physiological changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.);
  • diet;
  • the environment and so on.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 on the condition of hair affects indirectly, but very strong. If we consider the vitamins for hair, the best of which can be found in this article, it is worth to pay close attention. Thus, it is in the body regulates the exchange of the basic amount of proteins, fat acids, carbohydrates and mineral substances. Of thiamine depends on ensuring the scalp and hair follicles structural components, nutrients and energy for development and growth.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

He is responsible for the quick work of metabolism and has a significant effect on the absorption of nutrients. In addition, these vitamins are necessary for hair loss, help their cells are saturated with oxygen. Riboflavin deficiency leads to excessive sebaceous glands located including under the skin of the head, due to which our hair all the time at the roots become greasy. In this case, the ends of them, on the contrary, are very dry and brittle.

Vitamin B3 (niacin or PP)

This vitamin has a positive influence on the circulatory system and provides the necessary amount of hair bulbs oxygen. In addition, the composition of coenzymes include nicotinic acid. And they are actively involved in the regular updating of cells. PP has a positive effect on the rate of hair growth, at the same time responsible for their coloration. Therefore, lack of nicotinic acid in the organism leads to the early appearance of gray hair. If at a young age to turn gray, you do not want to, then keep in mind that your body needs per day to do at least 50 mg of this vitamin.

Provitamin B5 (D-panthenol)

If you do not know what vitamins for hair loss should be taken, it is worth a closer look at this. He, as well as B3, is responsible for hair growth stimulation, while still providing an active division of skin cells. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and is involved in restoration of the skin. In addition, due to vitamin B5 hair is less brittle.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 is known to be involved in metabolic processes, as well as its role in the synthesis of the most important functional and structural joints in the human body. Pyridoxine activity depends on the presence of the human body hormones, fats and proteins, which are necessary for the health of hair, in addition to the scalp it supports a full exchange substances.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

With regard to the strand vitamin B6 manifests itself especially noticeable when it is marked shortage: the body donates hair to the very first. Even if they are small hypovitaminoses begin to fall, the scalp is suffering from dermatitis and seborrhea.

Biotin (vitamin H)

Insufficient amounts of vitamin H in the human body inevitably leads to hair loss, anemia, active and sweating a variety of diseases and injuries of the skin.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene or retinol)

He plays an important role in the restoration and growth of hair, and promotes the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, as well as having a positive impact on the health of the scalp. He also solves issues such as hair loss. What Vitamins to drink, if they started strongly to break, thus resemble in appearance dry straw? Most likely, in your body there is a great shortage of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid. If you do not replenish stocks immediately, your hair will fall much, then finally lose their shine and luster. Also, the occurrence of dandruff long to not keep you waiting. To avoid these not the most pleasant moments, you should regularly take vitamins A and E for hair.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

This vitamin helps our blood is largely saturated with oxygen, thus has a beneficial effect on the immune system, making it able to withstand pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, tocopherol promotes hydration, the required hair, whereby they become shiny and fluffy. Vitamin E becomes very important in the summer, when our strands are exposed to harmful influence of the sun's rays. Tocopherol deficit will inevitably contribute to rapid hair loss.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

He is our body, not only protects against colds, it slows down the process of hair loss. In addition, it promotes scalp necessary amount of blood and hair nutrition. iron digested much faster due to the ascorbic acid in the human body. Vitamin C fights free radicals that disrupt the integrity of scalp and hair roots.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Vitamin the F

In fact, it is a complex compound of unsaturated fatty acids. He is opposed to the appearance of cholesterol, preventing deposition of the latter on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin F maintains our hair in good condition, at the same time prevents them from premature and excessive hair loss. He also acts as a fighter against the occurrence of dandruff. The main role of vitamin is the rapid assimilation of all the above vitamins our body.

Keep in mind when choosing vitamins for hair, which of them have a significant impact on the health of curls. Together with them, on the condition of our shag affect trace elements, including iron, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and iodine.

Drugstore vitamins for hair

Vitamins from food in our body, can be absorbed poorly, because of this, even with a balanced and rational nutrition condition of the hair becomes disastrous. To eliminate this problem, various multivitamin complexes, which contain the required amount of trace elements and vitamins. Determine what vitamins drink with hair loss, it is required individually in diagnostic laboratories or specialized clinics.

They should be taken in the absence of contraindications and strictly according to instructions. Please observe the daily dose and time of administration, in addition to adhere to recommendations on food intake when using the drug. These complexes can not be combined with other drugs without doctor's recommendation. It should be understood that a surplus of vitamins is harmful as well, so for reception and selection systems should be treated responsibly.

The complex "Revalid"

It is a drug that contains the amino acid and vitamin complex that promotes good health and growth of hair and nails. Means expensive - costs about 400 rubles. Side effects has not, so if you do not know what to drink vitamins for hair loss, then this drug can safely opt for. It is taken three times a day 1 capsule about 2-3 months.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

means "Revalid" fills a lack of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Components preparation normalize metabolic processes. In addition, they promote:

  • improve the trophic nail and hair follicles.
  • improve the appearance and surface structure of the hair, as well as to strengthen them.
  • The deceleration of loss of hair and improving resistance to destructive environmental factors.

The drug is "PERFECT"

These vitamins for hair loss, reviews of which attracted the attention of many people, accelerate the growth of hair and affect the condition of nails, and skin. The average price of the product - 400 p. Take 1 times a day for a capsule to be washed down with a glass of water, during or after a meal.

Indications for use:

  • Changes in the structure of hair, brittle nails, hair loss.
  • Prevention and treatment of avito-, hypovitaminosis, and the lack of minerals.
  • Skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczematous dermatitis.
  • Peeling and dry skin, cracked lips, binding.
  • Violations of integrity of the skin, including scratches, cuts, burns.

means "Alphabet"

When choosing vitamins for hair, the best of which are discussed in this article should be special attention paid to this property. It is not intended directly for the growth and strengthening of hair, but it effectively promotes. Its average cost - 200 rubles. Vitamins and minerals that make up the complex, divided into three groups and presented as three tablets which need to drink every 4 h. Indications for use:

  • Treatment and prevention of micronutrient deficiencies of a different nature and hypovitaminosis.
  • The high need for vitamins and trace elements (intense mental and physical stress, chemotherapy, antibiotic treatment, pregnancy, and malnutrition irrational, postoperative period, infectious diseases, etc.).

Tablets "Merz"

This multivitamin and trace components with natural origin. The cost - about 500 p. This complex is needed to give beauty, health, hair shine and strength of nails. You need to drink twice a day for one dragees.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Indications for use:

  • Malnutrition.
  • Prevention hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis in conditions that are accompanied by a high need for vitamins, such as the recovery period.
  • Voltage and prolonged overloads.

Preparation "Aurita"

Complex optimizes metabolism, prevents cell aging, strengthens nails, hair, and wrinkles. Vitamins for hair, the best of which are presented in this article have different costs. Thus, the average price of the product - 300 p. Applicable rate to strengthen the body, as well as problems arising from the hair. It is available in 3 dosage forms: yeast, capsules (silicon-calcium) and herbal tea.

Indications for use:

  • Alopecia areata.
  • Androgenetic alopecia.
  • Idiopathic trichoclasis.

The best vitamins for hair loss: drug System 4

Complex stops hair loss, treat hair and accelerates their growth. The average price of the product - 2200 rubles. It includes organic media: organic botanical shampoo mask therapeutic, bio-botanical serum. According to the complex must be used 1-2 months twice a week. Apply for hair loss:

  • due to pregnancy or childbirth.
  • due to stress.
  • Due to the menopause.
  • Due to undergoing surgery.
  • Due to the bad environment.
  • Because of a skin infection.
  • due to excessive greasiness of the skin.
  • Because of hormonal drugs.
  • Due to the poor quality of varnishes, paints and other hair care products.

Preparation "Supradin"

This multivitamin preparation Switzerland eliminates hypovitaminosis in the tissues improves metabolism, energy balance stabilizes. The average cost - 230 rubles. It contains micro- and macronutrients, vitamins. Often in the form of conventional tablets and effervescent.

What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Indications for use:

  • An active lifestyle.
  • Women to restore nails, hair and skin (due to optimal vitamin A, calcium pantothenate, and biotin).
  • The moment of recovery (when influenza epidemics and other SARS).
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiencies.
  • Restores amounts of vitamins in people who abuse alcohol and smoking.
  • Hormonal drugs or antibiotics.

Preparation "Vitasharm"

This multivitamin remedy for hair, nails and skin. Estimated cost - 220 rubles. It improves blood provision of the skin, thus restoring its elasticity and firmness, as well as slow down the aging process occurring. We need these vitamins with a strong hair loss.

Indications for use:

  • Preventing those violations that occur due to vitamin deficiency.
  • Improving the appearance of nails, hair and skin structure.
  • A variety of skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis).
  • Strengthen nails and hair follicles.

means "Vitrum Byuti"

This vitamin complex, which is designed for the female organism. The average cost - 500 rubles. Helps the formation of collagen and other proteins, normalizes metabolism, affects the structure of the hair, nails and skin. Antioxidant.

Indications for use:

  • for the visible improvement of the skin, hair and nails.
  • For the treatment and prevention of microelements and vitamins deficiency.
  • In the absence in the diet of the required amount of vitamins.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • After infectious diseases.
  • When the physical and nervous exhaustion.
  • Also, the drug is recommended for those who live in regions with poor environmental conditions.

To the hair stopped falling out, you can also use a variety of alternative means, including recipes of traditional medicine, and homeopathic remedies.

means "Selentsin"

This homeopathic pills, which are designed to combat excessive hair loss. The cost - about 400 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • loss of eyelashes.
  • Hair Loss due to nervous disorders, stress.
  • brittle nails. What vitamins drink with hair loss. Best Vitamins for hair strengthening

Preparation "Tallium-plus"

This effective vitamins for hair loss that stimulate their growth and strengthen them. The average cost - 250 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • for increased hair growth, as well as the termination of their loss.
  • The acute hair loss, which occurs on the background of alopecia.

Probably every person in my life encountered such a problem like hair loss: virus and disease, too fast pace of life, daily stress, a lot of work being felt. In this case, care will given vitamin complexes, which also reinforce the whole human body.