The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

Large and embossed biceps attracted the attention of everyone around you. Therefore, both women and men seek to find the best exercise for biceps, which would help to increase its own power and efficiently laid out in polyarticular exercises where the hands should always be "in the wings".

The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

Chic biceps can get not only through regular training, but also in compliance with the proper nutrition. To do this, the diet must be present proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right quantity. Also, do not forget the water, which for the whole day you need to drink about 2, 0-2, 5 liters.

Muscle biceps

Before finding the best exercise for biceps, you should understand that it is a muscle. Biceps consists of three is not too large muscle, pumping each of which is very important:

  1. Long, or external, head.
  2. Short or internal head.
  3. The shoulder muscle.

The main attention is usually paid to the head, which is often called the biceps muscle, because they are located on the outer side and more noticeable to others. The shoulder is the muscle holds the previous bottom, thereby giving it volume.


Even the best exercise for biceps can cause damage to human health and integrity, regardless of the venue of the training. In order to protect yourself from such hassles you need to listen to the advice that give professional athletes, coaches and doctors. Among them:

  1. When executed the best exercises for biceps volume move should only forearm. The whole body should be kept in the condition of the property and not to include it in the work, because all the power should go to the biceps.
  2. During the workout you want to control every move, avoiding jerks or swaying in different directions. All movements should be done slowly, because only in this case the necessary muscles get enough load.
  3. If desired, the pump should be performed on the biceps 3 sets, each of which is 10-12 repetitions with maximum weight and to strengthen the muscles required to make at least 5 sets of 25 repetitions using a middle weight.
  4. The rate of growth of the biceps is unique, because this parameter depends on genetic predisposition.
  5. In order to avoid habituation muscles, which is why the results are falling, you need to use different exercises. The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

Basic exercises

Among the basic you can find for themselves the best exercise for biceps. But, as mentioned above, should not only perform it all the time, because the muscles will get used and no longer will expand and become stronger. Therefore, in any case, the exercise should be done as a package.

Below are the best exercises to external beam biceps, as well as other parts. They develop all the muscles flexors, which is very important not only for men, according to most beginners, but also for women.

Lifting rod standing

Feedback from the athletes, it is quite simple and effective exercise on biceps. As a rule, used in the recruitment of the masses. It is pretty good uses in the work of the long head. The disadvantage of this exercise is a high load on the wrist and ligaments around the radial bone. The reason for this is the fact that the highest point of the movement of the hands positioned slightly wider elbows, so take on more weight. Can reduce the risk by using a bent neck, but then the two heads will get the same load.

The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

The simple technique:

  1. Taking barbell grip the bottom and stood up straight, you need to gently push the socks in hand and ready to run.
  2. Taking a deep breath, you should bend the arms and thus raise the bar to the chest.
  3. On the exhale hands down with a barbell to the starting position.

Lifting dumbbells

Another effective exercise of the biceps, which also belongs to the base. It differs from the previous one only more control over the rotation of the wrist, as well as an increased load on the forearm. Experienced athletes say that the first time a newcomer would be difficult to find the right position to contribute to a better reduction of the fibers. Experience will be a constant practice.

Perform lifting dumbbells need as follows:

  1. Taking a dumbbell in both hands and straighten them along the body, you need to take a breath and raise both hands at the same time until the forearm will not be parallel to the floor.
  2. On the exhale, the hands go down, but it is not necessary to relax the muscles, as they must be on their toes during the entire exercise.


Feedback from the athletes, it is no less effective exercise gives emphasis on the brachioradialis muscle. It also gives relief and a good amount of the biceps and upper arm. For its implementation will need only a dumbbell.

performance technique:

  1. After taking a standing position or sitting, holding a straight back, hands need to turn to the body.
  2. Hands with dumbbells must be lifted one by one, without turning them and unable to endure the elbows forward. The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

Isolation exercises

Among insulation also present the best exercises for the biceps in the home. Their main task is to completion of the individual beams, as well as giving them the relief and the increase in weight. Such exercises should be carried out after finished basic training biceps, but he is already in use less weight.

The rise of reverse grip rod

Such an exercise athletes are advised to perform in situations where there is a need for revision of brachioradialis muscle. Lifting rod reverse grip helps increase in the volume of the forearm, as well as the head of the biceps.

The implementation of such an exercise is very similar to a conventional lifting weights, but in this case, the grip from the top, and with the rise of the projectile must be brush are aligned with forearms.

Exercise bench Scott

Today, many people are looking for the best exercises for the "rush" of biceps. It was Scott's bench is great help in such cases. Exercise isolates the head of the biceps, while almost completely eliminating the remaining muscles.

It is performed with the help of special equipment, which does not get replaced by any household items.

Doing exercise should be step by step:

  1. The first step is to put on the bench angle of approximately 70-80 degrees.
  2. Picking up the bar and took a deep breath, you slowly lift the shell, holding just a few seconds at the top.
  3. On the exhale, the bar should be lowered to the full extension of the arms.
The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

Perform upgrades required in the full range, lowering the bar to the end. Otherwise, the lower part of the biceps will not be able to get peak load, for which the exercise is performed.

Concentrated lifting dumbbells with supination

In order to increase the width of the biceps and improved fiber separation ideal concentrated lifting dumbbells, which, incidentally, are a good substitute the previous exercise.

Performed lifting dumbbells with supination as follows:

  1. Sitting on a bench with your legs apart and at right angles, it is necessary to take a dumbbell in one hand, dropping it, and a little incline the case forward.
  2. On the inhale should make a slow climb dumbbells while turning the palm outward, to cut bundles of muscles as much as possible.
  3. On the exhale, the hand should be returned to its original position.
The best exercise for biceps - a description, recommendations and reviews

After making a certain number of repetitions, you must immediately move a dumbbell in the other hand and perform the same movement.