9 things that you need to stop worrying

Wherever suneshsya everywhere advisers. Be faster, stronger, more successful of all, build exceptionally serious relationship, to master hundreds of skills! But the older you get, the better you understand that a lot of things you worried in vain, and not at all important to your happiness.

1. It takes a lot to travel

9 things that you need to stop worrying

Visit several different countries and immerse yourself in a foreign culture - one of the best techniques for those who worry about self development. But we must not forget that not everyone has the opportunity! The point may not even be in the money. Someone another life, other objects, other priorities. You do not exactly need to trim their desires to the desires of the majority. You do not become worse because had not yet never cross the border.

2. Be a friend to all and sundry

Alas, but you obviously do not like you all. Do not even waste your time trying to find out why. That's their problem, not yours. We all lose our friends on our path of life, and sometimes breaking up with people, just because they do not correspond to our new way of life. Someone did not budge as a person, with someone too divergent vectors of interest.

All life - find a society in which you will understand and accept without further explanation. Do not lose faith in humanity, and once again you meet your best friends.

3. Trying to be a trend all over the

Follow the advice and monitor trends is normal, unless you discover that your whole wardrobe is filled up with things that you absolutely do not need. Look at the recent purchases, whether you are happy with them, really? I think there's always one more thing you want to get, and this cycle is endless. Find out what you really want, and stick to its principles. When doing only what others are doing, you are depriving themselves of the opportunity to become a bright and original personality. It is not like all - excellent, so look for your own style and do not be afraid.

4. Every Friday go to a new place of

9 things that you need to stop worrying

In the world there are many ways to spend a Friday evening. Miss one week to relax with a book and mulled wine, and this does not mean that you are too old. If you are an extrovert noisy - it may initially be difficult to have fun, but you really should learn how to enjoy the comfort of staying in silence. A sense of confidence and independence - it is what you are missing.

5. becoming popular

I know many books on how to become successful, will be tips for small-talk - easy and meaningless talks that help people remember you as a responsible and nice person. Staying in someone else's head for a long time and know that you will affect their lives, of course, cool, and who will refuse the temptation to share their way of life in Instagram. Alas, this feeling will not last forever. In the end you can even hate their popularity and seriously tired of it.

6. Do everything perfect

Admit that you are an ordinary person, and you have their drawbacks. You have received a lesson and experience, which means that you can use it for good. No, of course you can give all the best at 150%, and then feel tired and exhausted, but you can just relax and accept mistakes as part of life.

7. To post a picture of their lives in social networks

Social networks are not a true reflection of reality. All processed, edited and presented in the form of inside-out. Your worth as a person is not determined by the weight you as a brand on the Internet. What do you do for a profile is more about you than the life that you publish.

8. Find a single for life

9 things that you need to stop worrying

The world continues to press: the girls who are not in a relationship, continue to get offensive jokes and intrusive questions from people who climb into other people's business. Remember one thing: your life is not determined by whether you have someone with whom you can share emotions and stories about the day. If you are under 30 - you just figured out what you're human. There is nothing wrong to pay attention only to itself.

9. worry detail

You can not control the people around. No matter how you inform them of inappropriate behavior, they will still do what they want - in this human nature. Idiots create traffic jams, rude champing food, but there is good news - you can control your reaction to it!

Time is limited and you need to spend it wisely. So, forget about the unrest due to the fact that advertising is included in the middle of your favorite TV series, made their way through Adblok.