To take its own: how to negotiate with people

The word "negotiations" is associated with a business or a career, but in reality they involve each of us every day. Ask for a discount for the poor service at a restaurant, make sure that you have given a good room in the hotel - almost any interaction with people requires the ability to negotiate. Tell us how to get what you want.

thoughtful dialogue structure

To take its own: how to negotiate with people

When you already have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve, it remains the most difficult - to understand how to implement this idea into reality with minimal losses. Even if a dispute arose suddenly, you have time to work out their strategy, if you know the structure of the negotiations.

Here are three questions to ask yourself:

- What is the result I want to see in the ideal;

- What concessions I'm ready to go;

- In which case I should stop talking.

As you can see, in addition to the basic plan, you must have a backup - and it works more likely because involves compromise, which we will discuss further.

Seek common ground

Before uncovering the hammer and the batter into the wall, try to find the door - that is of mutual interest. You will soon reach an agreement if both parties get something as a result.

Suppose you earned trip dreams and took a vacation. Arriving at the hotel at exactly the appointed time, you find that the number that you should already be expected to be ready to only three hours. At the reception you were offered a room with the best view in which you can enter right now, but for double the price.

To take its own: how to negotiate with people

Your ideal result - to get a room with a better view at no additional cost. What approach can be chosen to be interested in this hotel staff? Try to emphasize any inconvenience you are experiencing due to the fact that they have not prepared the required number. Insist on the fact that you came on time, and the expectation of additional deliver you significant discomfort, which of course is not the best way affect your impression of the hotel.

Ask what other options they can offer no additional cost on your part. As a rule, hotels value their reputation and are not interested in the fact that the customer was dissatisfied.

Do not be afraid to show frustration. You do not have to pretend that everything is fine when it comes to your comfort and money. But if you want to be understood, it is restrained, polite and confident.

Ask questions

Often parties to a dispute try to speak as much as possible, to convey their point of view. It does not contribute to the understanding, because everyone hears only himself.

When you have already stated its position, use other weapons - questions. Instead, "you must listen to my idea" - "Why do you think that your version is better than mine?". Instead of: "You do not understand me" - "that you most embarrassing in my sentence?".

Questions will help gather more data to strengthen their arguments. Also, since you pozitsioniruesh understands itself as an opponent, which, undoubtedly, will arrange to you interlocutor.

To take its own: how to negotiate with people

Know when to back off

The essence of effective negotiations to achieve results, but not always dispute ends in your favor, and it must be able to recognize. When the arguments have been exhausted, but a compromise could not find it, learn to gracefully get out of the conversation.

Words: "I understand your point, but it seems that we can not reach a decision" - a respectful way to end the dialogue without unnecessary stress. If this small dispute, such as an attempt to get a discount on defective goods in the store - just one sentence. When it comes to a major conflict, let us know how you're going to do next - for example: "Thank you, I will continue to talk about this with your leadership."

Disputes with people can be frightening, it is often easier to accept, to avoid conflict. But remember that there is nothing wrong with constructive respectful dialogue, and sometimes to get something, ask about it enough.

Do you prefer to defend their opinion or you simply agree?