How to cease to depend on other people's opinions

How to cease to depend on other people's opinions

Listen to the opinions of other people - a good habit, which allows not to withdraw into their own self-interest, and often even get better. But sometimes it's the quality of passes through some invisible line and becomes painful and unpleasant phenomenon. Someone else's opinion can bring mental anguish, and some particularly persistent person can even manage to impose their will on us. In such a situation it is no longer any good, and if you fall into it or are afraid of getting caught, then you need to strengthen their "protective barriers" and resist the social and personal pressure.

Do not act on the contrary

If you want to recover from, depending on the opinion of others, it can be assumed that the easiest thing would be to not pay attention to him. It's not too good move, because to ignore the opinions of others - the same error as completely depend on them. Try to filter every opinion that is how you think has influenced you.

First, think about what is trying to make the person who you impose this opinion. Why is he doing? He really wants you to subordinate his will to act as always, by their nature - or just you thought that this view is intrusive? In any case, be sure to reflect on what I wanted to tell you people, and what can be learned from this message. If this criticism, then it certainly is a rational grain, which you can usefully wrap to the next step of self. If a person simply emotionally expressed in the heart, then perhaps he needs your support.

of water flowing Style

If other people have a strong influence on you, then it is likely that you find it hard to refuse. So, we need to learn to say "No". Easy to say, hard to do! Try to be confident and do not refuse to go right and left. At the same time mitigate the very form of denial is not necessary. Proceed as anciently received Japanese: first, instead of "No," say, "I think." And then take heart and discard truly by preparing strong arguments. If you do it face-to-face is still difficult, use the "e-broker", ie refusal Design your email or message in the messenger. At the same time the points will be able to intelligently and paint the reason for his refusal, and not to look up words, painfully blushing with embarrassment.

Study, study and study again!

That no one can influence your judgment, practice how to make it yourself. For example, write critical reviews and a review of everything that you see, hear and visit. Movies, books, performances - is the obvious, but you can still write a review on a new employee, repairs in the apartment of your best friend, or even a "review" a silly dog ​​of your neighbor. All this contributes to the formation of critical thinking and the emergence of self-confidence, because if you get used to seek arguments for reviews and feedback, even in ordinary conversation can easily find them.

If you are easily persuaded other people's arguments in conversations, then gives his opinion first, then no one will have to change it. A valuable finds other you can always mention during their story.

The uniqueness of snowflakes

How to cease to depend on other people's opinions

to express their views on an equal basis with others' it is important to love yourself the way you are. Do not belittle their own personality, do not hesitate and try to realize that everyone is different, so your opinion is exactly the same securities as the opinion of another person. Of course, there are cases where the other person's opinion will be more valuable than yours. For example, if you work in office only a few months, and with you on a professional theme communicates a pro with a decade of experience, which in this specialty dog ​​ate. But in this situation, do not worry, because if the pros really such a good specialist, it will always open to the opinions of others and will not allow ridicule other people's mistakes.

Do not be afraid to express their opinion if it is contrary to the opinion of the majority. Remember the uniqueness of each person and every opinion, then this issue will not have problems.

Look for positive

The main enemy of a person over whom gravitates someone else's opinion, is not so much lack of confidence as a tendency to think out. Many people exaggerate the importance of their mistakes and failures in the surrounding life, afraid to seem silly or frivolous, but in fact almost all of the surrounding five minutes to think and forget about your most terrible failure and more fixated on itself.

If you really are in a situation when your opinion was not just wrong, and even silly, and you brought strong arguments in favor of this, then do not despair and do not get lost. Laugh at yourself first, wrap everything into a joke - and all of you will be impressed as easy and pleasant person, and not as shy muddle.