Technique of the flip-flop back and forth

All the people love and try to make the elementary acrobatic exercises, one of which is a flip-flop. Technique roll forward and back - not so difficult as it seems at first glance.

The base element can perform acrobatics everything, but most importantly - do it right. In fact, many people simply roll over your head and think do not make any mistakes, but in fact in most cases the implementation of flip back and forth without a good knowledge of the theory may not only lead to a slight tension, but even serious injury.

Technique of the flip-flop back and forth


Tumble is a basic exercise in the gym. Technique roll forward or backward is actually simple, but it requires special attention. The basic element of this type is recommended to not only people professionally engaged in gymnastics or any other sport, but even those who rarely resorted to any exercise.

Tumble helps improve their own acrobatic skills to perform in the future more serious tricks such as flips back and forth.

Technique of the flip-flop back and forth

Preparing to

Flip-flops back and forth technique of which is provided below, are exercises, during the execution of a person who carries out the coup of the whole body through the head. All this is done on a horizontal surface. To properly perform the element, you must clearly understand the basic aspects that make a somersault can be done safely and correctly.

The training period is required to pay special attention to the grouping of the body. This means that you need to pull over as closely as possible to the thoracic knees while rounding the spine and bending the neck, lower his head down, hugging his knees. To do this, there are warm-up exercises for the arms, legs and neck, which necessarily must be done before the somersault.

Technique of the flip-flop back and forth

How to tumble back

There are several ways of grouping: lying, sitting, as well as from the position poluprisev. necessarily need groups to hone the skills to avoid injury before performing a roll. Main exercise is easily performed only when well-developed grouping, as well as perfectly matched speed jolt when executed.

Tumbling on the mat is necessary. To flip-flop back to its original position as follows: ups sat on the edge of the mat, turned her back on him. Next somersault performed in several stages:


  1. grouping. The back is rounded, chin the most tightly to his chest, arms wrapped around the lower leg.
  2. Push and roll. Pushed down, is rolled onto his back.
  3. Flip. Opening his legs and pulling them over his head, made a revolution, returning to its original position.

Knowing how to tumble backwards, is not so difficult to do the exercise "forward roll." Technique of this item is provided below. Both flip-flop in need of attention, and execute them one by one is recommended. This will positively affect the spine and improve posture considerably.

The flip-flop technique forward

This exercise is performed substantially similar to the previous one. It also can be done in several stages:

  1. grouping. Sitting with a rounded back, hands placed on the floor, his head tilts between the hands.
  2. Push. Leaning forward and resting his hands still on the floor, legs are repelled from the ground.
  3. somersault. It is a revolution without zavalivanija side. Transferring the weight back to the starting position.
  4. rise. After carrying out a roll of the foot clearly rest on the floor, legs unbend and straighten your hands over your head.
Technique of the flip-flop back and forth

For the more experienced athletes will not be difficult to do once 3 roll forward. Technique of this exercise is quite simple. Making a somersault, you must clear land on your feet, and then immediately make another, again a clear stand on your feet, and then take the third.

Long forward roll: Lead technique

A feature of this species is the presence of a roll forward flight element which is carried out after the repulsion surface of the legs. When the jump is made, it is necessary to position the unsupported bend the body in the area of ​​the hip joints, and immediately after touching his hands to the support to make a normal forward roll.

Training takes place in the following sequence:

  • you must first learn how to correctly perform the normal forward roll, as described in the implementation of the technique provided above;
  • then from the same starting position is necessary to fulfill a long tumble, thus returning to a sitting position;
  • from the crouch, relegating both hands behind his back, made a somersault jump, which culminates stop squatting;
  • is the last somersault, performed after the three-step run-up, which again goes to emphasize squatting.

The basic error:

  1. Too high or too low trajectory, which should be in the flight phase.
  2. Location of hands under his body, as well as sharp bending of the elbows.


In addition to performing art also need to know the precautions to not make an injury during the first workout. This will help professional advice:

  1. In order not to damage the neck, the head should always be pressed against the chest.
  2. Do not tumble in a skirt, because it interferes with proper implementation.
  3. In order to become the owner of a lot of bruises and small wounds, it should do the exercise on a soft surface.
  4. Exercise need in a comfortable and flexible clothing.
  5. For beginners it is best to carry out the first attempts on the trampoline, to work out the speed.


First of all it should be noted that the very performance of flip-flop back and forth technique will not work properly if eat or drink before your workout. Due to the consumption of food or liquid in the body turning will be felt very uncomfortable, often resulting in nausea, vomiting and more serious consequences.

Technique of the flip-flop back and forth

In addition, it should be noted that the excessive number of repetitions is prohibited to do. This can lead to poor health, so both novices and more experienced people simply "seasick".