10 Life Lessons from Confucius

• 10 Life Lessons from Confucius

10 Life Lessons from Confucius

the great Chinese thinker philosophy was focused on issues of morality, both personal and from a social point of view. Confucius taught about the correctness of social relationships, justice and equality. We give 10 bright life lessons, based on the philosophy of Confucius:

1. Just keep going

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

If you continue on the right path, then eventually you will reach your desired destination. The hard work to be performed sequentially. A person achieves success - is the one who remains faithful to the idea and, in spite of the circumstances, is moving towards its goal.

2. Your friends are important

"Do not make friends with someone who is not better than you."

Your friends are your future prophecy. You are going back to where they already are. This is a good reason to look for friends who are moving in the same direction that you have chosen. Therefore, surround yourself with people with fire in the heart!

3. For the good you have to pay.

"It's easy to hate and it is hard to love. It involves a lot of things in our lives. Have a nice day it is difficult to achieve, and much easier to get something bad. "

This explains a lot. It is easier to hate, it is easier to show a negative, it is easier to justify. Love, forgiveness and generosity require a lot of heart, a great mind and a great effort. 4. First, collect your tools

"Life expectancy depends on the zeal and diligence. Mechanic who wants to improve their work must first prepare your tools. "

Confucius said: "Success depends on pre-treatment, and failure is bound to happen without such training." Whatever you do in life, if you want to succeed, first you need to prepare. Even the biggest failure can accelerate the path to success.

5. There is nothing bad in the fact that you made a mistake

There is nothing wrong in the fact that you made a mistake, if you do not continue to keep this in mind. Do not worry about nothing. Making a mistake is not a great crime. Do not let mistakes spoil your day. Do not let negativity take up your thoughts. There is nothing wrong in committing mistakes! Celebrate your mistakes!

6. Pay attention to the consequences of

"When you're angry, think about the consequences."

Solomon said, "slow to anger is better than the mighty, and better than owning him that taketh a city." Always remember that you need to maintain composure, and think about the consequences.

7. amends

"If it is obvious that the goals can not be reached, do not adjust the target, the corrective action."

If your goals do not seem to be feasible this year, now is a good time to agree on a plan to achieve them. Do not take failure as an option, set the sails of success and gradually move towards its goal. 8. You can learn from each

"If I go with two other people, each of them will act as my teacher role. I will imitate the good traits of one of them, and to correct a cons of the other. "

You can and should learn from each, whether it be a rogue or saint. Every life - is a story filled with lessons, ripe for the picking. For example, you can take something good and useful for yourself from 7 Life Lessons Will Smith or learning from the lessons of Einstein's 10 gold.

9. All or Nothing

"Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart."

Whatever you do, do it with complete dedication or do not do at all. To succeed in life you will be required to give the best of what you are capable of, and then you will live without regrets.

10. Once the great Chinese thinker Confucius came to visit well-educated by the time the lady and asked him:

- Say Confucius why when a woman has a lot of lovers, it is subjected to public contempt, and when a man has a lot of women, it is ok.

Before answering Confucius silently made tea and poured it into the six cups.

- Tell me, - he asked her then - when one teapot pouring tea leaves in six cups, is this normal?

- Yes. - the woman said.

- You see - said Confucius - and when one cup is poured just six dummies ...?