7 ways to cope with anxiety

Paradoxical aphorism says that laziness - the engine of progress. Where the engine, there is the "brake". Excitement for many could become one of the most important progress is hampered because it prevents to move forward, to try something new and to demonstrate their own success. Although the list of "braking points," all this is far from exhausted, because the excitement can stop not only the orator with little experience, but also to prevent small household matters. To help to solve a long-standing question, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" rush to the best methods of practicing psychologists.

1. Turn off

7 ways to cope with anxiety

Easy to lose consciousness for this technique is not required. "Turn off" in this case means that you need to turn off a few minutes from the reality, and to download the brain something abstract. Best of all, if it would be some very insignificant thing. Meditation, too, would fit, but if you know its quality practice, it is unlikely to need advice on calming.

For example, try to look at any ordinary item for a few minutes, making the mind a detailed description. Do you have a glove? Imagine how you mentally words to describe it in detail to the last villi. No gloves - look at the lamp, shoes or chair in front of you. When the description will be made up - move the view to another object and do the same thing, just look at it for a couple of seconds, then close your eyes and bring up the all you need for a detailed description.

On the second subject you are so carried away that disconnect from the object of your anxiety and you will no longer think about it.

2. Tactics

Imagine a situation in which you can worry to the last detail. Predict all scenarios and what can go wrong. For example, if you're worried before an exam, consider what happens if you get a bad ticket or the examiner will be to find fault with you. If you are going to make a presentation to a large audience, then imagine how you stumble in front of the platform or mix up all of their leaves with a speech. It would seem that such concentration can only increase anxiety, but the practice suggests otherwise. If we imagine a possible failure, it becomes clear that there is nothing irreparable. Afraid just unknown. And as soon as you imagine that because of failures you can wait, you can "podstelit straw" and come up with a joke, in case if something the wrong way or even will tear his pants in front of everyone. What we believe is really unlikely, but you will still be fully prepared before any trouble.

3. Visualization of

In comedies often use the image of how the wave speakers are encouraged to submit the entire audience without pants to cope with nervousness. Council, to be honest, exigeant, and its effectiveness is questionable. Instead, use tehnikoq visualization. Imagine all the people with whom you have to deal during the exciting situation - these are your friends. Old friends who wish you nothing but good. You can even look for human similarities, which are talking in a difficult situation, with someone of his good friends.

Of course, in the case of a large audience this trick may not work out, because hardly anyone is friends with so many people to score them a room. Shy person and it all can seem like an impossible task. In this case, focus on someone from the front row, who looks friendly. In its place, and this seems a good friend, and we are its direct to him.

4. Exercise

Exercise is a complex effect on our nervous system. Firstly, they are forced to breathe more deeply and more often, which increases the flow of air to the lungs and other organs, including the brain. Secondly, they make us a little tired and a natural way to relax the entire body. Thirdly, during exercise produced hormones of happiness (which is why many hooked on fitness and gyms!), Which is also soothing. So develop a special set of exercises legkovypolnimy in case of unrest, which you can quickly spend somewhere in a corner, without disturbing others. Nothing complicated: regular squats, swings his arms, tilts, and the simplest exercise of those that you're good at. Complete the "mini-course" vigorous rubbing limbs - and you forget to think about some excitement there.

5. Distraction

7 ways to cope with anxiety

Download the brain some business that requires all your attention. Then on the excitement just does not "memory" stay. Read a book at this moment is unlikely, but there are other things you need to prepare in advance. For example, poreshat any mathematical problems or examples, which are concentrated require. They need not be complicated, but also examples for the first class did not take it, they did not fully occupy the brain. Well suited puzzles and logic problems, someone to help crosswords in any of their varieties. Experiment at your leisure and find that you pretty well, is a pleasure, but it is not given too easily.

By the way, for the same case can go up and some kind of game on a smartphone. Just make sure you turn off the sound, if you are in a crowded place. And look not played, if you have to call somewhere to turn.

6. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises - a powerful tool for relaxation and calm. To quickly calm in a difficult situation, exhale to do a lot longer than a breath. It is best if you breathe in and out over a slow account.

Try for a relaxed calm so-called "breath of the evening." Inhale 5 bills, followed by 6 accounts exhale and pause empty lungs to 2 accounts. If you need to calm down, but be in good shape and readiness, use the "morning breath." Inhale 6 accounts, and then pause to 2 accounts and exhale for 4 counts. Try while to feel every movement of the chest muscles and abdomen during breathing.

7. Acting

"All life - the game", so you can use it for their own benefit. Imagine that you have an exciting action should not execute you, but some other character. You can even come up with a name or take another version of, if any. For example, if your name is Anna, Anna, then use the short form of the Nura. Let this "Nura" with its own character and other features that you come up with it, and take the rap for you and you just have to play it.

If you something do not succeed, it will be a miss fictional character, not your problem.

At the same time, try to come up with the identity it was not too eccentric or diametrically opposed to yours. Play it will be difficult and not necessary.