7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

It is difficult to go on a healthy diet when harmful products are not only delicious, but also affordable. If the idea that we live only once, does not let go, and you're not ready to restrictions, try at least to improve their favorite dishes. Here are some simple ways to make cakes, pasta, snacks and other food less harmful.

1. Fruit purees instead of butter in baking

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

If you completely eliminate fat from the baking, the final product can vary greatly.

Nutritionist Charlotte Fuhrman advises to replace half the butter fruit puree. This helps reduce the calorie and fat content of food, add the fiber and other nutrients that are found in fruits.

In texture dough with fruit puree will be slightly more dense, more like a biscuit. If you do not want additional flavors, use apple. The finished dish, it will be imperceptible.

2. Other types of flour instead of wheat

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

You can replace part of the flour in most foods without compromising taste. If two cups of ordinary wheat flour in a recipe, substitute one of them on whole. This will add to baked goods longer useful fiber.

Wheat flour has a large glycemic index, therefore, leads to a sharp rise in blood sugar. Almond and coconut flour - excellent substitutes for wheat. You'll get a good dose of protein and avoid sugar spikes.

Nutritionist Sai Aparadzhita Hannah advises to use cocoa instead of flour in baking chocolate. This will reduce the amount of carbohydrates, add calcium dish and make it more chocolate.

3. Spices instead of salt and sugar

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

Add a taste of the dish and you can without sugar and salt - simply doubling the amount of spices. For example, an additional piece of cinnamon in a dish to make it more sweet.

What seasonings used depends on the products that you cook. On the internet you can easily find a list of spices to replace salt and sugar.

4. Bird and vegetable protein in place of red meat

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

One of the healthy changes in your diet that you can do - giving up red meat. Replaces it with poultry, fish or vegetable sources of protein - beans, nuts, tofu.

Reduce the amount of red meat in the diet will help you mediterranean diet. This is a healthy type of food, based on fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains.

5. Whole grain pasta instead of the normal

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

pasta lovers should pay attention to different types of pasta. Whole-wheat pasta contains three times more fiber. It helps maintain a healthy weight reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

The paste is made not only of wheat but also buckwheat, brown rice, spelled, corn, and other useful crops. They are high in fiber and low glycemic index.

6. The yogurt instead of sour cream and avocado and mayonnaise

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

Replace the sour cream into Greek yogurt and other cream sauces. They are lower in calories and more protein.

Instead of mayonnaise New York nutritionist Juliana Šalek recommends the use of avocado sauce. He has the same creamy consistency, but far more nutritional value. The inclusion of healthy fats in the diet is necessary, they help us to stay longer full. Replacing mayonnaise avocado reduce consumption of unhealthy fats and cholesterol, as well as help you get a good dose of polyunsaturated fats. In addition, avocados contain more than 20 vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

7. Healthy snacks instead of chips and sweets

7 ways to make favorite dishes usefully

The hardest part of proper nutrition - to refuse snacks. Often it is the most convenient way to quickly satisfy hunger or fun for movie viewing.

Healthy replacement for snacks - fruits, vegetables, whole-grain crackers with low-fat cheese.

Dietitian Jamie Logs advises not to buy ready-made popcorn, and do it at home by yourself. Better not to use the microwave and the stove for this. Fire popcorn with a little olive oil, sea salt and parmesan cheese for flavor. You'll get magnesium, B vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats from olive oil and minerals from sea salt, avoiding chemicals, trans fats and additives, which come from popcorn bags for microwave.

Logs also recommends that you always keep the house almonds and walnuts. You can combine them with fruit and get a healthy snack.

These products contain everything that will satisfy you, providing good food, in particular, fiber, protein, healthy fats and water.

From what unhealthy foods in your diet you're not ready to give up?