How to do the "bar"? Exercise "strip" for weight loss: performance technique, the benefits and contraindications

The benefits of exercise, "strip" for weight loss there are many: all self-respecting sports sites, fitness brochures and handouts yoga studios are full of enthusiastic epithets and grateful customer reviews. It is taken into service beginners and experienced athletes, men and women, "iron" and pitching fitonyashi knowing that seemingly simple actions often are the most effective and efficient. Every reputable coach keeps in stock some interesting species of this multi-faceted exercise. What gives the "strip" - almost explains each workout. Therefore, many beginners think that this pose - simple, but in practice it turns out the opposite.

How to make the bar, tells a little lower.

What is the essence of the exercise?

On the part of the pose it looks like a straight line the whole body (hence the name), essentially parallel to hovering above the floor. This is due to the emphasis placed on the feet and fingers, the hands can be in different positions on the two hands or one on the forearms and even on your fingers.

How to do the

The body is held in this position by force deep skeletal muscles, mainly in the cortex, although, in fact, the whole body is involved.

How to make the bar?

The first version of the classic poses with a support on the foot and forearm is obtained from the position of kneeling: to put the hands on the floor of the forearm so that the shoulder joint line located just above the elbow, hand assembled into a fist and pressed to the floor and his hands are shoulder width apart. The feet are placed on the width of the pelvis and stand on your toes: straighten your legs, hips and straining to pull the body into a rigid straight line, connecting to the internal muscles.

How to do the

from head to toe the line, you must create a strong bond, stretching in length, while making sure that the pelvis and the head does not sag to the floor, as is usually seen in beginners or very weak people. To do this, hold the active muscles of the thighs, not allowing to bend the knees, to send the pubic bone to the navel, squeezing the buttocks, and the navel to pull the spine, creating a dense clump of tone in the press. All the muscles in the exercise, "strip" should remain stable position, do not sag down and after five seconds to bend at the waist or knees. These movements extra, expended energy, which is necessary for long-term fixed posture.

The errors in building and fixing posture

Many beginners find that exercise "strip" - for the stomach, but it is fundamentally wrong. Yes, the main activity falls on the muscles bark, but the buttocks, thighs and the shoulder belt does not work less, the whole body must become more active and take up the challenge. This is the main benefit of "plank": exercise works on all the major muscle groups, is actively contributing to weight loss and a decrease in volumes.

The basic and most common errors during prolonged fixation postures are:

  • Lumbar spine sag when inactive muscles of the buttocks and press "allow" the spine to bend, creating a compression of the intervertebral discs. There are two variants of this error: when a person pelvis sags to the floor or, on the contrary, too high picks it up, bending at the waist.
  • The head is below the line of the shoulders: this creates an excessive load on the shoulder belt, trapezoidal and the deep muscles of the neck, which can lead to a tightening of blood vessels leading to the brain, and as a consequence - a migraine.
  • The knees are bent, which leads to a passive basin, which would entail the lumbar support. The reason: the passive thigh.
  • Wrong hand position: shoulders go forward by the elbow, or, conversely, too far back. Also often start too well bred elbows in the exercise "plank", which gives an unnecessary strain on the muscles of the torso: it begins to sag over the floor.
  • Too rounded thoracic spine shifts the burden of the abdominal muscles in the back: this trick is often used by those who want to show off long-lasting hold, but the experienced eye of coach always discern the correct posture and "hack".
  • Wrong breath: often a person in a high voltage begins to hold their breath, thereby unwittingly creating an even greater strain on the body. Breathing is necessary, on the contrary, deeply and evenly, providing a large muscle oxygen dose, which will burn the hated fat.

Because of these rather common, the causes of many novice experience discomfort and pain, and throw the case in the beginning, and has not reached the first results.

Photos from the correct and incorrect posture fixing

How to do the "bar" is well shown in the photo below. There is a clear line without sagging different parts of the body.

How to do the

But the "strip" execution of exercises for weight loss with errors, which are the most common among beginners and people who are not familiar with the essence of this position.

How to do the

The options for men

Exercise "strip" for a strong half of mankind has more than thirty options, some of which can challenge even the trained athletes. Here are some variations:

  1. "The elongated strap." It differs from the classic version on the straight hands that direct hands stretched forward, bending to the extent possible. "Strap" line at the same time must be preserved, that is, the deflection in the back or neck should not be, as well as passive and thighs.
  2. "Wiper blades". This option exercise is very similar to the movement of the wipers in a car. From the starting position on the exhale bend your right knee and touch their left hand on the pause after exhalation bend reach of his right hand, trying to lift the leg as high as possible and inhale back to its original position. Repeat with the other leg. All set to try to do to the extent possible, without violating the basic requirements for the "strip". It is also very important not to twist the torso or shoulders, and give all the load and press the hips. This variant can be carried out both on the straight hands and forearms, making the load on the body is more diverse.
  3. Exercise from the wall is considered a "aerobatics" among the options for this exercise. How to do: "bar" to build in the same way as usual, only the feet are not on the floor and on the wall. Foot firmly pressed into the wall, activating the thighs, buttocks and muscles of the core. Better to start from the point where the feet are slightly above the shoulders, gradually approaching the floor parallel. Important! Do not bend the lumbar spine, lifting your tailbone at the ceiling, on the contrary, "" tightly tucking it under his belly, strong work inside the pelvic muscles. How to do the

The options for women

How to exercise "bar" if the classic version is easily reachable? There are a few simple modifications to the beautiful half of the population:

  1. "bar" on the side: starting position is the same, but when you exhale expand the body to the side, raising one hand up and putting feet on the edge. In this position, the maximum activated obliques body responsible for the waist, which is especially desirable for women. It is important not to stick out a basin and not hunched back, otherwise the benefits will be lost, but the entire burden will fall on the reference points: the foot and hand. Also, this option can be performed based on the forearm.
  2. The initial posture as in the first embodiment, but in addition, you can raise the leg, which is higher toward the ceiling, trying not to bend your knees and torso are actively working, directing side up. Hand line should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. rolling or "mountaineer". Very powerful variation of the "plank", actively engages the press and the buttocks. Standing in the classic "bar" on the straight arms, bend the knee to touch the elbow or the shoulder of the same hand on the exhale. On the inhale to return to the original. At least 12 reps, making sure the correct position of the body and shoulders: they do not have to move, as well as the torso. The basic movement perform leg and muscle corset just make the cut, without unfolding the body in space (this is one of the most important factors in this exercise). How to do the

How do the bar, so that was the effect?

Online Resources dazzle actively publicized the achievements of athletes: one calls private residence time poses, showing off the strength of his body. How many actually need to "keep the bar", to achieve the effect? If we consider that the method is static (implies a long stay in the same position), it is clear that it is by increasing the amount of time reaches the maximum result of the exercise. "Plank" has several levels of fixation:

  • New or zero: maintain the correct posture for 30 seconds.
  • Average level: fixing posture from 1 minute to three.
  • Advanced: three to five minutes.
  • high impact: different exercise modifications, held from 1 minute.

Experts believe that if the fixing time has reached a point in three minutes, it is necessary to modify the position of the body, as the habit and reduced efficiency. Increasing the time little progress will not, it is better to try to change the position of the legs or arms:

- version of "strips" on the straight hands;

- Use three points of support instead of four: two feet and one hand, two hands and one foot;

- "strip" on the one hand and a leg (placing the body side relative to the floor);

- Chaturanga Dandasana - pose of yoga identical to the lower stop at push-ups, but your elbows pointing straight back to the heels. Powerful position in seconds reheat capable body.

It should be noted that long-term "strip" is ineffective if the pose is performed correctly: only under perfectly correct position of the body the exercise it makes sense. One minute in the right position at times useful than five in a skewed condition and improper breathing.

World record, Guinness World Records recorded for 2016, put the Chinese Mao Veydung, having stood in the classic "bar" 8 hours and 60 seconds. Here it is worth remembering that 20 seconds of you will be hard.

What are the benefits?

"Plank" is ideal for those people who are contraindicated exercises with heavy weight at the gym, running or jumping, as well as various high impact fitness program with a heavy load on the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. This position is able to as soon as possible to strengthen the core muscles, giving your body taut form. Despite the fact that many skeptics argue that the exercise "bar" is not effective for weight loss, but only gives a standard tone, it's worth noting: it not to tighten muscles of the body visually looks slimmer and thinner? Of course, the "cubes" in the press of this exercise does not appear, but the stomach pouch will not be, internal muscles tightened, and with them gone puffy shapes.

How to do the

If the exercise "bar" as it should, then the muscle-stabilizers are activated and during the day will be to fix the spine and whole body in an upright position: there will be no natural slouch and to round shoulders, a desire, on the contrary, to open the chest, breathe full of light and lift your head up high. Elongated spine condition and activity rarely employed in sedentary muscles of life will allow the load off the waist and neck and remove the inner ears, which can lead to low back pain, and later to a herniated disc.

And one of the most important performance bonuses strap: durable fixation teaches the mind to suffer difficulties and restrictions, coaching patience, endurance and fortitude. This ability is very significant in today's world, because all the achievements of the mind of the victories in the gym can easily be transferred to the social and personal life.

Do the "plank" contraindications?

Exercise has virtually no definitive contraindications, but there are some guidelines and lightweight options:

  • If there are fractures in the history of the hands or collarbones, ligament ruptures, the "bar" should be placed on the forearms, giving a wider and more stable footprint body and will significantly reduce the load on the joints.
  • is not recommended "bar" after a stroke and heart attack in the first six months, even if the body feels great. It is better to take the full course of rehabilitation and then to add such weighty load.
  • Natural contraindications exercise "bar" pregnancy and menstruation, inflammation of the reproductive system, and varicose veins in the pelvis.
  • If there is excess weight (80 kg), then in the early stages it is recommended to do the pose "planks" on his knees, lowering the load on the joints, but is actively working the gluteus maximus and the press, sending the pubic bone to the belly.
  • Do not do the "bar" with a full stomach, temperature or acute illness of the internal organs, it is necessary to wait for remission, making a lightweight set of exercises.
  • When the transferred abdominal operations (caesarean section as well) begin to do "bar" not earlier than six months, in some cases it is necessary to postpone this exercise for ten months.

And a few more facts

"Plank" refers to exercises with its own weight and, therefore, does not require special equipment, shoes and sports attire: it can be done simply on the floor at home, outdoors on the grass or in the office during a break.

Regularly performing this simple posture can be obtained at:

- strong and firm buttocks;

- tight stomach instead of flabby fat piece;

- active oblique muscles of the torso reduce waist twice;

- tightened beautiful thigh muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

- through increased breathing improves blood circulation, which means that the body quickly gets rid of toxins and excess calories;

- the physical strength of the body will increase by almost half, and it is only three minutes a day;

- due to the strong axial traction of the spine goes back pain, neck and between the shoulder blades, making the posture strap good prevention of osteochondrosis;

- increases resistance to stress and various psychological stress;

- gradually eroding desire to feel sorry for yourself, and therefore, there is an additional incentive for self-improvement.

It can be a very long time to list all the advantages and pleasant bonuses from the exercise "bar", but that would just vibrations. Much more important, that everyone could feel myself on the magical effect of this pose, so beloved by all athletes, yogis and simple fighters for a healthy mind.