How do Bulgarian attacks

The exercise program should include a variety of exercises on the testing of all muscle groups. already beloved exercises and seek new ones to improve and develop his body must be constantly supplemented. The higher the level of the athlete, the more complex, in terms of technique and endurance exercises, it can afford.

Everyone has probably heard of the attacks and their usefulness and ease of implementation. This is a very effective strength exercises for the glutes. Make it possible both at home and in the gym. During its execution involves the same muscles that during squats. However, attacks it possible to develop a large amplitude, and because of them actively worked extensor muscles hip and knee.

How do Bulgarian attacks

There are several types of attacks. The most difficult, but at the same time and the most productive, are considered Bulgarian attacks. Let us consider how they differ from ordinary, as they are right to do, what their characteristics and what you should especially pay attention when they are executed.

What is it?

Bulgarian attacks - this is the kind of exercise in which besides the gluteal, worked more and hip muscles. They usually begin when ordinary attacks do not give the desired result, and when you just want to increase the load on the buttocks.

The basis of such an exercise - the displacement of the weight on one leg. At this time, the second leg is pulled back and is on the anvil. Perform this, especially with weights, then you need to be able to not everyone have at least a good physical preparation.

How do Bulgarian lunges

The above exercises are done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare any support, such as a bench or chair. Put her behind.
  2. One foot to do a step forward, so that the distance from the front legs to the bench was about eighty centimeters.
  3. The second leg is placed on the bench. The correct position - down shoelace.
  4. Do not forget that during the exercise you need to breathe, inhale. Then lower yourself slowly, slowly bending your leg at the knee.
  5. It is essential that in back, was flat during the exercise.
  6. Dropping down, you need to stay a little bit (just a few seconds), to feel the muscles work.
  7. Then climb in and out.
  8. my leg and everything is done first. Should do 10 lunges on each leg, at least three approaches.

In principle, nothing complicated. Especially if the pre-trainer or one of the athletes will show and teach you how to do it right, it will not be difficult to independently carry out the Bulgarian attacks. Picture shows how an athlete should be placed before performing the exercises and during it.

How do Bulgarian attacks

What to look for

Any exercise when performed incorrectly can not only not bring results, but also harm. They are no exception and Bulgarian attacks. performance equipment they have is not complicated, but there are moments in which is worth looking separately:

  • When you squat, note that the lower leg should be vertical, not leaning forward.
  • According to the rules, the knee does not extend beyond the toe. If not, then you just initially made the wrong position: you need to put a little more leg work.
  • When the rise, do not fully straighten his knee. So complicated, but the result will be better. In addition, you can thoroughly feel how the muscles work.
  • The weight is concentrated on one leg, namely, on the heel and forefoot.
  • If you are not using a dumbbell or barbell, the position of the hands can be anything: a belt or in front of him.

Features of Exercise

Bulgarian attacks - it is not the exercise that can help to increase the mass of the legs. Here, first of all, buttocks are working. If done correctly, the positive results can be seen very soon. A key to successful implementation - correctly chosen weight. It is important not to use too large to equipment is not compromised. If the weight and increase, then it should be done gradually.

Types of Bulgarian attacks

How do Bulgarian attacks

In these exercises, there are several types:

  • Classic Bulgarian attacks. This is the simplest kind, because it does not use any weights. We found support - and more (by the way, in addition to the gym and home exercise can even be performed on the street, for example, using the bench as a support). There is a view that attacks without the use of additional weight (ie, dumbbells) do not give a good result. Far from it.
  • Lunges with fitball. As the ball bearing is used for fitness. It is very convenient, as the foot on the ball comfortably and gently.
How do Bulgarian attacks
  • Bulgarian lunges with dumbbells. It is believed that for women this is the best kind of exercise. However, it will be no less useful to the male sex. They are executed in the same way, only in each hand is on the dumbbell, respectively, further develops the muscles of hands.
  • Lunges with a barbell. Use a straight grip. It should pay careful attention to this species and not to lift too much weight. To perform lunges with a barbell on your shoulders need to have a very good balance, so if you are worried that you can not keep the weight - do not start. They can go later, when there will be more confidence in the performance of the exercises.
How do Bulgarian attacks
  • Lunges Smith in the simulator. In contrast to the attacks with a bar - a safe, but no less effective option, as a complication here is also present. Grief is located just below the shoulders. simulator sense that it is fixed and the balance does not need to keep. You can fully concentrate on the exercise. Technique is the same.

What are the muscles work?

Besides being actively loaded gluteal area, when performing exercises involving other muscles. Best of all involved:

  1. The back of the thigh.
  2. Quadriceps (front thigh).
  3. Muscles stabilizers.

What are the benefits exercise?

Let us examine, what other benefits does the Bulgarian attack. Technique is simple, with the exception of a number of items, for which there is a carefully monitored. What else? First, develop coordination of movements to include work-stabilizing muscles. Second, improving the mobility and flexibility of the hip joints. In addition, developing evenly with both feet, which is a very important advantage, if one leg - lagging. On the positive side is attributed, and a large number of variations of the exercise, which means that each will choose for themselves the attacks, according to the physical form and features. And, of course, the convenience and ease of execution, too, plays a very important role.

How do Bulgarian attacks

Draw conclusions

Thus, the Bulgarian attacks - a great exercise for those who want to work effectively gluteal zone, get good relief feet. It is desirable that the first time, especially if the exercise is done with weights, trainer or other experienced and knowledgeable people showed how to make such attacks.

Exercise effectively, it's all stress, but do not speed up the process of transformation of his body due to weight gain. The pole need to deal particularly carefully. Very simply, you can lose your balance, fall, seriously injured. When performed correctly, effective results can be achieved in the short term by making even the classic Bulgarian attacks or lunges with dumbbells. When performing this type of exercise, as well as in sports in general, important sequence and gradually.