How do you know that you have low self-esteem

When you once again to worry about their not too long legs or a liquid head of hair, think about Englishwoman Moffitt. Pronounced squint did not prevent her from becoming popular model. Or the second wife of Paul McCartney, Heather Mills, which not only managed to win the heart of the world famous musician, but he had to sue 24 million pounds after her divorce. But she did not have one leg.

How do you know that you have low self-esteem

These and many other stories of human success only confirms that our happiness is 99% dependent on confidence. The only real obstacle in achieving the goals - low self-esteem. It is easily confused with modesty, moreover, it often looks like a self-interest or self-confidence.

Boastful and arrogant people more than others do not have enough self-love.

According to psychologist Michael Labkovsky, despite the fact that encourages modesty, for the individual high self-esteem is always better than too low opinion of themselves in society:

Always better to have an inflated self-esteem than underestimated. If you think of yourself better than you really are in the eyes of others, for you it is much healthier and more enjoyable than if you underestimate yourself.

Since our perception is always subjective and understand that all you have to order with confidence, is not easy. Here are some of the causes and symptoms typical of people with low self-esteem.

Uncertainty in

One of the features characterizing the person with low self-esteem is abnormal desire for ideal due diligence or not its cleanliness, and self-doubt. Perfectionist is rarely satisfied with himself or others. I am not able to enjoy the process, thinking only about the result. He invents an ideal, and then suffers from an inability to reach it. Love yourself - is, first of all, to accept their shortcomings and begin to raise the self-esteem to the level "through the floor". How to do it? We have already told you how to love yourself when it seems impossible, but also brought a number of books read that, you begin to treat yourself differently.

to feel a sense of guilt and shame

Do not make mistakes is simply impossible. This is a very important and necessary part of our experience. Another thing that makes a person full conclusions from them and moves on. A man with low self-esteem will be a lifetime to carry the guilt of an alarm in the suitcase and get in moments of painful introspection.

Moreover, a low self-esteem says, not only a sense of shame for himself, but for others. I feel guilty for the acts of another person - self-hatred aerobatics.

The fear, fear of appearing stupid

Low self-esteem affects not only the emotional state, but literally prevents live. It does not make a valuable idea superiors and get a promotion. Will not allow to do something new. It argues that in general it is not necessary to open the mouth, if not immediately ready to tell the world about the origins of the origin of life on Earth.

How do you know that you have low self-esteem

Afraid seem silly or upstart, although it can be a good specialist. But this is no one will know until you not show. Fears and phobias, you will become more proactive, to increase the level of self-worth in their eyes and the eyes of others,

You're always trying to do something in itself to change the

For people with low self-esteem obsession with cosmetic procedures, trainings and seminars on self-development - all the same attempt to blind yourself from some other ideal person. Notions of beauty and goodness are too subjective to try to meet them. This race is infinite: just ahead zamayachat finishing boxes as you appoint another penalty loop.

Do you think that people are unfair to you

I thought that all around you jealous, do not understand, do not like - a sign of insecurity. First, people have better things to do than to think about your person. Secondly, we ourselves shape our environment, so the best you can eliminate the enemies of his life.

Opinions others form your low self-esteem

Unsure man always wants to know how to treat him around because he could not decide what it is in itself. Approval he needs the air, he will perceive criticism as the ultimate truth, because without opinion on the part of it does not exist at all. To cease to depend on what others say and think, it is necessary to develop an inner core of self-confidence, and learn to hear your thoughts and understand your desires.

You're hard to describe myself

How do you know that you have low self-esteem

It would seem that someone may know more about you than you do yourself? But please describe yourself specific words puts a person with low self-esteem to a standstill. Because of the uncertainty it is difficult to characterize their appearance, name specific quality. He can only repeat what I have heard about yourself from other people.

Do not know how to accept compliments

After hearing the compliment, you begin to violently challenge it. Trying in every way to prove that is not to be commended. Greets her, too, for anything, quite restrained thank, not focusing attention on what is happening.

continuously compares

The most difficult thing for a person with low self-esteem - to stop constantly to compare themselves with others. He is bad at the thought that some of his peers became spotty teenagers in beautiful and rich celebrities. The fact that at least as many people his age becomes an inveterate drunkard, lives below the poverty line, and in general he is nothing, unsure people would not notice.

Low self-esteem is formed in early childhood. Fortunately, you can fix it at any age. Like myself, proud of its features to the weaknesses and take care of yourself is not a shame. When you love yourself, in others simply have no choice.