6 things that have taught Carrie Bradshaw

On this day, 21 years ago, went out the first series of the cult TV series "Sex and the City." And let today, Carrie Bradshaw character looks not so urgent as in the early 2000s, she learned a lot from women. Most of the rules of life of the Queen of the New York stritstayla should apply now. Heroine has collected a few lessons from the incomparable Carrie.

1. Inspired by the fact that you are surrounded by

6 things that have taught Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie - the author claimed, her column about relationships between men and women, though not bring fabulous fees, but like the readers and even becomes an occasion to release his own book. Bradshaw secret of success not only in its literary talent, but also the ability to draw inspiration from any situation. It is curious, the events that occur around - for it is not just the background and subject of study.

Every detail - the overheard conversation, a short dialogue with a stranger in a bar, the story of a friend and, of course, our own experience Carrie - may be a cause for new relevant notes.

This habit Bradshaw easily applied to any activity, not only for writing. Be open to new experience, attentive to the world - and he will give you many tips and fresh ideas.

2. Do not make excuses

Carrie is not perfect - it is not the most healthy way of life, confusing and sometimes toxic relationships with men. It is not always a good friend, and sometimes ready to leave everything and rush off to him. But in all these situations, it eventually remains honest with yourself and others.

Carrie does not try to defend himself, it takes your emotions and consequences of actions that performs. When the time comes, she had the courage to look the truth in the face and say, "This is not a novel - that shit."

3. You can survive anything, if there is a friend

6 things that have taught Carrie Bradshaw

In spite of the fact that sometimes the series heroine quarrels, disputes and ridiculed over each other - they are the most important and loved ones. Kerry supports the individuality of each woman: sexually active Samantha, puritanical mores, Charlotte, Miranda careerism. Bradshaw alone with each of her friends said what does not dare to admit the whole company - because he knows that Carrie will always understand.

Throughout the show Carrie shows us many ways to express the friendly support: the story girlfriend in a restaurant on 14 February to come to her lonely Christmas night, or just at the moment of doubt tell the person that he is fine and important.

And finally - the most important rule: no matter who broke your heart and how much time it will take to its glue - you can not survive it without your friends.

4. Do not be shy to express themselves through clothing

Carrie Bradshaw images etched in my memory (thank you for that main series stylist Patricia Field): it was she who taught us to wear skirts tutu with the usual T-shirts and shirts, crop tops, strange bag and coat with sandals. Its main fashion rule - a combination of disparate styles and violation of various rules.

Carrie boldly mixes textures, colors, choose extravagant accessories, because of what often resembles a crazy city. But while Bradshaw harmonic in any of these images, because the last thing she's worried - what they thought of her surrounding.

6 things that have taught Carrie Bradshaw

5. casts doubt on any stereotypes

While working on his column, Kerry continually analyzes the laws by which society is arranged, and wonders how they are formed. She does not accept ready-made truths and often talks about what public pressure experienced by women at any age. Carrie response to these challenges is unchanged - personal freedom is more important than compliance.

Why do women so often think that they need something? We want to have kids and a perfect honeymoon, or we think we should have kids and a perfect honeymoon? How to distinguish what we want, what we need? And worst of all, that it is not inspired by the experience of her best friend. It comes from within. Why do we think the whole life that we someone something must?

6. Allow yourself to enjoy life

6 things that have taught Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie does not differ ability to competently manage finances, but it definitely has a taste for life. It is with the same pleasure eats fast food on the street, and dining at the chic restaurant in the city, will always prefer an empty suffering a great party and is able to cope with any rough and tumble of life, buying new shoes from Manolo Blahnik. Enjoying every day helps her firm belief that she deserves to be happy, even if fate does not think so.