We understand how to dress to the rink

Most people have neither the time nor the opportunity to frequent the ice rink. And on those rare occasions when do manage to get out on the ice, you want to dress not only warm and comfortable, but also so that it was still beautiful.

We understand how to dress to the rink


At the outset I want to say that the main thing at the rink - the safety of all those present. Even if you really want to look beautiful, it is necessary to know how to dress to the rink right and remember that a great danger on the ice are long scarves, which are easy to trip and fall. Also, do not undress too, because to freeze the rink is easy, but then to be treated for hypothermia is difficult. And, of course, you need to keep warm feet, otherwise one risks to be nipped by the frost and the sick.

We understand how to dress to the rink


Determine how to dress to the rink, it is better to prefer sports style. The short jacket, warm sweater and pants - ideal wardrobe for skiing on ice. If it is desirable to wear a skirt, it should be short, preferably above the knee. It is also important that it does not hinder movement. To warm the feet better than using tights, stockings alone may be enough. Among the recommendations, how to dress on the ice rink can be found and those where advise putting on several layers of clothing. This is absolutely the right advice, but it needs to be interpreted correctly. Does not mean that you need to wear two sweaters and a pair of pants, you just need to wear a T-shirt made of natural fabrics, warm sweater and a jacket. That is three layers. Otherwise, the person will simply be uncomfortable to ride, t. To. The set of clothes will just limit his movements. Footwear

It is clear that the main shoe skates at the rink are that, by the way, are without any internal insulation. It is important to remember that the feet should be well prepared for skating, dressing them in a warm, preferably wool socks. You should also choose the right size of skates to foot it was not crowded, otherwise it runs the risk of freezing in the short term. An excellent way out of the situation can become a special insulation, which is put on the shoes. Thanks to them, the legs are kept warm and comfortable.

We understand how to dress to the rink


Choosing what to wear to the rink, you must also take care of the warming of the head and hands. Moreover, the cap and gloves will serve not only as a heat source, but also a "softener" tumbles. Roller cap can be quite different: with balambonom, earflaps, just pot. It does not matter. As long as it performs its main function - heat retention head. On hand can be worn like gloves and mittens. It also does not matter, ie. A. Hardly involved and serve only to balance the body while riding his hands. We have fun in building

Several other recommendations can be, how to dress on an indoor ice rink. If it is ice, you need to also take care of its insulation, t. To. The cold ice will still be felt. The only indoor ice rink is not necessary to wear outer garments. Enough warm sweaters, pants, hats and gloves. Will be quite different recommendations on how to dress to the rink, made of soap. There is no longer need to wrap up in warm clothes, will be sufficient to ordinary clothes, in which a person is in the entertainment center.