Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

More and more, people are starting to complain about with the spine and joint problems. Someone suffering discomfort as long as possible, and someone swallows a pill for pill to ease a bit his fortune. But few know that many years ago there was Aicuña gymnastics. It allows the body to recover at any stage of the disease.

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

A bit of


"Aicuña" translates to "speak the truth", "open heart." By combining all this, you can give a definition - a gym, allowing to reveal certain features of the human body.

Place of birth techniques - Kazakhstan, its parent - Abay Baimagambetov. The complex is aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of the spine. Exercises pull the spine, strengthen the back muscles, improve circulation, fight with scoliosis, osteochondrosis. Currently, more than ten thousand of exercises included in the system.

So what is a system Aicuña? Gymnastics for the spine, which consists of a static and isometric motor actions. Can deal with it, and the children and the elderly. Performing complex man makes even the deepest muscles work. The spine is stretched, squeezed nerves are released, drives occupy the correct position.

The objectives of the system: who is suitable?

Aicuña - gymnastics, which has shown good results in getting rid of diseases of the spine and joints. With this system, the development of the disease is stopped, the pain disappeared.

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

The objectives set


  • psihoemotsiolnoe state of man and his mood;
  • blood circulation in the joints;
  • organ performance.

In addition to the above, Aicuña Japanese gymnastics for the spine, help:

  • to increase the distance between the vertebrae;
  • to restore the cushioning properties of the spine.
  • to increase the volume of movement of joints;
  • to change their lifestyle.

The system is shown to those who suffer from:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • arthritis and osteoarthritis;
  • any stage of osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • flat feet;
  • dysplasia of connective tissue.

Restrictions for employment there are no on this system. It can be practiced at any age, with any level of fitness.

mechanism of action of

Regularly doing, people improve their condition. Muscular blocks are removed. Blood circulation is restored and strengthened. Work vessels of the spine, nerve root comes back to normal. gymnastics exercises Aicuña help to improve the metabolic processes in the body get rid of diseases such as:

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations
  • scoliosis;
  • protrusion;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • low back pain and other spinal diseases.

Due to the natural self-massage of internal organs during the Aicuña possible to avoid the development of diseases of all organs and systems, to improve the condition of the joints. Therapeutic exercise such an effect can not give. Her entire complex is aimed at the natural movement of the spine. It does not work with the deep muscles.

The special features Aicuña gymnastics is the fact that it helps rebuild the old stereotype of a new muscle - alone to deal with their problems. It begins to develop a natural mechanism for fighting disease.

The advantages of the system

Some advantages of this system has been described above, but not all. So we continue to talk further. The proposed physical activity affects not only the body but also the psyche. With this system, you can get rid of chronic diseases. When performing exercises are utilized even the tips of the toes and hands. A positive result can only be obtained if the entire body operates each of its cell.

The complex is suitable for anyone. It does not cause problems with the performance even for beginners.

First performed exercises in a sitting position on a chair. Thus the body is prepared for more serious stresses. After a few sessions, the condition improves.

All the unpleasant and painful feelings will gradually go away. It all depends on perception.

Several sessions will be enough for you to learn to control his body. The muscles become fitter and stronger thanks to gymnastics Aicuña. Reviews lovers of this system confirm this fact. You can hear the opinion that a week after the exercise somewhere there are forces and a desire to dare.

Now about the exercises

Due to how the exercises man again regains the joy of life? There are many, but the basic package consists of four. Starting position for all the same.

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

Sit on a chair half. Feet shoulder width apart, hands are on his knees, knees at right angles. The eyes should be closed. This makes it easier to concentrate.

  1. The lumbar spine bends forward as far as you can. It should feel a slight pain. This situation hold seven minutes.
  2. The thoracic spine is curved until light pain. Is retained in this position for several minutes.
  3. The following exercise will help not only the spine but will strengthen your abdominal muscles, improve blood circulation of the abdominal cavity. Retract the stomach, arch in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Immediately may not be possible. Do not worry, continue to train on.
  4. relaxing abdominal muscles, reducing shovels, as far as you can. Stay in this position for five minutes.

This is the base Aicuña gymnastics for the spine. Step by step guide shows you how to do the exercises.

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

More about something

This system has no contraindications, can deal with it children from six years of age and older people. To complete the exercises do not require special training. Each person can independently adjust the load, depending on the physical condition and health. Aicuña - exercises that can be performed under a calm, relaxing music. The complex is to bring joy. No exhausting workouts and diets.

also do not have to look for special equipment. Mat gym, a chair or stool, loose clothing - is all that is needed. Preferably at least two weeks to engage under the guidance of the instructor. It will show how to perform the exercises and check how you are doing. Having mastered the system to strengthen the spine, you can begin to self-employment.

Gymnastics Aicuña: complex exercises for the spine, features and recommendations

They say people

Proving once again that Aicuña gymnastics acts, reviews will help people who engage in this system.

It is often said that some of them through the system get rid of back pain, neck and under the shoulder blade.

There is an opinion that it is not gymnastics, and relaxation. Sitting on a chair and do what the instructor says. Perform all easy, but the effect is already felt immediately.

Tip: The exercise should be performed every day. In this case, the desired result is achieved earlier. The pain will go away, posture gets better.