7 phrases that you can not pronounce in the conflict

There is no universal way to avoid conflict, and he did not need: the dispute - the driving force of any relationship. Motion to be in the same direction with the speaker, it is better to avoid the mistakes common in quarrels. The scandal has to be boxing, not fights without rules. Heroine gathered a few holds barred, to be exact phrases that are in any case not worth talking about, if you do not want to aggravate the situation.

1. It is not so important

7 phrases that you can not pronounce in the conflict

Even if the cause of the quarrel - the choice of film for Friday night, do not try to end the dispute that phrase. So you devalues ​​the opinion of another person.

People use the word "is not so important" or "what a difference" to feel comfortable themselves, and not to support the interlocutor. It is logical that in response to these people even more angry or closes.

2. What should I do to make you happy

Translation: I do to make you finally shut up and let me be. Another big mistake at loggerheads - to try to avoid conflict, pretending to argue only one person. This passive-aggressive way to show that you simply step back and give up than to seek a compromise. Demonstration of indifference offended more than I do not agree with someone.

3. Calm

7 phrases that you can not pronounce in the conflict

In the conflict of emotions we say. Say "calm down", "relax" - the same thing that the drop of water on a hot skillet, and then embed this pan itself in the face. These words underestimate your opponent's arguments. You like to give to understand that you are the only person in the room adequate, and your interlocutor has complete nonsense. It is unlikely that someone from the rest of hints. It is better to speak in the plural: "Let us be satisfied with you right now." This is gentle reminder that you're both a little inflated and can do something silly.

4. You always ...

This is a great phrase for the beginning of the scandal, but not for its completion. "You always expose me guilty," "You never listen to me" - so you do from a particular domestic dispute massive problem of your relationship.

Adding error interlocutor taste of eternity, do you want to hurt more feasible. The only reaction that causes the words - self-defense.

Instead, talk about what you feel, "I feel guilty," "It pains me that I can not get through to you."

5. I do not want to see you

7 phrases that you can not pronounce in the conflict

"Between us all over," "I'm told," "Out of my life," and similar phrases should sound a loud calm tone of a man who thought it over, and is confident in his decision - it is unlikely you during the conflict. When you say things like that, you're scaring yourself and partner. Due to their emotions you do not give you a chance to come to a constructive solution. Not to show that you regret his words, you become more aggressive, and the conflict escalates.

6. From you no sense

And this is the transition to abuse that, as you know - a forbidden in any conflict. Such words rarely forgotten after the reconciliation, even if you apologize and say you really do not. You never know how to change thrown in anger can affect your relationship in the long term. Are you saying that a person is useless, saying, "I do not feel your support and your participation."

You are wrong 7.

7 phrases that you can not pronounce in the conflict

After the phrase, which seems unfair, we do not hear nothing that says the source. The first reflex - interrupt the human words: "You're wrong" and then prove why he is wrong. This behavior will put even the most peaceful discussion in the category of kitchen scandal with the smashing of crockery.

When you want to stop the conflict immediately, saying, "I need some time." Not in the sense of "I do not have time for this nonsense," and in the sense of "I need to cool down, and then I'm ready to go back to talking."

What words do you use to end the conflict?