Muscles bark: training and strengthening

All people want to have a healthy, strong body. But in the era of sedentary work and reduce it's not so easy physical activity.

Muscles cortex - is a group of deep muscles that provide stabilization of the spinal column. Essentially, they are the center of gravity and the activity of the human body's muscles.

For the good of the human body health training and strengthening this muscle group is a very important condition.

Muscles bark: training and strengthening

What is the core?

Cor translated to English core meaning "center", or "core".

Until now, still not given a clear definition of what exactly has Korean, but accessible language we can say that these are the muscles that combine movements of the lower and upper parts of the human body. Simply put, this muscle layer between the upper part of the torso and legs.

Physiologically core - it's muscle tissue, which are located near the spine and provide its holders. For such muscles are a group:

  • direct, oblique, transverse abdominal muscles;
  • medium, small and large gluteal muscles;
  • spinal extensors;
  • flexors shins;
  • lead, direct and Tailoring femoris.

That is to train the muscles of the bark - this means provided training to the central part of the body, which will eventually lead to the creation of a strong spine support.

What are these muscles?

Strong corset of muscles around the spine plays an important role in the livelihood of the person responsible for the following parameters:

  • strong abs and firm buttocks;
  • the power and flexibility of the body;
  • a beautiful posture, smart sporty look;
  • poise;
  • the state and health of the spine;
  • a harmonious work of other muscles;
  • health of the circulatory, excretory, urinary and digestive systems.

Healthy muscular corset belt in the zone - the key to the maintenance of intra-abdominal pressure at the required level, which stimulates the outflow of venous blood internal organs, as well as the maintenance of all the organs in the correct position.

Also, muscle development cortex significantly improves the coordination of movements, significantly reducing the likelihood of injury.

Carrying out exercises in which you need to take a not entirely comfortable posture and unstable situation in a short period of time can achieve significant results, significantly reduce the volume of the waist and create a great abs.

The importance of muscle corset

To understand how important corset muscles should consider a few facts:

  1. Kor - the only muscle tissue, which can be formed and strengthened in virtually immobile. These muscles do not move the bones, distinguished it from all other skeletal muscles. Their task - to save the spine, pelvis and hips in a safe, stable position. It is because all the exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the bark, to a greater or lesser extent, unstable and uncomfortable.
  2. The strengthening of muscle fibers bark allows to maintain a healthy spine and good posture, but one to two hours of training per week not compensate for a permanent job in a sitting position. The body needs help - to maintain correct posture while sitting and straight back, do not lean forward or to throw one leg over the other.
  3. Any more or less complex movement of the body begins with muscle function bark. Only after their inclusion in the work through the hands and feet is the effort of the bar or dumbbells. Therefore, if the athlete began to notice that the results ceased to progress, he should pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the core.

How to strengthen the muscle corset

In order to strengthen and maintain in good condition the muscles a corset, it is necessary:

  • Constantly monitor your posture, it is especially important to those who are engaged in sedentary work.
  • As often as possible to engage in an active holiday - bike riding, swimming or just walking.
  • engaged in the development of training programs, paying attention to the whole corset compulsory bark, rather than pumping of individual muscle groups. Otherwise, these muscles shorten, which will inevitably lead to an imbalance of bark and, as a rule, the entire organism.
  • Regularly visit the doctor listen carefully to his advice and to share with him their feelings during and after the training process, as well as adjust their individual classes, based on the doctor's recommendations and your own performance.
  • Be sure to combine training sessions with massage, physiotherapy procedures, which will benefit the working and relaxing muscles.
  • Use in training stretching - a set of exercises specifically designed to stretch muscles and ligaments.
  • to systematically stretch the buttocks and abdominal muscles during the day.

Features strengthen muscles cortex in women

For women fit the following tips:

  1. Wear the right shoes - this means that the feet have to be studs and 15-inch heels, and stable heel of medium size, about 5 cm in height. High heels may be worn occasionally, to exit "in the people" or at social events. When walking in shoes with medium heels themselves straightened his shoulders, automatically retracts the stomach, buttocks selected.
  2. in your free minutes you need to engage in targeted muscle tension press (abdomen), and thighs several times throughout the day. The systematic implementation of this exercise removes fat loose deposits. In women, they are located close to the surface and removed more easily than deep-seated dense layers of fat in men. Men can get them just right diet and active athletic exercises.
  3. To avoid any complications, women are advised not to train and strengthen the muscles of the bark during pregnancy, transmission or treatment of gynecological diseases.

How to train the muscle corset

Muscle training bark performed with exercise, aimed at testing of individual muscle groups that are included in the core. And specially thought out combination of exercise in the complex to avoid overloading any single muscle. On different muscle groups specific exercises applied:

  • to strengthen the abdominal muscles are widely used different variations of crunches;
  • to train erectors, buttocks muscles, thighs and abdomen are performed squats;
  • also for training the muscles of legs, thighs and buttocks apply lunges;
  • to pump not only the legs and thighs, but also lumbar muscles, the deadlift is used (more than for men, as in this exercise develops the muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest) and pull-ups;
  • are as important exercises to train the spatial body stabilization;
  • are popular to use various options for bars, bridges;
  • effective at regular application on body fitbole groups;
  • performed well "run" in the position of the stop lying.

for muscle training program bark

Secrets intelligently composed program of effective training on pumping muscles bark:

  • is necessary to alternate exercises to strengthen muscles, develop strength, stretching and cardio;
  • to avoid habituation muscle groups to load for muscle exercises bark need to change to change the load, use a complicated variation;
  • also need to change over time, not only the load but also the speed of the exercises, number of repetitions, reduce the rest time;
  • every two months is necessary to add new exercises;
  • to get rid of excess fat deposits need to adjust the power;
  • to be applied exercises, with various degrees of stress.

Awkward postures, which must be held for some time, remarkably develop muscles bark.

How to build muscle bark

You must train twice a week with a break of three days. Each exercise is performed for at least a minute. Several popular exercises for the development of muscle corset:

  1. Plank: Lie on your stomach, arms at the elbows at right angles to the body. The housing does not raise the deflection focus toes on the floor. Stomach in, the muscles of the buttocks and press strain. Complication - one arm extended forward and to the side. Muscles bark: training and strengthening
  2. Side plank: lie on your side, the emphasis on the toes and the elbow at a right angle, body and legs form a straight line. Buttocks and press strain. Repeat on the other side. Muscles bark: training and strengthening
  3. The bridge at the back: lie on your back, feet shoulder width apart bent at the knees. The maximum lift, straining, buttocks, lower back does not bend. Then lift one leg, forming a right angle with the body, the legs are not pulling a sock. Muscles bark: training and strengthening
  4. Advanced bridge on the back: an exercise similar to the previous one, but between the knees with the force necessary to squeeze the ball or another resilient subject. Muscles bark: training and strengthening
  5. Keel: lie on your stomach, arms stretched forward, feet shoulder width apart. Straining the muscles of the buttocks and back, as high as possible to raise the arms straight up. To complicate the foot can be lifted simultaneously.
Muscles bark: training and strengthening

These exercises help maintain muscle tone corset. Consequently, the internal organs and spine will be placed correctly and will not bother their owners.