Products that were genetically modified

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - sensitive issue in the United States and around the world. Many European countries refuse GMO products from the United States, the same trend is observed in the whole of Africa. Many people are against GMO foods and do not understand what they represent. In principle, GMO - an organism that has been modified in the laboratory by introducing therein DNA from another organism. This is usually done in order to create plants that are resistant to pesticides or resistant to pests. While GMO products have long existed around us, many people do not know that right now are their customers. Therefore, in the United States is taking steps to introduce mandatory labeling of such products.

1. Honey

It is hard to imagine that honey contains GMOs as a product of producing bees. However, the bees have to get somewhere pollen and pollen in the United States is going to indiscriminately - both plants containing GMOs, as well as with conventional, unmodified plants. Most often it is corn, which has a problem with the air of pollen drift and its pollution. Bees around the world gather pollen from different cultures, and farmers engaged in beekeeping, harder to ensure that their products do not contain GMO.

At the same time, scientists are working on genetic modification of bees themselves. This is done for several reasons, and although transgenic bees are not currently used for the production of honey, this could happen in the near future.

Products that were genetically modified

2. Soy

Some health conscious people try not to eat red meat and prefer soy products. According to some reports, in the United States, 93% of soybean contain GMOs. This culture is resistant to the herbicide, allowing farmers to spray them for weed control, and the soybean itself remains intact. You may think that soy is a small part of your diet, but actually soybean oil, obtained from soya ingredients are available in all kinds of chips, whole wheat bread, crackers, cookies, pizza, cereal bars, dressings, mayonnaise, granola bars and absolutely obvious foods such as soy milk, soy sauce, and tofu. Given that only 7% of soybeans grown and harvested in the United States, do not contain GMOs, the likelihood that you eat genetically modified soybeans is very high.

3. Sugar

Most of the sugar produced from GMO plants - mostly from sugar beet and sugar cane, which are grown in the United States with the use of GMOs. In 2010, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has ceased to regulate the cultivation of sugar beet varieties "Roundup Ready". This has allowed farmers across the United States to go to this type of herbicide-tolerant sugar beet created by Monsanto Corporation (Monsanto). As of 2012, genetically modified sugar beet amounted to about 90% of the total sugar beet harvest in the United States, which means that any sugar produced from that beet and used in our favorite foods contain GMOs.

It is difficult to list all the products in which sugar is used. If sugar is listed in the product or is gaining popularity corn syrup, in 90% of cases it is genetically modified food.

4. Cotton

We know what you think - you do not eat cotton. Yes, you should not eat cotton balls or chew on your shirt, but cotton has other applications. Genetically modified cotton is about 90% of all cotton grown in the United States. Cotton is used in the manufacture of cotton-seed oil, which is added to food for more than 100 years. In the United States it is used mainly in salads as a vegetable oil, to which is about 56% of the total food use of cotton in the country. The remaining 36% is used for frying foods such as French fries and potato chips. If you think that you can avoid the use of products made using cotton seed oil, you probably are wrong. In the United States, many products - such as crackers, pretzels, chips, sunflower seeds, pancakes and even some types of cosmetics - contain cottonseed oil far more often than any other oil.

Products that were genetically modified


5. Canola

Rapeseed oil, canola oil, so the majority of favorite restaurants, produced from GM crops. 90% of rape in the United States - GMOs. This creates problems for those farmers whose crops are in the natural seed. With conventional cross-pollination with pollen of plants is mixed with pollen containing GMO.

Canola oil is a part of a plurality of products, and almost certainly made from genetically-modified canola. It is products such as peanut butter, frozen potatoes (French fries, hash browns, and so on. D.), Chocolate syrup, rye bread, citrus sodas, pretzels, mayonnaise, some cereals, chips, crackers, cereals, cereal bars, margarine and popcorn.

6. Potatoes

In 2014, the US Department of Agriculture has approved a new variety of genetically-modified potato for the US market, which reduces the amount of acrylamide when fried. Acrylamide - a chemical that is produced during frying, and is believed to contribute to cancer development. In addition, the new variety is resistant to mechanical damage, making it more profitable in the long term. The product is intended for the market of chips (French fries and potato chips).

An interesting fact is that this variety of potatoes introduced genes to other species of potatoes, rather than the genes of organisms of other species. This type of genetic modification may appeal to people who would prefer to avoid GMOs in general, reducing the gap between the so-called "culture of Frankenstein" and cross-pollinated. This is not the first genetically modified potatoes, which appeared on the market.

7. Papaya

In the case of papaya genetic modification has helped to save this species from possible extinction. The papaya, especially if it was grown in Hawaii, almost certainly contains GMOs. For most of the twentieth century, papaya trees suffered greatly from the papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), and in 1960 the production of almost all the papaya had to move from the island of Oahu, in order to avoid the disease. Unfortunately, in 1992 VKPP overtaken plants and on the island of Pune. By this time in the laboratories of papaya variety has been created which is resistant to the virus, but it is not cultivated until it was too late. By the end of the 1990s, we began to plant genetically modified papaya that has passed rigorous testing. Thus papaya like form was saved.

8. Yeast

Most people who are not related to baking, rarely think about yeast, but even if you do not eat bread, yeast - a necessary ingredient when creating alcohol by malolactic fermentation. Wine Institute said that genetically modified wine yeast ML01 should not be used when creating wine. But the Institute of wine - not the governing body and can only make suggestions.

Since the use of ML01 is not regulated, the yeast used to make wine, which we enjoy. According to an article in The Vancouver Sun, "if you drink red wine from the United States or Canada, there is a high probability that you've tried ML01".

Scientists from the University of British Columbia established ML01, to help people with migraines and hypertension. Many people through the consumption of red wine headache, and aim to create a new organism - to put an end to this. The most interesting aspect of the development of ML01 is that unlike other GMOs, it benefits directly to consumers rather than producers, although these categories may overlap.

Products that were genetically modified

9. Tobacco

Let's be realistic: smoking is dangerous to health. You know that. We know that. Despite this, the tobacco has been and remains one of the major cash crops in America, and about 90% of the tobacco grown in the US is genetically modified.

Tobacco suffers from some very dangerous pests, so for a long time, scientists and farmers are working to develop varieties resistant to pesticides. Most dangerous to harvest the tobacco budworm, which lays its eggs inside the plant, and the larvae destroy it very difficult. To change the situation, the scientists in the laboratories of tobacco was inserted into the DNA of DNA of other organisms.

10. Dairy products

In 2010, scientists have successfully changed the cows - so that they could produce milk, safe for children. Approximately 2-3% of children are allergic to cow's milk, which is the basis of most infant formulas. Allergic reactions to milk due to the presence of beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), which was isolated from a tailless cow found in New Zealand. Due to the use of cloning, the researchers were able to implant a cow egg cell with the genetic code tailless cows.

These ideas have not yet entered the market in the full sense of the word. But we have to use products derived from animals treated with genetically engineered growth hormone recombinant bovine (rBHG), which is used in the dairy industry in the United States to increase milk production. Using rBHG is commonplace for the entire dairy industry, so most of the dairy products are composed of a number of GMOs. This means that oil, milk, ice cream, cheese and all other dairy products are likely to contain GMOs.