5 financial goals, which is necessary to put ourselves as soon as possible

We have repeatedly said that to save money - it is a good habit for women of all ages. From the launch of its own emergency fund until the formation of a pension - saving money and controlling your budget, you open yourself the opportunity not only in the future to buy expensive things, but also to change their lifestyle. We decided to find out with what exactly you need financial targets set yourself those who are just beginning to form a healthy attitude toward money.

1. Set limits

5 financial goals, which is necessary to put ourselves as soon as possible

puts more financial goals like "I want to earn a lot and spend little" - that's great, but vague. Rather than strive for an indefinite ideals, set a number of restrictions on how, when and where you spend your money. For example, eat out only once a week or pay for purchases only on the card, the cash is put off. Or refuse corporate lunches, taking food with them. Invest in entertainment, not more than the weekend.

Thus, you will make concrete actions, and, accordingly, get a concrete result - the economy, the real me your lifestyle and outlook on spending.

2. Pay off debt

Start saving money or planning serious shopping is very difficult, if you have debts that pull you and your financial independence down. Before working on the formation of an emergency fund or to collect the coveted purchase, it is necessary to put a more rational purpose - to pay all the loans and pay all the loans as quickly as possible. If you repay the minimum amount each month, you may want to rethink their daily spending, focusing only on the fact that as soon as possible to pay off debts and not to overpay. This goal is very crucial, because after the repayment of debts you can not only to postpone or to spend more money, but also be able to change jobs, if you want, move, or plan a major purchase.

3. Avoid the temptation to

Life of modern man offers many temptations, which will help quickly and nice to spend your money. From unplanned trips to the coffee shop during a break to a sudden meeting in a Starbucks and a desire to eat something tasty in the evening after work. Very often, these are the end of desire unintended waste of money.

Instead, each time to indulge their temptations, make it a habit to avoid the obvious expenses. If you know that a meeting with a friend in Starbucks necessarily end with one or more cups of coffee with biscuits and muffins, then ask her to meet in the park, for example. Spring also. Instead of buying various goodies in the evening, plan your menu and prepare a dessert that will warm the soul, waiting for you to work.

4. Discuss finances with your partner

According to statistics, money is the main topic of debate partners - 70% of couples experience stress, discussing this very piquant question. If you are seriously aims to save up money to cover their debts or to start creating your own emergency fund, the joint life can insert tangible spoke in the wheel of your plans. It is therefore necessary to discuss financial issues with your partner. Find out the financial habits of each other. As each of you used to spend money, in what quantities, and how they are earned. Discuss the overall savings plan. What will you put off together and be there. Who should be responsible for that, if you will only put off their money and on what it is you have to save, and how it will affect their life together.

5. Learning to live on less money,

5 financial goals, which is necessary to put ourselves as soon as possible

No matter how much you earn, learn to live on less than - it's very useful. Financial experts say that the possibility of earning is always exactly as waste. But here is the ability to spend less money than you have, would lead to the fact that even without a large or stable income, you can always save money - both for future spending, and an emergency fund, and even retire. The sooner you get used to the fact that most of what you buy, you absolutely do not need, and do can be a much smaller amount of food, clothing, entertainment, travel by taxi, and so on, the sooner your life will no longer revolve around money and your passions.