Traveling by train: what to take to the road

Traveling by train: what to take to the road

The train - the most common form of transport. Of course, you can still travel by bus, plane and car. However, not every person has his own car, an airplane flight is much more expensive, but on the long sitting in the bus numb legs and back hurt. Therefore, the best option (in terms of comfort and cost) is the movement of the train.

If the trip lasts for a couple of hours, especially not worth it and think about what to take with you on the go. However, if the trip is long or if you are traveling with your child, then you should more thoughtfully and carefully approached to collect his luggage

Traveling by train: what to take to the road

Documents and money

All documents (tickets, passport, birth certificate) better to collect in one bag and place in a small bag, which always will be with you. Similarly, and with the money: in the way we should take a small amount, that was enough for a taxi and some unforeseen expenses, the principal amount of the money is better to keep on the credit card.

Traveling by train: what to take to the road


Train - a public transport. Despite the fact that there is a cleaning service, you should have better personal hygiene. The most comprehensive list may appear as follows: wet wipes (preferably, antiseptic or antibacterial), toilet paper, a small bar soaps, hand towel, a means for oral care, antiperspirants, comb, mirror, cotton pads and makeup remover (the latter two points are relevant to women).

Traveling by train: what to take to the road


You should have a set of clothes (raglan / T-shirt / T-shirt, pants / breeches / shorts) and shoes (closed slippers, flip-flops, shale). If you are traveling with children, then sets "smenki" should be more, because the child can get dirty, knock over the water, and so on. D.

Dress for the weather - is important for any trip. Be aware that summer in cars, where there is no air-conditioning, can be very hot. But cars with air-conditioning, on the contrary, can be cool. Clothing should be comfortable and convenient, as well as practical and bright colors.

Traveling by train: what to take to the road

First Aid Kit

Always on the road we must take a minimum set of medicines, you see, you can not know in advance how to behave in your body in a new environment. Recommended to have painkillers, antihistamines and cough preparations, antipyretics, medicines for the improvement and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have any chronic diseases - grab the necessary medications with them.

Traveling by train: what to take to the road

mobile devices and entertainment

Can you imagine yourself without a mobile phone / tablet / laptop? Therefore, this question can be answered unequivocally - take. These gadgets help to kill time on the road, dispel boredom and a variety of leisure activities. Do not forget to take all the necessary chargers.

There are a lot of interesting things that will help make the trip more fun. This book, a notebook with a pen or a set of pencils, knitting, embroidery, table games, and so on. D., And, of course, crossword puzzles!