"Repevit" Hair: reviews, instructions, photos

Hair problems occur in many. Treatment of dandruff, brittle and thinning is carried out by various means. But the cost of many high enough. You can use the available means - "Repevit" hair. Effective medication with natural ingredients will eliminate many of the problems curls. More talk about it in the article.


Before using the tool, it is necessary to read the instruction "Repevita" hair. Reviews suggest that it has a stimulating effect that allows you to maintain the beauty, hair health. Medical products are ideal for the treatment and prevention.

means indispensable to strengthen the strands, making them a natural shine, to eliminate various problems curls. "Repevit" helps even heavily damaged hair. The product is manufactured by the Russian firm "Neva crown." It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The price is 60 rubles per 30 ml, which is much cheaper than other means.


If you read the instruction "Repevita", we can understand the positive impact of the complex. Due to the presence of plant extracts, vitamins, esters miracle tool is perfect for weak hair. And if they are healthy, do not allow to prevent worsening of their condition.

This tool is enriched with:

  1. The oily extract of nettle, wild sunflower root, horsetail, a burdock, a string, a mother-and-stepmother, elecampane.
  2. castor oil.
  3. silicon compounds.
  4. Vitamins PP, C, E, D, B.
  5. essential oil with bactericidal effect: tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar.

"Repevit" contains only natural ingredients. Due to the absence of chemicals means gentle on the skin and hair. Since it is possible irritation, allergies, itching, burning. individual sensitivity appears in rare cases.

The use of

Effect on the skin, hair and rods due to the following useful properties:

  1. Plant extracts occurs epidermis softening, reducing irritation, itching. It is saturated with biologically active components.
  2. The substances retain the protein-lipid protective layer of the hair shafts, reduce adverse effects of factors.
  3. hair regulated complex processes that occur in the follicles.
  4. The silicon and vitamin C creates high-level connections, strengthen the scalp and the immune system.
  5. Essential oils activate metabolism, giving the skin a fresh, original shine, protects against inflammation.

The drug stimulates the activity of the hair follicles, improves the condition of the epidermis, strengthening rods. Metabolic recovery at a cellular level, helps to normalize curls health.


Instructions "Repevita" hair contains a list of indications when this tool can be used for hair and scalp. Oily liquid applied on different problems. It is used when:

  • alopecia;
  • poor growth curls;
  • brittle, dull color;
  • redness, irritation of the scalp;
  • violation rod structure;
  • dandruff;
  • high dryness of the epidermis;
  • form of unhealthy hair;
  • fluffy strands;
  • damaged hair;
  • loss of volume, thinning strands.

"Repevit" performs the following functions:

  • is struggling with hair loss, thinning strands;
  • restores the structure of hair after chemotherapy, painting, termoukladki;
  • treating dry skin, dandruff;
  • preserves the natural hair grease;
  • stimulates growth, strengthens the roots;
  • improves metabolism and nourishes the roots.

Perform necessary procedures on the basis of instructions "Repevita" hair. Reviews and testify about the need to consult with your doctor.


By reviews, "Repevit" hair gives a beautiful effect. Buyers note value of the preparation for the curls, the scalp. After a course of treatment procedures significantly different results. Namely:

  • epidermis softening, treatment of dandruff;
  • recovery of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of high dryness and strands;
  • rods gain flexibility, strength;
  • awakening of the growth zone, hair follicles are saturated with nutrients;
  • is restored hair growth;
  • disappears thinning;
  • disappears skin inflammation;
  • recovering fat metabolism;
  • there is an active cell recovery;
  • natural preservatives to protect against fungi development of bacteria;
  • preparation nourishes the bulb;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • vitamin complex protects against corrosive influences.

The active ingredients eliminate many hair problems. But before using the tool, you must consult a trichologist. Reviews "Repevite" indicate that you should use it only when there are real problems with hair and scalp. It is also important to the proper use, that would achieve the desired results.


Why experts advise to use the "Repevit" hair? Reviews trichologists dermatologists and enable them to ensure the effectiveness of the means. Its benefits include:

  1. The lack of chemicals. Discomfort during the procedure there.
  2. may be used for different types of hair.
  3. High-level components do not stay on the surface, quickly penetrate deep into the epidermis.
  4. It can be used even during pregnancy.
  5. The low cost of the drug.

The company "Neva crown" guarantees patients the excellent quality hair products. Each party has a sanitary Finally, a certificate of compliance, quality passport. Before the beginning of retail sales of the drug in clinical trials.

The use of

Before the procedure, it is necessary to read the instructions for use "Repevita" hair. Though a part of no harsh chemicals, yet it should not be used uncontrollably. The reason for this is considered to be the increased concentration of active ingredients. Hypervitaminosis also do not need to skin and hair, as well as the lack of components.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the precept. Means should be used within the period agreed with the doctor. Specialist identify problems advise treatment period. A good help will be, in the opinion, the instruction "Repevita" hair. Photos lets you verify the effectiveness of the result.

Use the

What is said in "Repevita" hair? Reviews least and include recommendations on the use of funds still need to take into account the advice of experts. It must be applied as follows:

  1. Shake bottle cast 1 tbsp. l. liquid in glass or porcelain container. The formulation is then necessary to warm in a water bath.
  2. With thinning hair need to perform head massage. Means should be applied to the roots, epidermis massaging movements. The session lasts 15 minutes, it is necessary to perform the procedure on a daily basis. Treatment should be carried out to obtain a visible effect.
  3. In order to improve the structure of rods and prevention should be 2 times a week to use the facility as an oil mask. Warm oily liquid is used for rubbing in the roots. Then you have to comb through the strands to the ends, put on warming cap. Then it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo after half an hour to dry naturally.

For excellent results it is necessary to use the instruction "Repevita" hair. Reviews indicate that the frequency is determined by the condition of hair treatments. Perform they need 2-3 months before significant improvement. Secondary skin treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Restrictions and contraindications

"Repevit" considered safe means. It can be used during pregnancy, lactation. The risk of side effects and adverse effects on the child are missing. However, prolonged use of medication can affect the overall condition of the person, cause high anxiety, fatigue and irritability. Therefore, the instructions indicate that the facility should not be used more than 3 consecutive months. Persons who have a tendency to allergies to essential oils should not be used "Repevit". Also, you do not need to use the tool in the treatment of the epidermis, if the skin is oily scalp. But can be applied "Repevit" on the ends of the strands to restore the structure.

Caution should be used when the drug blond hair, as there are likely to change their tone. And with dyed curls using "Repevita" can be quickly washed away the paint.


The pharmacy has a variety of therapeutic and prophylactic agents for the treatment of weak curls. Useful products have a reasonable price. How do I choose? You should definitely consult a trichologist, to find out if there are no contraindications. By analogues "Repevita" include:

  1. Burdock oil. Is an indispensable tool for the treatment of baldness. Natural product helps to strengthen hair follicles, faster growth strands, soften the skin, dandruff treatment. The product can be used alone or together with nettle, succession, propolis extract, gingko biloba extract, calendula, hops, red pepper. The average cost is 50-90 rubles. Vial contains 100 ml.
  2. Pasta "Soultz". This tool is available revitalizing effect. Regular procedures to protect against dandruff, nourish the hair. Activate the growth zone. The average price is 60-80 rubles.
  3. Essential oils. Quite a few drops of ether lavender, ylang-ylang, or orange are added to the shampoo to improve dry, brittle strands. The average cost per 10 ml of 80-170 rubles. These funds should be used drop by drop, so one container will suffice for a long time.
  4. "Dimexidum". The solution improves the penetration of active components into the skin. Trichologists prescribe appropriate concentration. In some cases, means diluted according to the instructions. As part of the household masks "Dimexidum" restores curls growth, treats alopecia. Price is about 50 rubles per 100 ml.
  5. Castor oil. It is an affordable product is used for the treatment of weak curls. In folk medicine, it is often used with burdock oil. This combination normalizes dry hair, strengthens the roots. Oleaginous fluid is necessary to warm up, and then can be rubbed into the skin. With rare comb comb means necessary to tip strands. Constant procedures improve the condition of hair. Price is 35-80 rubles, and the volume - 25-50 ml.


Thus, "Repevit" and its analogues - effective means to cope with the many problems of hair and scalp. Enough to carry out procedures on a regular basis, try to correct the defects.