If before you Psycho

Often psychopaths we call those who simply does not cause us to sympathy. For example, rough neighbor or flighty colleague. But what if your boss is not just a bad person, but a real psychopath, and it should look out for? This can be understood on several grounds.

If before you Psycho If before you Psycho


"I believe that the most striking feature are just sadistic. Psycho motivates through fear rather than respect, and intends to destroy, not to correct. This feature - what differentiates a psychopath from a hard chief, "- says Andrew Faas, a former top manager of two major Canadian retailers, author of The Bully's Trap.

If before you Psycho

Psychopaths talkative and easily likable

Psychopaths are able to make a good impression. They are easy to maintain a conversation, a lot of joking and very convincingly tell improbable stories. Faced in an interview with a psychopath, the end of the conversation, you will find it a decent and very charming person.

In psychopaths incredible conceit

Psychopaths consider themselves the center of the universe, and other people just tools to achieve the goal.

They are very self-confident, even if all the evidence against them

Many people suffer from low self-esteem. Psychopath easily distinguished by how it is sure of himself. Be careful with colleagues who have repeatedly stressed the importance.

If before you Psycho

They are pathological liars

Once psychopath begins to lie, he can not, well, or does not want to stop. Unlike other people, psychopaths are not afraid of exposure: they simply hide one lie after another.

If before you Psycho

of the law does not apply

Psychopaths are notorious for neglecting social norms and rules. They are so focused on themselves, they think that they all is forgiven. Therefore, they violate the rules without fear.

They lead a parasitic way of life

Psychopaths are ambitious: they only think about themselves and about their goals, just like parasites. They live their life, say and do what they want without thinking about others. They do not take criticism of their lifestyle and are not afraid of accusations of those whom they supervise or use.

If before you Psycho

They are cunning and know how to manipulate people

Andrew Faas says that psychopaths - master three things: handling, transfer switches and deception.

"They recognize their merits, when everything is going well. But as soon as something goes wrong, they are looking for a scapegoat "- says Faas.

He and childhood behavior problems

Psychopaths at work - former bullies on the playground. As a child, he forgave the bad behavior, and now they are doing the same. Some of the earliest behavioral characteristics are in constant lies, theft, arson, truancy, abuse of psychoactive drugs. Although many children are in one way or another behave, psychopaths often exhibit this behavior.

They do not experience normal human emotions

"Psychopaths can effectively mimic the emotional reaction, however, can not truly feel it. Most psychopaths - good manipulators, so others can not recognize their true nature until it happens something bad, "- says psychologist Scott Bonn.

Their long term goals are unrealistic

Psychopaths have set themselves unrealistic goals, because poorly able to plan and think the rest will be for them to adjust. And they will always claim that their goal is reasonable.

They do not feel guilt and remorse

Psychopaths do not care about the consequences of their actions. They may suffer from their friends or relatives, but they will simply deny his guilt.

They come in bouts of aggression

Do not be fooled by their charm, because psychopaths are often quite hot-tempered. Any little thing can cause them rage.

They can not maintain relationships

Sexual relationships and short-term relationships can be signs of psychopathy. However, sometimes a person may just be interested in the relationship. Therefore, this feature works only in combination with others.

If before you Psycho

They are often bored

If your boss is always complaining that he was bored at work, or you have a boring job or he just likes ponyt. But if the constant boredom combined with other features from the list, it is possible that in front of you a psychopath.