Show must go on: how to wrap setback into an opportunity to be happier

Show must go on: how to wrap setback into an opportunity to be happier

There is hardly anyone who does not matter whether he or others like it there, or someone who does not care if he does not like anyone. Feeling sympathy, they enter into communication, so to experience unpleasant emotions whenever this or that communication is not possible - it is perfectly normal. To know that the people who are interesting to you, take you, there is still important, although not always succeed in this matter. Refusal or failure can be found everywhere and in absolutely every aspect of life: a new job, sympathy, love, a new idea, and even their own health. Every important life choices contains within itself the possibility of being rejected. We decided to find out how to behave in a given situation and have negative emotions in opportunities for self.

1. Denial - a chance to change the focus of

When you devote your heart and soul to something new: the idea, work, man, rejection can be a real nuisance. In this situation, the most correct outcome seems to think about what went wrong on your part, and what was said. But despite this, ask yourself these questions is fraught with immersion into the depths of regret that at the root kills all potential future growth. Regret always pull back and become an excellent breeding ground for depression. It is much easier to cope with the refusal of those who know how to let go. This is where you need to start working on them. However, there is a positive effect of the revision of the actions that led to the failure. It all depends on perception. Try to look at your failures as a slight obstacle is overcome, you will become stronger and more successful, especially if we are talking about your behavior, habits and thoughts that need to be improved.

In this situation, the best solution - go from thinking "how could I have been so wrong" to "how can I get better."

But it is worth remembering also that rearrange their views and deeds - that does not mean change for the sake of someone's desires and standards as well as a failure - this is not a reflection of your abilities, talents and your values. Every difficult situation reveals the dynamics of your life and the tools with which you can adjust everything. From this perspective, the failure can be a real source of strength and change.

2. Denial - this is an opportunity to get back on track

Show must go on: how to wrap setback into an opportunity to be happier

Disclaimer - it's not just when someone directly tells you "no", as well as the situation in which you are desperately trying to achieve something, but nothing comes out. In this situation, an unpleasant feeling can again draw his favor, realizing that for the other person or situation that is not enough. Qualifications, or certain chemicals, which is expected of you. This is not to say that something is wrong with you, but on the contrary, shows the standard by which other people make decisions. In this case, you need to pull myself together and continue looking for what will fit and match your standards. Then you can be with people who are with you just for your qualities, potential and value.

3. In spite of the failure, you still try - it's always good to

Accept failures becomes easier each time. To continue the search, regardless of the circumstances - it's pretty brave. And each time, letting fail, you become stronger. This can be compared with the development of muscles - the more training, the more the body, and this in turn leads to flexibility, not only physical but also moral. The more often you hear "no", the easier it is to take it not as painful, and soon you'll be sure that if you suddenly encounter again with failure, your life and emotions of this does not depend on. It is, perhaps, makes the process of "failure" beneficial to the mind, as knowing that you are able to transfer the "no" again, you will not be afraid to take risks, and therefore the opportunity to achieve something becomes more.

Get refusal - also means that you're trying something new.

This situation shows the character like no other. Some people are lucky the first time, and sometimes you need to try a lot before to succeed. The main thing to remember that the perception of the situation - this is the key. Enjoy the process is more important than getting the result, at least once.

4. The failures make success much brighter

Show must go on: how to wrap setback into an opportunity to be happier

Of course, the refusal or failure cause negative emotions. But if life consisted only of success, the happy moments began to be absolutely ordinary, does not deserve to fight for them, there would be nothing that would like to celebrate. The most successful people are, in practice, have experienced the most failures. Walt Disney, for example, was turned down 302 times before you get the money for the opening of Disneyland, and JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers, trying to publish a book about Harry Potter, even Steve Jobs himself was fired from his own the same company, and then again asked to return. Imagine how happy these people were, when they finally got what they want. Every "no" makes subsequent "yes" to more valuable and losing, we feel the importance of the victory as such. Thus, all that we do to get things done, is considered important in the end.

Working on the other in this way, you open a whole new vision of the failure to make it easier to carry it. Do not let failure be the cause of suffering, make their way to survive.