Shampoo "Alerana" for hair loss - reviews, features and application efficiency

Shampoo "Alerana" from hair loss, there are reviews which are pretty good, it is a unique tool that gives great results after the first application. Composition delicately affects the loose strands and helps them improve their health.

The article presents basic information about the shampoo "Alerana" against hair loss. Reviews, price and place where it can be purchased, as described in detail here. This shampoo will be interesting to all people, because for the majority of hair loss is a serious problem. And face it necessary not only to any specific means, but also through medical intervention. Doctors about the shampoo "Alerana" against hair loss only comes positive. Therefore, this product is the ideal way to solve the most common problems.


Composition and operation

The active component in the women's and men's shampoo "Alerana" against hair loss, reviews of which are provided below, it is pinacidil. This material affects the hormonal background, microstimulation promotes blood and also enhances delivery of nutrients to the bulbs.

Hair stopped falling out after it begins to decrease the influence of male hormones on the state of follicles. Pinacidil has a certain similarity with minoxidil, which, in turn, is the basis for high-value assets, treating androgenetic alopecia.


The composition of the shampoo "Lera" against hair loss is getting enough good reviews. Indeed, indeed, such components can not say a bad thing. The structure means for dry and normal hair type includes:

  • tea tree oil - designed to control production of fat, strengthen follicles, skin disinfection and elimination of dandruff;
  • extracts of burdock and nettles - strengthening the hair bulb, activates growth of rods, thereby stopping the process of hair loss;
  • hydrolyzed wheat proteins - perform nutritional function and restore split ends;
  • poppy seed oil - well capable enough to saturate the loose strands of useful substances, soften the skin and strengthen hair;
  • provitamin B5 - has an active moisturizing effect and activates the production of useful components (collagen, elastin);
  • lecithin - is designed to recover cores over the entire length and attach strands nice luster.

There is also a shampoo to stop hair loss Oily to Combination Hair. It consists of the following components:

  • extract of sage - has a calming effect;
  • extract of horse chestnut - improves blood circulation and strengthens the follicles;
  • extract of wormwood - is meant to eliminate dandruff and reduce the irritation of inflamed skin.

Pros and cons of

Now there are a lot of charlatans that promise a complete restoration of hair in just a week. In fact, this process will be launched only after a fairly long course of treatment, which will be actively used several compositions with the active ingredients.

Shampoo "Alerana" from hair loss due to good reviews has not only the composition but also a number of other advantages. This product is an effective way to combat hair loss. He has the following useful properties:

  • strengthen the follicle;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • softening and moisturizing the skin and hair cores;
  • decrease irritation hairy areas of the head;
  • delicate effects without any skin-irritating ingredients;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • reducing the influence of hormones;
  • economical composition of consumption;
  • qualitative elimination of dandruff;
  • to provide an antiseptic and antifungal effects;
  • return strands of elasticity and shine;
  • reduction section ends;
  • stimulated synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • maintaining the natural pH level of the skin of the head covers.

In addition to the advantages of the product, there are also its weaknesses. Despite the fact that their number is much less, leaving these details is not necessary to ignore. The main disadvantages are:

  • to achieve the desired results need to regularly use the facility for more than four months;
  • people with problem skin head before use is necessary to consult a doctor, so as not to hurt her even more.

Instructions for use

Effects on attenuated strand is carried out in the normal mode, i.e. the extent of pollution rods and scalp. A person suffering from hair loss, must monitor their condition - they are in any case should not be too much salted, as clogged pores, dead skin particles of the epidermis, as well as the accumulation of dust not only prevents proper nutrition bulbs, but also significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment . Before use shampoo, you want to learn about the basic rules:

  • to apply the composition as a hair pollution;
  • to damp hair, apply no more than one teaspoon of funds and gently foamed composition on the head;
  • after the appearance of foam need to massage the whole head for a minute, gradually spreading the shampoo through the hair;
  • wash facility should be in a couple of minutes;
  • If there is too severe hair loss, it is best to dissolve a spoonful of the composition in a little warm water and perform all the same actions;
  • If heavily soiled hair wash your hair need twice;
  • head of hair after cleansing is recommended to apply the balm, which will nourish the skin and hair, as well as soften the strands and make it easier to comb.

The duration of therapy is 4 months. The first positive results are already noticeable in a few weeks, as the reviews say about men shampoo "Alerana" against hair loss.


Cleansing product well affects both the initial and the middle stage of androgenic alopecia. The composition gives excellent results, provided that the balding area of ​​the hearth is less than 10 centimeters, and on the most problematic areas are vellus hairs. All this is confirmed by reviews about the shampoo "Alerana" hair loss. It should be remembered that if after the start of baldness has been more than ten years, the effect is not as good as expected.

To get the most noticeable result, the manufacturer recommends to remember a few important points:

  • hair will fall much less after a couple of weeks after the start of the application of funds, but also to consolidate the results requires full course is 4 months;
  • to interrupt the therapy is by no means impossible, as only subject to regular exposure to the rods and bulbs positive result will be achieved;
  • to keep the result, it is worth at least a couple times a year (best in spring and autumn) to use a cleanser, in which structure there are herbal ingredients, vitamins and a variety of pinacidil.


In the shampoo contains active ingredients intended for the treatment and prevention of hair loss. It is because of these means has certain contraindications:

  • age 18 years;
  • during pregnancy;
  • idiosyncrasy components;
  • dermatoses;
  • feeding period;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the head covers.

Before you begin treatment, you should consult with a specialist. Reviews of shampoo "Alerana" hair loss sometimes indicate that non-compliance with contraindications effect was obtained is not the same as we would like. Therefore, the manufacturer, cosmetics, dermatologists and people who have already used this tool, it is strongly recommended for beginners not ignore all these points.


Side Effects

Shampoo "Alerana" hair loss can cause some side effects. It happens rarely, but still each person needs to be prepared for such consequences. These include:

  • rhinitis;
  • allergy;
  • pressure disorder (blood);
  • headaches;
  • face edema;
  • neuritis.

If you experience any of these problems need to immediately stop using the shampoo and go to the doctor. If you do not do this, and to continue the use of funds, the state of the hair and scalp can significantly deteriorate.

When the shampoo does not give effect

Dispel many myths about existing products "Alerana" can easily be a situation where a shampoo for hair loss do not give proper result. Their list includes the following cases:

  1. Hair loss due to malnutrition, lack of normal care and active use of medicines.
  2. Hair loss associated with hormonal imbalance.
  3. Alopecia has been observed for more than 10 years and was not treated for this entire period.
  4. The width of the area without hair is more than 10 centimeters.
  5. in the presence of terminal hair receding hairline.

Storage Rules

Keep product in a dry and dark place where the temperature will be 20-25 degrees. Shampoo is fit for two years. After this time, be sure to discard the remains, so using them is dangerous.

Where and how much to buy?

The price of shampoo "Alerana" hair loss, which reviews received pretty good, is 300-500 rubles (depending on volume). You can buy it at any pharmacy or through the Internet. In simple cosmetic stores find it quite difficult.

Reviews specialists

When purchasing means people are often guided by the review experts about the shampoo "Alerana" hair loss. Experts say that the product is really high quality, you can use it safely for both men and women. One thing to bear in mind - without consultation with trichologist if there is any problem with the hair or scalp should not expect great results.

Customer Feedback

People who purchased a vehicle and have already passed the course of therapy, call it a real cure for hair. They argue that rather quickly able to see the excellent effect that even surpassed their expectations.


It can not fail to please customers and the cost of the shampoo. For this unique product can be given any money. Let it alone can completely every person, because the volume is enough for a long time.

Negative reviews of this facility does not exist. Consumers are satisfied with everything.