Reverse Crunch: effective abdominal exercises

How useful reverse twist? What kind of exercise and what muscle group it is a strain? How to do the reverse twist? These and other issues will be discussed in this article. And we, as always, will try to answer them the most informative.


Reverse Crunch: effective abdominal exercises

Reverse Crunch - one of the exercises included in the complex development of the abdominal muscles. The most intense effects in this activity is observed directly on the muscle-flexors, located in the hip department.

A very important role is played by the synchronous muscle work data. In general, do exactly for this reason, because the well-coordinated work of the flexor muscle plays there almost essential in many sports exercise "reverse twist".


Reverse Crunch: effective abdominal exercises

As one of the examples are well-known sport called "athletics". As you know, there are many athletes run. At the same time the pelvis during running unfolds. There is a force abdominals.

So, the more will be able to turn around the pelvis, the more reduced the hip flexors. Consequently, the step length grows. Regular testing of this exercise allows the athlete to develop a habit of fast movement from a static position. It is very important at the start.

Reverse Crunch on the bench for the development of relevant skills and athletes often perform in football, karate, athletics, tennis and badminton.


Reverse Crunch: effective abdominal exercises

Starting position - lying on his back. Hands must be pulled along the trunk. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knee Department. After that, should lift the hips up. This is done until such time as the thighs are perpendicular to the floor or other horizontal surface, to which the athlete is. Take a breath. After this hold your breath. Should stretch press, and pull your knees as close to your chest. Maximum point should be the position in which the knees are positioned closest. Taz thus should be raised completely above the horizontal surface on which the athlete lies.

Try to make sure that during the twisting legs unfolded. This is done in order to perform the exercise correctly. Otherwise, you may be tempted to complete the exercise using the muscles of the feet, rather than the abdominals.

The floor can abut. This will allow in some way to help. The thing is that at the very beginning of the execution, at the beginning of the thigh lift are in the so-called dead point. Place hands allow to set the initial movement.

Completion of the exercise is to breath in that moment when your knees are already pressed to the chest. Once you've done that, come back in the reverse order to the starting position.


The top point of the trajectory pelvis necessary to tear off the floor entirely. Otherwise, the abdominal muscles are not reduced to the fullest. Therefore, it will not complete the load, whereby the effectiveness of the exercise is also reduced.

The flexibility of the lumbar during the reverse twist improved certainly. But just in case, if the legs are drawn not only to the chest and close to the head. The fact that increases the amplitude of the movement. Therefore, stretching is a more effective than when pulling up the legs to the chest. Try not to drop the foot on the floor. At least until that time, until you've completed the set exercises. If you took the starting position "lying on the floor" with his feet pressed to correct the technical error. Location of the feet on the floor connects to the process of reverse crunches hip flexors. In this case, the load that is to go solely on abs, lies half on him and flexor.

Twist the arms during exercise is not recommended. Also, do not send their knees to one arm. The hip flexion process should only occur due to its rise in the vertical plane. It was only in it. This is particularly important because if improperly performed, might curvature of the spine. But nothing good comes out of this obviously will not work.

You can always stretch your muscles stronger by holding your breath. Intra-abdominal pressure rises, but at the expense of the spine is held in a safe position.

If you raise your head and shoulders will keep on weight, the load on the lower part of the abdominal significantly increase, which will play a positive role in its development.