Pilates for weight loss and keeping the body in good shape: advantages, principles, types, contraindications

Pilates for weight loss and keeping the body in good shape: advantages, principles, types, contraindications

Pilates - a unique system of exercise that is incredibly popular both in our country and abroad. Its author - Joseph Pilates, after which, in fact, the system got its name. These exercises increase flexibility, strengthen muscles, improve overall health. For classes, there are special accessories: mats, fitness equipment, balls and more. Pilates for weight loss is used recently, since initially it was considered as exclusively physical therapy designed to restore power after illness or injury. The highlight of the system - focus on the harmonious interplay of physical and spiritual. Man must strictly control their breathing.

Pros possessed Pilates slimming

1) Allows you to control your body.

2) develops strength, agility and flexibility, speed and endurance, improves movement coordination.

3) contribute to a better understanding of human physical form of the body.

4) to involve the largest number of muscles.

5) Pilates Lessons facilitate corrective posture.

6) Improves work of a number of internal organs (only in regular employment). 7) Relieves stress, tension, relaxes.

8) Trains proper breathing.

9) Exercise can do absolutely everything, and children, and pregnant, and even people with disabilities, if there are no special contraindications for classes.

Pilates for weight loss and keeping the body in good shape: advantages, principles, types, contraindications

Pilates for weight loss: the basic principles of

The main principle of Pilates, as has been said, is to attract a lot of muscle. That's why it's a great way to lose weight and tighten silhouette and get rid of back pain. The exercises are designed so that the fats are broken down very slowly, so you need to prepare for the fact that losing weight would be long and hard. The most radical struggles with fat exercise "ripples". Do not think, however, that Pilates is not effective for this purpose. On the contrary, apart from the fact that you will lose weight, you will bring back to normal work of the body, thus preventing weight gain in the future. To lose weight quickly, it is possible to combine Pilates with some more active exercises.


1) Pilates on the floor - exercises that are performed in a lying or sitting position. Doing them, you can achieve a number of objectives: to correct posture, relieve pain in the spine, improve breathing and some internal organs.

Pilates for weight loss and keeping the body in good shape: advantages, principles, types, contraindications

2) Pilates with specially designed equipment for such exercises. This includes pilates ball, and exercises with rubber bumpers, rings, dumbbell and so on.

3) Pilates for weight loss in the gym. Trainers for this exercise system different from the equipment that we used to see in ordinary halls. They are not fixed, so you need to pay attention to the preservation of balance in the classroom. So the body includes work more muscles, and exercises develop them.


Pilates for weight loss and keeping the body in good shape: advantages, principles, types, contraindications

Contraindications for classes

Since the system was designed for the rehabilitation of patients with contraindications to it is almost there. Among the few limitations - very severe pain, fever, mental disorders. Experienced instructors will insist that a special set of exercises you can pick up for everyone. It all depends on the objectives pursued by them and health. Pilates - a universal system designed to keep the body toned and improve its performance.