Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

Overweight, unfortunately, it can be considered one of the most pressing domestic problems of today. Incessant haste, lack of normal sleep and diet, constant stress, lack of fluid intake and often of dubious quality food - all this inevitably leads to adding extra centimeters and kilograms, which, of course, no one is decorated.

Modern methods of struggle against excess weight

The urgency of this problem is now so great that every day there are more and more methods aimed at solving it. Most often come to mind, of course, a variety of diet and exercise rooms. The consumption of fewer calories leads to weight loss, but this option has a number of very significant drawbacks.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

In the first place, not enough to simply have a little - you must also spend more calories, which is quite often overlooked. Secondly, the sharp change in diet for the body to become a huge stress, and as a result he starts to accumulate fat in the emergency order that subsequently leads not only to an increase in volumes, but also in the appearance of cellulite, that it is absolutely undesirable. Finally, the trick lies in the fact that diets lead to active splitting not only fat, but also proteins, which form the basis of our muscles. Thus, with a minimum weight, a person rarely has the opportunity to boast of a perfect figure.

Not less important method of preventing overweight can be called active exercise and independent operation with a personal trainer. Of course, in this case, and it provided a reasonable change in diet. Nevertheless, for many similar method can be called inaccessible due to lack of time or money, excessive restraint or categorical relationships to the feeling of sweating. Very popular in this regard, swimming, but in order that the result really was evident in the basin need to spend a lot of time, which today can afford not everyone.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

Finally, do not forget about such an embodiment, the fight against excess centimeters as yoga for weight loss. Reviews about this method is controversial because of the many options to approach it.

Why the effect may not be

The first and most common reason for this circumstance is of limited use. Having read about how effective yoga for weight loss (reviews, yet mostly positive), people with enviable persistence are taken for the execution of asanas, hoping that this will be enough to make the extra inches at a phenomenal rate disappeared. In fact, the result can only be achieved comprehensive approach (in this case it is particularly important), that provides not only exercise, but also a change in sleep mode and even more power.

For whom is ineffective yoga for weight loss? Responses may be negative and because of incorrectly chosen technology. It's no secret that at the moment there are so many kinds of such practices among them, you can select only having studied enough information or ask for expert advice. In particular, it depends on the version of the load on the muscles: some species provide their strengthening, others - building, and others - a complex effect and normalize metabolism.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

Finally, for many difficulty is homemade, self yoga for weight loss. Reviews of such practices are often not very positive. The thing is that the person can treat yourself with a fair amount of self-pity, and therefore the performance of asanas, he can produce with some indulgence and simplification. Naturally, in this case we should not expect a perfect result.

What is included in such practices

As mentioned earlier, a mechanical exercise in this case, it is not enough. Before proceeding directly to employment, we should ask ourselves the question of what, in general, is yoga. Breathing in such practices do not play less, if not more important than themselves asanas. All combined with proper nutrition, sleep and look at the world. This is only a basic list of components. Ideally, you must not only know, but also to adhere to a particular ideology, and, of course, a way of life.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

What is so particularly through yoga? Breathing provides the proper flow of oxygen to the internal organs, actively influences the metabolism. Asanas also allow you to control the process of fat burning from the outside, while contributing to not only get rid of the extra kilos, but harmonious and proper development of muscles, allowing the body to bring in really good shape.

Who needs a yoga class for weight loss

The beauty of such practices is, perhaps, in their absolute universality. There are no restrictions on the weight, age, height or body type, in this case simply does not exist. Yoga for women is a great way to not only get rid of the extra kilos, but also keep the body in good shape, giving it a natural sexuality and smartness. Men are using these techniques acquire relief muscles, strong body and flexibility.

Such practices have a positive impact on absolutely everyone. Important can be called and the fact that, in addition to physical perfection, doing yoga, we get more and normalization of emotional, psychological background, getting an opportunity to completely different look at things.

What you need to be prepared to

Yoga - a very specific sport (if at all possible to apply this definition to it), and therefore the achievement of the result will be quite peculiar. Choosing for itself this method of struggle against excess weight, you should consider some of its features.

Neither school of yoga will not give you instant results, and even one that could be seen in a couple of weeks of classes. Such practices - a complex phenomenon and gradual, and therefore we should not expect the impossible, not to be disappointed later. However with the right approach to business effect can be truly stunning with time. In addition, weight, dropped in using such practices, are unlikely to return to you in a short time, because the process of their removal would be the most natural and safe for the body.

The importance of the choice of

It is the second most important factor for success in the fight against excess weight and centimeters. Each yoga school offers its own set of asanas and approaches defining a specific result. The difficulty lies only in the fact that is quite difficult to independently and immediately select the most appropriate from a huge choice of methods. Some options practices did not designed for weight loss. This does not mean that all classes will not benefit: the body in any case will become more flexible thinking - cleaner and metabolism - correct. Here are just centimeters does not necessarily go away like magic.

How to choose?

Each set of yoga involves certain load and techniques, and therefore it is essential to choose the one that fits best for a particular purpose. The following options are considered to be the most effective practices:

  1. Ashtanga Yoga.
  2. Bikram Yoga.
  3. Vini Yoga.
  4. Yoga 23.
  5. Yogabit.
  6. Yogalates.
  7. Kriya Yoga.
  8. Power Yoga.
  9. Yoga itself.
  10. Tri-Yoga.
  11. Yuddha yoga.

The following list contains the classic practice and hybrid: alternative variants adapted to the needs of our time.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

The first yoga complex belongs to the category of dynamic. It was founded by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. The essence of the method consists in interleaving a certain number of special exercise postures, comprising a breathing, movement, and energy concentration locks. The second name of this practice - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Words added in this case, means the very movement by which one position is replaced by another.

Bikram Yoga

This option is, perhaps, can be called one of the most effective for weight loss, if we take into account only the classic practice. The alternation of specific asanas is combined with a thermal effect on the body. The ideal temperature for employment is considered 37-40 degrees. Asan is involved in this case 26, and their implementation is accompanied by two types of breathing practices. In general, this is the perfect yoga for women, while for men it is also very well suited. Cons it has only two: this method of losing weight requires a mandatory visit to the studio, which will be the appropriate conditions, and is not suitable for people who have problems with cardiovascular system.

Vini Yoga

The basic principle of this practice - smooth dynamics. Asana slowly replace each other, accompanied by a special Vedic chanting and breathing exercises. We can say that it is ideal for beginners yoga. Responses about it mostly positive, because of ease of performing asanas and not too active loads.

Yoga 23

One of the few domestic procedures of established and popular, not only for weight loss. Practices of this kind are widely used for the preparation of professional athletes and even the military. This is due to a combination of traditional elements in technique, fitness, dance, martial arts, swimming and the principles of free diving.


Direction, which can be called one of the most dynamic and popular in modern sport complexes. Already from the name you can determine that this is not a traditional yoga. Responses to such techniques, however, are mainly positive. Weight goes quite quickly and efficiently due to serious enough physical activity, based on Vedic technique of execution.


Another alternative is a fairly common practice. The basis of it, judging by the name, it is yoga. Exercises practiced apart from the Vedic, it has been borrowed from a fairly popular fitness trends - Pilates. The technique is ideal for home use and for use in studios.

Kriya Yoga

The very name of this classic method is translated as "movement", which determines the specific directions. We can say, for weight loss in the home of one of the best is precisely this yoga. Exercises in it, being cyclical, replaced quite often, and this is due to the active fat burning effect.

Power Yoga

The technique, by leaps and bounds endearing modern market of fitness services. Her appearance we owe the American adherents of a healthy way of life, or rather, Beryl Bender Betch - the fair sex, carefully tracking her figure. This is not only an effective yoga slimming abdomen - is a complex, allowing to get rid of the hated fat in the most remote places.

Sama Yoga

Meditation and stretching, long relaxation and rushing to develop coordination and concentration - that is, that in itself combines the variety of Vedic practices. Perhaps this is not the most effective yoga for belly slimming. If excess fat is not too large, it is perfectly suitable to bring the body in shape.


This dynamic technique has also been developed by an American. Its basic principle is the non-stop work. In fact, it can be characterized as a kind of meditation, which consists not in a static position and in constant dynamics. Nevertheless, this is a great yoga for beginners. Slimming is suitable if excess fat is not very large.

Yuddha yoga

The basis of this technique up martial arts. More specifically, base its principles were defined by the existence of kung fu. Due to the active use of the elements of combat - it is quite difficult for beginners yoga. For weight loss, however, it is suitable, so it all depends on personal preference and the degree of decisiveness.

Where better to do?

That is the question sooner or later asks themselves every one who decided to choose this way to lose weight. On the one hand, home yoga classes can be easily obtained by examining certain reference books or inviting myself for the first occupation of a professional coach. This will save you from having to blush for intractable postures, their forms or misunderstanding of a particular element. That is why many are now opting for practice at home.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

Despite some obvious advantages, such a campaign has no less significant drawbacks. First, to understand yourself is difficult in all the wisdoms techniques. It takes patience and time consuming, it can afford today not everyone. Secondly, there is absolutely no guarantee that the home yoga for weight loss is really effective. In this case, the correct execution of asanas is essential - the slightest deviation can make the exercise useless, and at times discouraging to do next. The instructor is needed to ensure that time, effort and patience were spent really good use. Simply put, the beginning of yoga should be exactly in the studio: the only way you will be able to learn the basic techniques and to fully understand the basic principles of the chosen method.

Summarizing all the above, it should be noted that the Vedic practice - it is not just an effective way to deal with excess weight and centimeters, as a real path to inner peace, which is essential to man as air in order to achieve a particular purpose. This is a real set of measures, which each is undertaken strictly for the benefit of, and can not hurt. Yoga - a set of methods for achieving the result, which eventually surpasses everything possible and impossible expectations.

Yoga for weight loss: reviews. Home yoga lessons

However, the decision to begin the practice to be really deliberate, as with an external transformation must happen inside. The point here is not only in the diet, from which the majority of procedures required to eliminate any animal products, fats, and better and go to a raw food diet. This is a real restructuring of the view of the world (both external and internal).

This is another fairly serious obstacle on the way to a beautiful figure for people with strict religious beliefs. The fact that the Vedic techniques (mostly traditional) require the consideration and adoption of certain prayers and hymns, which is contrary to the majority of religious beliefs. Definitive solution will completely abandon such practices, but more rational - the right choice of methods. Alternative forms of yoga are mostly designed to work only with the body, which makes them ideal for people of strict religious beliefs. In fact, they are a very original alternative to the more usual around fitness.