How to build chest muscles? practical advice


Relief, muscle volume in the male breast makes men torso wider and more powerful. It is this part of the body especially the "favorite" bodybuilders. How to build chest muscles to solid volumes? This question has puzzled many men. To achieve decent results is able to practically everyone, only need persistence and perseverance in achieving this goal.

How to build chest muscles? practical advice

Tips for inflation of the chest to


Working on your body, you should follow some guidelines. How to build chest muscles, making them bulky and relief? It should be remembered on an integrated approach: first, work on volume, and only then proceed to the formation of relief. In order to increase the volume, it is necessary to carry out weight training and hard to eat. To pump the chest at home, increase the content of the daily diet full of protein. Such trace element found in meat, fish, eggs. Enter in your diet carbohydrate foods that will give the necessary energy for training. Try as a variety of cereals, gray and black bread, pasta can be eaten more often. But at the same time, limit the intake of fatty foods. For enhanced muscle growth recommended 15 minutes after completion of the workout snack - so entering will immediately food for building muscle fibers. Train

How to build chest muscles? Special attention should be paid to the sternum and clavicle Department. It can be alternated through the occupation of the power load on them.

Exercise First

Lying on a bench with a slope perform bench presses or dumbbell bar up and down. When lifting the weight up is necessary to inhale when lowering the hands down - exhale.

How to build chest muscles? practical advice

Exercise second

Breeding in different directions dumbbells gripped in his hands, the body lying on an incline bench. Your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. Inhale when diluted to the side and out - when returning the hands to the starting position.

Exercise third

Put your feet on the platform, perform push-ups. While paying attention to the breath: down - exhale, up - breath.

How to build chest muscles? practical advice

Exercise fourth

Proven themselves in deciding "how to build chest muscles" exercise "Pullover". For its implementation need to lean on his shoulders on the bench, the feet should be firmly on the floor. One dumbbell should be taken with two hands on the upper disc and pull his arms over chest. Trying to straighten the elbows, lower the dumbbell behind your head (inhale), then return it to the previous position (exhale). Exercise fifth

For those who do not know how to pump breast house, fit the following advice: thoracic presses with dumbbells or barbells are highly effective from a prone position. For a comfortable exercise, use a flat bench.

Exercise the 6th

The simplest and most common exercise: we press in the hands dumbbells, slightly bend your elbows. From this position, we plant the upper limbs in different directions. Do the exercise standing up until you feel the muscles "burn".

Exercise the 7th

A classic exercise to increase the pectoral muscles are push-ups on the bars, and on the sex, the feet should be socks on the floor.


When should I gain weight, you need to train three times a week. During the work on the terrain, increase the number of training five times a week.