The agent for hair growth "Alerana" - on the effectiveness of reviews

Every woman dreams of a beautiful hair and a lot of men want to cure age-related or genetic baldness. However, factors such as poor diet, poor environment and lack of vitamins can be very negative way affect the state head of hair. In this article you will learn all about the production of the domestic manufacturer "Alerana", which will not only stimulate hair growth, but also to stop even the most intense hair loss.

How to accelerate hair growth?

On average, hair growth in an adult is 1 to 2 cm per month, this applies to both men and women. However, this figure can be increased if you follow some rules and treat the issue seriously. After all the hair, like skin, are in need of daily care and require saturated with useful substances.

First, review your diet. The daily ration should be balanced and contain the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eat more fresh fruits and fish. Fast food, chocolate bars and fizzy drinks will not do any good to your body, but the harm from them directly affect the condition of the skin and hair.

The agent for hair growth

Secondly, choose the right cosmetics and remedies that will provide your head of hair proper care. Products "Alerana", reviews of which proved its efficiency, specially designed for weak and damaged hair. Caring shampoos, sprays and balms to help restore their condition and saturate vitality. A vitamin-mineral complex make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the rehabilitation of the lifeless and weakened hair.

Production "Alerana"

Unique means "Alerana", reviews of which proves their popularity among Russian and CIS customers, established for the prevention and treatment of hair loss, while providing extra care. Efficiency of Russian products on the Petersburg brand "Vertex", which was released on the domestic pharmaceutical market in 2004, proved by numerous clinical studies and testing. In addition, pharmacists are the company approached the issue comprehensively, creating a series of anti-intensive hair loss called "№1".

The agent for hair growth

can not only get acquainted with the entire line of therapeutic agents, but also to ask questions of professional trichologist free On the official website of the company - a specialist in hair. He will tell you how best to carry out the treatment and what drugs "Alerana" able to deal with a specific problem. Also, anyone can take online tests to help diagnose the condition of hair.

In addition, the company "Vertex" regularly carries out actions for its clients. So, in February this year, the domestic manufacturer of Hair Restoration "Alerana" invited to the clinical study of patients with androgenetic alopecia, which is in common is called alopecia. Participation in the action was absolutely free, and anyone who has medical procedure, received a set of hair restoration as a gift.

The composition of the medical series for hair

Means "Alerana", which reviews only to prove their effectiveness, are composed of such reinforcing ingredients such as keratin and panthenol, which are used according to the most modern technologies. In addition, as optional components they contain natural extracts of nettle, burdock, chestnut and many others. It is known that infusions of these plants help to cope with the problem of hair loss even at home.

The agent for hair growth

In this way, through a unique combination of natural ingredients and the latest achievements of pharmacology and cosmetology, exposure time drugs reduced to 10-15 minutes a day, which is able not only to give the maximum effect, but also save time on everyday chores.

However, it should treat the product "Alerana" not as a preventive care, as well as a full-fledged medical procedure. In order to achieve and consolidate the effect you want to rate treatments lasting from 1 to 3 months. Treatment may not have any effect, if done regularly and it does not comply with the instructions for use.

The caring and restoring cosmetics "Alerana"

Series "№1" from the Russian manufacturer of hair care "Vertex" contains the following caring and remedies:

Shampoo "Alerana", which reviews say that it is popular among both women and men, is able to provide gentle care weakened hair. Poppy seed oil as part moisturizes the scalp and stimulates the microcirculation. People suffering from excessive sebum, suitable shampoo "Alerana" for oily hair. Comments about this vehicle proved its efficiency by horse chestnut extract and wormwood. It is known that natural components of ways to provide food and care is not worse than chemical additives. Regular use of shampoo can significantly reduce the rate of hair loss and strengthen the hair follicles.

Balm "Alerana". Reviews about this tool is left as ordinary consumers and professionals alike, noting its unique composition. The drug is based on collagen restores the structure of damaged hair, giving it extra shine. Experts recommend using a balm with shampoo "Alerana" to achieve maximum results.

The spray for topical use (2-5%). This tool is used for intensive hair loss and problems with the scalp. Hairspray "Alerana" that leave even professional reviews trichologists capable as soon as possible to strengthen hair follicles and stimulate their growth. This agent is effective even when the male type of baldness, which is extremely difficult to treat. However, before applying you should carefully study the composition of the spray, as some of its ingredients can cause allergic reactions and irritation. Mask "Alerana". Comments about this tool, from the series "№1" prove its positive effect on the hair structure. The mask is not only able to create a film that protects against harmful environmental factors, but also stimulate the growth of new hair follicles. "Alerana" shampoo, which reviews are extremely positive, in conjunction with the mask is able to give a satisfactory and lasting effect even at the most advanced stage of hair loss. However, this is only possible with regular and prolonged use. Users report a pleasant texture and mask its delicate herbal flavor, which makes the procedure of restoring the maximum comfort in mind.

The agent for hair growth

Serum for hair growth. This drug is the "Vertex" unique development of pharmacists. Serum "Alerana" (reviews say that it is the most popular medium among the entire line "№1") nourishes the hair from root to tip, helping to increase the density of hair and a healthier scalp. Unlike other products in the series, this tool can be used independently. Action serum is aimed at slowing the aging of hair follicles and activation of new hair growth by increasing blood microcirculation in the scalp. Therefore, some customers noted a slight burning sensation during the use of the drug.

Tonic "Alerana" for dry hair. Comments about this drug leads to the conclusion that it become less likely. Maybe because in the domestic market such a product is not popular at all. It should be noted that many women and men knowingly neglect this unique tool. Tonic "Alerana", in contrast to the balm or a mask, it is not necessary to wash hair. Thus, it provides an invisible film which continues to act on the curl structure over time. As pharmacists, companies argue, the regular use of this remedy can restore hair vitality and natural luster. For visible results you need to use the tonic for at least 3-4 months. Such long-term treatment can provide long and qualitative effect. In addition, the range of the company has a special serum to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes "Alerana". Review about this tool, left professional trichologist, confirm that there are no hormonal component in a preparation. The stimulator is based on natural extracts of almond, taurine and vitamin E. These ingredients are able to restore the structure of the eyelashes and eyebrows, which are different from the hair on the head in its structure. Packaging in the form of a conventional mascara with the brush allows you to conveniently apply a tool that does not take up much space in the women's beautician.

Vitamins "Alerana" Hair

Comments about caring means, of course, prove their effectiveness. However, according to doctors, the approach to the complex problem of hair loss need. That is why the manufacturer has added to the series "№1" vitamin and mineral complex. Its structure is designed to meet the daily needs of the human body in necessary substances and minerals that keeps the inner vitality and avoid the problem of seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Complex "Alerana", working from inside the problem, is based on the 18 active components, among which there are the vitamins B, B6, B12, E, calcium, fluoride, and iron. It is known that these substances are participating in the formation of hair and are responsible for its integrity.

However, before applying the drug should pass medical advice. The content of vitamins and minerals in every body is different. It is important to determine the daily rate of the individual in order to avoid hypervitaminosis. This may help in standard tests, which can pass in any clinic. Moreover, taking vitamin and mineral complex may be the only people who have reached 16 years of age. For body composition unformed means may be inappropriate.

The agent for hair growth

Vitamins "Alerana" Hair, reviews of which are purely positive, also contain a formula "Day" and "Night". This ensures compatibility of components of the product and get the maximum benefit from its use. Packaging vitamin-mineral complex "Alerana" contains three blisters of 20 tablets, which is enough for exactly 1 month of daily use. To consolidate the results require treatment duration of 2-3 months.

How to use the funds "Alerana"?

Creating any lines, pharmacists primarily based on its integrated application to achieve this goal. In the case of hair loss problem should be based on the principle of internal and external influences. In other words, beauty treatments may not have any effect if you do not nourish the body with vitamins and minerals. At best, the result will be temporary and the problem persists again after a certain period of time.

Also, do not forget about proper nutrition, not only throughout the course of treatment, but also for its completion. The human body needs constant maintenance of its optimal condition for proper operation. In order not to face the problem of intensive loss of hair in the future, require regular preventive maintenance and correction of lifestyle. And any caring or therapeutic agents are only one of the auxiliary factors.


Of course, as with any medical drug it has a number of contraindications, and a series of "Alerana" against hair loss. User reviews indicate individual intolerance to some components of the therapeutic agents. However, such cases are relatively rare. A much greater danger in the composition is an ingredient called Minoxidil to the scalp which can respond to irritation and redness. The high content of this component contains the spray against the intense hair loss. If side effects do not arise, it is possible to continue the use of funds.

The agent for hair growth

Particular attention should be paid to the integrity of the skin of the head. If you already have there is any damage, irritation or dermazoty, it is better to refrain from the use of funds "Alerana" from falling out. Reviews say that in such a case is required to undergo a full treatment at trichologist. In addition, funds can not be used for children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and women during lactation. In this case it is better to go and consult a specialist to find a more optimal agents to restore hair and stimulate their growth.

The price of the products "Alerana"

Acquire the means of "Alerana" can be in retail pharmacies and through online stores. Since the drugs are pharmacologically the series, they can not be found in conventional cosmetic and household stores. On the territory of Russia were fixed the following prices for the means "Alerana":

  • shampoo to stimulate hair growth - 320-330 rubles per bottle of 250 ml of.
  • for hair mask - 300-320 rubles for 6 mini-tubes of 15 ml of.
  • Balsam conditioner - 360-400 rubles per bottle of 250 ml of.
  • Spray against intensive hair loss - 680-870 rubles per bottle with dispenser 60 ml of.
  • Restoring whey - 450-470 rubles per vial in 100 mL.
  • Tonic for dry hair - 300-330 rubles per bottle of 100 ml.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex - 470-500 rubles for 60 tablets.

a similar price range can not be called budget for the domestic market. However, import agent of similar action cost customers is much more expensive. Thus, the complex restoration of hair from the company Vichy or Rene Furterer will cost not less than 30 thousand rubles for a course lasting 2-3 months, which is several times greater than the rate of production "Alerana". Review professional trichologist confirm that the composition of assets is virtually identical. That is why there is a question many people are: "Why pay more?".

The agent for hair growth

Products "Alerana": reviews

Hair growth series of the Russian manufacturer offers a set of caregivers, and reducing agents. Of course, over the lifetime of the product the users has managed to be a view of the brand and its effectiveness. Therefore, the only thing that can prove the effectiveness of funds "Alerana" - reviews. For hair growth products suitable for domestic producers optimally. No wonder the majority of women and men noted the high quality of tools for vossatanovleniya hair follicles and prevent them from falling out. The number of allergic reactions to components rather low as compared to foreign analogs. Perhaps this is due to the most natural composition and careful clinical studies that the manufacturer conducts regular basis. It is known that domestic pharmacology and cosmetology adheres to the natural production and aims to make their products as affordable as possible for its customers.

However, due to lack of funds "Alerana" hair, which reviews are often found on various cosmetic forums, users report an inflated cost. So, for the full course of treatment will have to pay about 12 thousand rubles. This amount includes a complete series of tools for hair restoration, which will last for 3 months use. But if we compare the price lists for the services of modern salons and beauty centers offering services for the rehabilitation of head of hair, the total amount for the full treatment will be much higher. That is why most people prefer to buy professional products, such as "Alerana" hair. Reviews real buyers like never exactly prove the effectiveness of the products of the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Community Leaders

Around domestic manufacturer of medical means a lot of myths goes for the hair, most of which have no basis. Proof of this are the comments of professional trichologist doctors who are familiar with the problem of hair loss and weakened hair.

Professionals say that an elaborate series of amounts due "№1" ideal for Slavic hair type. In addition, most of its components on a natural basis, which reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions and irritation to a minimum. Doctors also say that a prolonged course of rehabilitation with hair means "Alerana" is able to permanently get rid of the serious problems with the condition of hair and scalp, providing a rapid growth of new hair follicles and preventing the occurrence of skin diseases.

Remember that you should not run the problem of hair loss to an extreme point. To take measures necessary to have the first manifestations of the problem. A modern restorative and therapeutic tools, such as "Alerana", help to cope with even the most advanced stage of intensive hair loss. Be beautiful!