I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

Once all of us thought that when we grow up - we will spend the money on a nice life, travel and stylish clothes. In reality millenialy are increasingly faced with the need to spend money on their mental state than on luxury items - although the cost of psychotherapy have the impression occupation for the elite. Price per session varies from one to five thousand rubles, depending on what city and what do you look for a specialist, and such sessions may need a lot. But even if it seems to you that now can not afford therapy - does not mean that you absolutely nothing you can do with stresssom and anxiety.

discuss possible discount or change the format of

If you already go to a therapist, but can not afford it in the near future - Speak if he could recommend another specialist or cheaper to develop a program of meetings that will occur less frequently.

Many therapists provide a much more flexible price tags, depending on your schedule, your needs, and how sessions can be arranged. Consult to see if you can get a free session or sessions at a reduced cost. It seems awkward and frightening situation, but in fact the therapists are aware that the cost of their services is high, and are often willing to discuss other payment options.

online specialist Seek

I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

Therapy on the Internet is becoming more popular, and even Yandex has launched a special service for the selection of an online psychologist. Some services charge a monthly fee for it, some - for each session separately. Most of these services are also offered a demo access, by means of which you can not only get acquainted with a good specialist, but also to work out a couple of small problems. You can find services that provide special tools for self-study, as did the Psychology Tools - global service for self-help. On this site you will be able to find even "workbooks" in Russian - how to change the habits and patterns of their behavior, and to work with post-traumatic stress disorder. Turn on the forums in which psychologists share their research and articles to advertise their services, for example, write about the problem at the biggest Russian-speaking thematic forum b17. Some experts are practicing free online help to expand the field of its activity.

Pick up group

I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

Free support groups exist in all large cities, but mostly they specialize in a particular subject. Those who struggle with depression, to be less relevant group on combating addictions, and people with chronic anxiety do not necessarily fit a support group of women victims of violence. Such meetings are not very necessary to the person who needs an individual approach, but they can be used as an additional method of getting rid of stress, as well as to meet people who have experienced a similar experience.

In addition, you can find a paid group sessions - usually they cost several times less than the cost of an individual session. The sessions you will be able to see exactly what the problem of interaction with others you have, as well as to work out those worries and fears that you have at a given time.

Many are worried that the group lessons is difficult to maintain privacy, but your presence on them does not mean that you are obliged to tell all the details of his personal life to strangers who do not trust. Of course, an honest and open story stimulates your recovery from stress, but it is not a prerequisite for therapeutic work.

Subscribe to feeds telegrams

I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

If you are used to living in a stream of rapidly changing information, your tape on FB seems indestructible brotherhood, able to cope with any problem, then you will certainly help Telegram channels of professional psychologists, as well as those who have been struggling with this or that disorder. In these blogs there are no rules, who is discussing the traumatic memories of childhood, someone explains where we have an internal resistance before therapy.

  • @thenoondaydemon - the author of this channel is about personal experiences of living with bipolar disorder, and frequently publishes useful links, translations, and other people's blogs about mental disorders.
  • @therapyreal - "Notes of evil therapist" are devoted to the back of the therapeutic work. How to deal with the fact that you're afraid to try something new? What to do if you feel that your doctor does not support, or, on the contrary, his unconditional care interferes with making their own decisions?
  • @PsyArt_FreeDom - channel that is gaining in popularity, is a clinical psychologist Mary of St. Petersburg. She not only shares his advice on Gestalt therapy, but also advises useful books that are worth reading for anyone concerned about their mental health.
  • @evo_lutio - this channel can be considered a mirror of the popular LiveJournal blog evo_lutio, about the practical psychology and simple recipes to forge his own life. Part of posts devoted to an analysis of letters from readers, some talks about the basic concepts: resources, energy pits, imbalances and fields. For those who have been looking for the answer to "how to be charming and attract strong people", a subscription is required.

Review your budget

We spend a lot of money on something to feel better - the beautiful clothes, food, or exit the cabin. Of course, it helps to lift the mood for a little while, but if you're a long time under stress, then you should review the budget and begin to save on such things. Remember that therapy - is an investment in itself, in your well-being and your own future. A good specialist can claim large sums of money, but your happy life is worth it.

Download applications

I need a psychologist: what to do if you do not have enough money for treatment

We already told you about the applications that will help you deal with anxiety and sleep disturbances. If this seems to be not enough, you can use special journals to analyze and solve their own problems. For iOS, you can use MoodKit a free application for Android - MoodTools.

For those who have previously worked with a therapist, but now can not afford it, it makes sense to install eMoods tracker, allows to make special schedules and keep track of the symptoms, so that later it was easier to discuss with the doctor after a long time. Such methods are recommended to record the mood of part of cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders.

Share the story of his

Share what you hurts - not to expose the weakness of the amusement of others. If you think that your story can help someone not to make a mistake, then tell us about their experiences. At the same time you are sure to learn a few important stories like from their friends and from strangers, experienced something similar. All of us - millions of important stories, and any events that have taken place with us, define us as a person. Despite the fact that we all want to leave negative memories in the past, we must not forget what valuable lessons we have taken away, and the best way to save them - to share with the world, even in social networks. And what do you know how to improve their mental state without major investments?